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Everything posted by Genie

  1. I'd rather that the current situation where nobody wants to play for us in the first place
  2. I know, the shame It was actually the OH, she saw it on TV or tinternet and wanted to buy it, now she's hooked! Think I might need to buy another Xbox
  3. I reckon 7.30 for at least 2 hrs I guess. It was quality the other week when me, Dante and Jez were kicking ass
  4. :shock: Absolutely. This is why I really wanted Sven at Villa, not for Yakubu but because he manages to convince players to come to his clubs who really are too good.
  5. Added to which, how do they justify it going up every year when your car is a year older and therefore worth much less? My car was worth 12k when I got it a couple of years ago and now it's probably only worth about 3 or 4k but the premium is still going steadily up every year. What car have you got that loses 75% of its value in 2 years?
  6. Well the OH is off out for a meal with her mates on Friday night so got me wondering if anyone fancies some VT V's the world action on Black Ops?
  7. You pretty much have to change insurer every year, they'll always give you a good price in year 1 and then a shocking renewal price. Also Quidco will bring the price down by £30-£60 a year too
  8. Personally I think they'll get through from here, will 1-0 do it for them (away goals rule?).
  9. We won't be seeing Ronaldinho in the Prem as he's now sealed his move to Flamengo (BBC).
  10. You should buy a rabbit wiggy! Better still you can have the one we 'looked after' when Emma's sister went on holiday about 2 years ago and still have
  11. Had to put the old foot down last night, I endured an hour of Sky 1's "Got to Dance" then she switches over to watch Dancing on Ice, "You have got to be kidding" was my response!
  12. Can't get on this because my missus insisted we buy Monopoly on the 360 and she's hooked on playing it on XBL :|
  13. ZTE Blade / Orange San Francisco = same phone. I'm sure I read on Hot UK Deals over the weekend that Argos have these for £99 inc £10 top up. I can't praise my handset enough. Only slight downside is that the battery can be a bit mental at times. Sometimes seems to stand up to loads of abuse and lasts forever, other times seems to go in no time at all but I guess this is down to 3G usage and maybe a rogue app.
  14. Hes up front.. where the ball hasn't been for a while. With his pace he should be the outlet Downing and Petrov coming on
  15. Are there any apps that enable me to have a pin unlock for the screen rather than the pattern? I think on 2.2 you can change this within the core software but not on 2.1.
  16. That was quality, I was wondering what the hell was going on I remember once getting hit by a mega random knife that was thrown halfway across the map on MW2 that appeared on the 'game winning kill', I was gutted.
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