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Everything posted by thabucks

  1. Gutted Leicester look like they will get Kristoffer Ajer from Celtic. Desperately wanted him here last summer. Not knowing what division we will be in just like last summer must be a right pain in terms of planning and what with everything else going on.
  2. I just don’t think she is very bright and won’t last long if she messes up again...
  3. Boo! Back to trawling the web and YouTube !
  4. Out of boredom been searching for suitably talented potential replacements for Jack. We won’t get anyone like for like but this kid - Dominik Szoboszlai from RB Salzburg Has caught the eye and sounds like he will be a class player and will be destined for the elite if he continues on his current trajectory. Being linked to top level teams so would be a challenge and a coup to get him... obligatory YouTube video ...
  5. That’s Gullit ... Billings looks like Mings
  6. After all this I feel a European breakaway league will be closer to reality sadly and would no doubt be a direct to market product like Netflix. Then where will The FA and TV broadcasters be?
  7. As Wu Tang put it C.R.E.A.M #cashruleseveythingaroundme Lives do not matter ££££ Do... I’m all for the season restarting as and when Society is ready but it feels to me like they want to rush it through just to satisfy TV broadcasters and sponsors without regard to anything else.
  8. £££ Rules and everything else is a secondary concern, that’s obvious. As long as Sky/BT are happy that’s the main thing it seems. Also how come EFL Teams are currently permitted to use their own grounds ?
  9. If Bournemouth fall and we stay up we should look at Brooks as a possible replacement for Jack. I like Cook also if I’m being greedy.
  10. I see Pedro Chirivella is reportedly going Nantes on a free this summer - thought he and Harvey Elliot were the stand out performers against us earlier this season when we played the kids. I wouldn’t have minded him as he has the ability to develop into a top player.
  11. They should push back Qatar 2022 to the following year to give the leagues and associations time to sort themselves out. Also with what’s happened at Dresden isn’t surprising and what happens in 14 days if other show symptoms - another 14 days isolation. So basically could be 4 weak until they can play a game. How’s that gunna work with end of season deadlines ? Then what happens if other teams have to no doubt have to self isolate? ..picture this last game of the season winner stays up but the game can’t go ahead due to one team having to isolate - what then ? Its a fantasy designed to appease TV bosses and they couldn’t give a **** about the fans and the players .
  12. Being linked to Glen kamara again from Rangers which would be happy about as he appears to me to be a different mix of player to what we have currently and what is needed. We need someone who will get the best out of Douglas Luiz and McGinn and offer protection to the back line.
  13. With the news that non whites are A lot more susceptible to catching and dying from corona virus I wonder if many will refuse to play. I would fully support them if they did . It’s farcical they are trying to push this through ... football doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of life...
  14. Great minds .... Ive always considered myself an armchair scout front the endless weeks spent playing championship manager. I’m not any good but I do like searching for players, reading up On them from many sources and obviously the obligatory YouTube vids. A player that has really impressed me is a young USMNT striker at Bremen is Josh Sargent - this kid has massive potential and maybe we could do some kind of deal on him and Rashica - especially if they get relegated. Also would rather we go for Joe Rodon from Swansea than Luyindama but he has been linked with Citeh previously.
  15. I wanted us to get Robert Skov over Trez last summer as they went for similar fees and he seemed the better prospect. He hasn’t been as impressive this season statistically as the year before but he is in a harder league and still performed admirably. He can cover LB as well as the wings...
  16. Rashica would be one hell of a coup seems that he’s been linked with Plop, Dortmund and RB Leipzig. Can’t see it myself but he one can but hope as he is the next level in quality we so desperately need.
  17. I hear you and I was hesitant to put his name out but from reading up on him, his current and previous form I would definitely take him at the right price. Alonso at Chelsea and Rodrigo from Valencia didn’t make much impression at Bolton but now look at them. it’s so hard to judge a player based on one season or their performance in a dysfunctional team. It’s easy being a bedroom keyboard scout not so easy in reality.
  18. If the season was decided on PPG and we get relegated based on the fact we have played game less than our rivals I can see our owners pursuing this legally. Too much is at stake for the league to be decided based on a formula. That said we are where we are for a reason so it would be a bitter pill to swallow but we would have ourselves to blame as well. As I’ve said before we could promote the top three teams from the EFL with no relegation and then offset this by handing what would have been distributed as parachute payments to the relegated teams instead be handed to all clubs in the EFL on a pro rata basis. It’s not fair on the teams in the playoffs and just outside at all but the way they could look at it is that they stand a better chance of promotion next season than if three Prem teams came down with their parachute money. Each Prem team should also make available loan players free of charge from with wages covered also to aid smaller clubs. No solution will be perfect but I’ll go for the one where we stay up !
  19. I’ve seen him play live quite a few times and he was usually impressive. I’ve been thinking he would be a good addition to the team as he would offer something different to what we currently have and I feel is missing. Was apprehensive in putting his name out there as he was poor at times in a bad Fulham team but having watched his extended Villarreal highlights and also old Marseille footage I’d be happy to take him at the right price if available.
  20. Well In the absence of being able to play what else do you expect of him ? All he can do is talk until given formal direction from the relevant authorities! Or is this just moaning for moaning sake ?
  21. He sounds like just the player I personally believe we are desperate for to add much needed cohesion to the centre mid role. How do you rate him? I’ve seen him play a few time and you could tell that if given time to settle he would've been a great asset.
  22. Outside of Trez who has scored a few important goals for us our signings have been ok for me on the whole. I do have doubts he will be good enough long term more than any other player we signed but I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. As a team we were always going to suffer from inconsistencies through the sheer volume of new players required. It’s a bit too simplistic & early to say overall whether last summers recruitment was a success or not IMO. Time will tell ...
  23. Has it ? Getting to a cup final and not being cut adrift isn’t a bad season for me considering what was required last summer •
  24. The way I see it is they are basically forging ahead with the season only to appease TV broadcasters and advertisers first and foremost so clubs won’t have to forgo or return millions of £££ ... Sky have been great for football but they also dIctated too much and for too long And now have too much sway which isn’t healthy for the game. If I were the clubs I’d be researching setting up direct to subscriber platform like Netflix and ditch sky - Simon Jordan loath him or not has been vocal on this. Broadcast all games for £10 a month x100 million world wide subscribers equals billions per season with a proportion to be shared throughout the leagues. Skys stranglehold to show footy is surely going to become archaic and is not good for the game anymore and needs taken back under control somewhat. We shouldn’t be basing the return of football just on financial factors and appeasing others but sadly that is where we are ...
  25. Boredom has really taken ahold and I’ve been researching the best up and coming USMNT as they have some very highly rated young talent coming through. Brexit Will maybe it will be easier to obtain work permits for them as German clubs don’t have an issue... Here’s a list of the top 100 .... Josh Sargent I’ve been told is a great player worth watching as well as Weston McKenzie... https://www.goal.com/en-gb/lists/usmnt-top-50-americans-in-the-2022-world-cup-player-pool/461pfr5dkbk11snj50dx47jv5#1w7lftr29cfp71xpai3ifojitw its amazing where the Path of boredom can lead you to ....
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