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Everything posted by donnie

  1. Who are peoples favourite and least favourite presenters on there?? Collymore is fantastic. Really passionate and makes some great (and dumb sometimes) points. I like neil warnock in the mornings as well now. Hawksbee is hilarious I hate hate hate the moose and that henk potts guy in the mornings. They have the strangest voices. Really make me sick everytime I hear them speak. Jacobs is an unfunny clearing in the woods as well. Hawksbee carried his old arse.
  2. Think your are under rating Alexander dr.p. He is very awkward and horrible to watch but he is a top fighter. Before his fight with Bradley he was highly rated , since then he has become seriously underrated. If he fighting in December then the earliest he would fight kell is march/April. With the super inactivity kell has had recently he needs a fight in between. He has yet to fight anyone near the class of devon. Seems a big jump from the usual tomato cans he has been fighting to Alexander. The Hopkins fight was the first Hopkins fight I have ever enjoyed. The 8th round was surreal. Murat is one dirty bitch. The ref however was a disgrace. Swore at mrat, man handled him, hugged Hopkins at the end like it was his bf, and kept calling Hopkins the alien during the fight. Really enjoyed it though. Id like to see Hopkins v froch in the UK
  3. Kell brook looked good tonight. Beautiful finish as well. Yeah he got wobbled but thats boxing and he recovered well. Really looking forward to him fighting Alexander. I like kell and Alexander is a top fighter. Kell is still yet to fight anyone world class yet so will be intresting to see if he can mix it with the top guys. Personally feel he needs to step up his opposition fighting either maidana or paulie malagnelli before fighting Alexander though.
  4. Obviously headgear reduces some impact but most of that is actually taken by the gloves they wear,amateurs wear gloves that are a lot more padded than the pros. One of the things headgear really protects against is cuts. Anyway they are removing the incentives to be an amateur boxer, it's not like they get paid for it and now they are taking even more risks. If you do well in the amateurs, especially on the Olympic stage then it will ultimately give you exposure and a great platform to go into the pros, however this only applies to a small subset of amateurs in this country. There's no serious correlation between having a good amateur career and then going on to have a good pro career. In trying to make itself more appealing amateur boxing is in danger of making itself irrelevant. Why take that extra risk for no money? I agree with you totally regarding headguards. However think your wrong when you say that having a good amateur career has no relation to having a good pro career. Ali, leonard, de la hoya, Mayweather, even people like froch and fury were top class or decent amateurs before turning pro. Very few top pros who didnt have top amateur records. Look at lomenchenko. Top amateur and in only his second pro fight he is fighting for a world title. The amateur game is almost essential (obviously not always) for the development of fighters before the pro game. People knock Audley as a failure after winning the gold medal. Yes he disappointed but that was in large to the bullshit expectations people had off him especially the BBC. Even so he was hardly a failure. British, European and Commonwealth titles and an Olympic gold medal. He didnt do bad really Whats his name??
  5. I really enjoyed world war z. A solid 7 out of 10 movie. Cant think of a better zombie film other then 28 days later. Not sure how well it did at the box office but sure I read it was brad pitt's highest grossing movie despite not doing as well as expected. I hope they make a sequel.
  6. Tbf the French have made some fantastic movies.'Some of the best foreign movies you will ever see'. Untouchable, la haine, a prophet, amelie. All superb. French cinema over UK cinema for me with ease. Other then trainspotting cant think of many must see UK movies. Does Slumdog millionare count??
  7. James Toney confirmed in the next prizefighter and rumours of butterbean and kimbo slice as well. I know its a freak show but damn that would be entertaining. Hopefully they will put Audley Harrison in to reclaim his crown for a 3rd time
  8. So who could the suspects be as the grass?? People are saying smalling but I really dont think it is as he seems a decent lad. In tweets with collymore and a journalist it was said it is a player with an axe to grind so someone who was dropped and knows gordan smart: Jermaine defoe- a word removed of a guy. Never came on as a sub so maybe was pissed and as he is always pictured coming out of nightclubs he probably knows gordan smart the showbiz guy who reported this. Frank lampard- with his harry redknapp connections and the fact he was dropped he has more then an axe to grind. It is known he is good friends with smart as well. Jack wilshere - was dropped and he thinks he is from the ghetto innit to be offended by this. After his comments the other week, maybe he wanted the spotlight off him. My pick is defoe. Who ever it was should never be picked again.
  9. This 'woy' hodgson 'race storm'. The media are a disgrace making something big of a non story especially straight after the highs of Tuesday night. The fact an England player leaked it is even more disgusting. Stan Collymore is fuming about this media sabotage on twitter. Good on him.
  10. Where did you see it? Saw a copy of it. Quality wasn't great. Just wait to see it in cinema. It will blow your mind I'm sure.
  11. Gravity - 9 out of 10. Managed to see it before it hits uk cinemas. What an absolutely brilliant film. Some atg cinematography, tense and exciting from start to finish. Cant wait to see it again on the big screen. Unless 12 years a slave is as good as expected then gravity easily wins film of the year.
  12. Ive always been a pot noodle addict and had one almost daily at work...However I was reading the contents of them and was shocked how unhealthy they actually are. Stopped having them now, will stick to my boring sarnies. Lunch is the crappiest meal of the day to be honest. Struggle to know what to have for work other then sarnies, packet rice, noodles, etc. Dont know what else to have other then going somewhere for lunch which all adds up if doing it regularly
  13. Not sure whether to stick with homeland or not?! Its a good idea and its had its moments but ive found it a bit of a drag to be honest. I get the feeling this show is going the way of lost were the writers make it up as they go along. Read its been renewed for another 7 seasons for fack sake. Ill give it 2 more episodes to pick up then ill sod it off.
  14. Now tell me 'what is there to get'??. Its a mindless, childish space shootem up. Im all for mindless popcorn flicks. But I didnt like it. Im entitled not to like it. Complete BS that their is something to 'get' by this
  15. So you give a film a 7 or 8 because it has a hot bird in it?? Remind me to ignore your reviews if that's your criteria lol Also 'I just didn't get it'?? Not sure if you being serious but this is starship troopers we talking about not a paul Anderson masterpiece. Nothing to get, its a stinking pile of shite.
  16. Starship troopers - 1 out of 10. I know ive seen it years too late but seriously wtf is this shit?? So many people rave about it. Wasnt sure if it was meant to be a comedy or what. One of the worst films ive seen
  17. What was so bad about jude law?? He never had any dialogue did he ?? Well cant remember him having any lines to say.Im no fan of jude law but All he had to do was appear creepy and he pulled that off well enough.
  18. Prisoners - 9 out of 10. What a really great movie. Jackman and gyllenhall were both fantastic. Compelling movie throughout. Arguably film of the year along with place behind the pines imo.
  19. Xenophobic and racist?! God give it a rest and cut the PC shit out. Embarrassing post
  20. a bit. a large chunk is in Standard Life where i got discounted shares when they floated as my wife had a pension policy with them. i could have sold at a slight profit, but their dividends are really good, so decided to keep them long-term instead. I bought Lloyds bank shares when they crashed to 40p and then sold a few months later at 55p. should have held my nerve though, would have doubled my money if i had kept them. then i've got various bits and pieces (roughly £1k in each) that i'll buy and sell when the price looks right. If they drop in value i just hold on to them long-term and usually will recover at some point in the future. i'm keeping an eye on the TSB floatation next. Nice. Ill have to do some more research into this. I have a friend doing okay out of currency trading but that seems even riskier then shares. The new thing called bit coin trading seems to be taking off
  21. Exactly my point. Dont see issue. £15k in shares seems a big amount.Ive looked into shares but seem to risky. You had much success from buying them??
  22. Why you so angry?! Lol £22k is well below the uk average wage so nothing to brag about is it. To be honest it does smack a bit of ''Look at me I have 11 grand in the bank'' and it raises the question if you were like me and had debts, lived in your overdraft and come the end of each month had to use your credit card to buy a loaf of bread and some milk, would you have created this topic. It doesn't really bother me but I can see why it may annoy some people Fair enough fella. But it genuinely wasn't meant to come across like that.why another poster would get so angry about it though ill never know lol
  23. That's fair enough - I was quite fortunate to be able to negotiate 12 weeks of continuous leave with my boss . I'm glad you added 'imo' on the end there. There's no need to polarise savers and non-savers. Personally, I don't spend my entire pay every month with no consideration for the future. I tend to save for the short term obtainable goals, like travelling. I won't, however, stash money away for the sake of it. If I'm desperate for money due to an emergency, then i'll bang it on my credit card and curb my spending over the ensuing months to pay it off. 12 weeks leave?! Thats incredible. If you don't mind me asking what kind of job do you have?? Ive been away for 2 months around europe and 3 months around asia previously but ive had to quit jobs to do it. I see your point I really do. However, Ill give you an example of my mate. He is 28 lives at home. Never went uni always worked full time. Yet he is always skint living off his credit card despite earning £25k blowing it all on crap like the latest tv. People like him are too materialistic and i just dont see any excuse for not putting money away. All imo of course.
  24. Why you so angry?! Lol £22k is well below the uk average wage so nothing to brag about is it.
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