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Everything posted by avfcwills10

  1. I refuse to believe we won't be sold over the summer. Lerner isn't thick, he knows we need the investment in the summer. By the end of July (which is an annoying wait) we will have new owners 100%. That gives about a month to bring in new faces for the season. Hopefully that's enough time. Also, I think i'm in the minority but I want to see Albrighton leave
  2. He'll never be good enough you can tell just by the way he holds himself He's all over the place
  3. He's probably Kwying if he has been sacked. True VT hero
  4. If they're not worth more than £2bn, it probably is a bit unreasonable and i know it's down to how much they want to spend. But i'll be disappointed
  5. Roman doesn't spend like he used to? They're about to sign Diego Costa for £32m and spend about a gazillion pounds on the worlds best AM's in the last 3 years
  6. I for one fully back Mendi and think it sounds like he has solid intel. Were you part of the Skype conversation Mendi? A conference call between you Randy and the Pauls' was it?
  7. 'We were always in the top 6 when i was chairman' 8 times out of 23 from 83-2006 Doug
  8. We've been trolled here!!! Phil Williams is a prick!!
  9. **** hell hurry up Doug work in the morning
  10. Thanks for the effort Randy. There's not a chance he would say this if he didn't have a buyer. He tried, don't think he released how hard it was going to be. Top 4 was realistic in 2006 without the level of competition there is now.
  11. Borrusia Dortmund were in for him too but decided against it because of his height and signed that Greek chap. As long as he has a big leap (He looks pretty athletic), his height won't really be a problem.
  12. Stan Collymore @stancollymore Aston Villa. No statement tonight but definitely within a week. Been asked to call first thing in the morning so could expect something Mon or Tue!
  13. From the club? No. There are already talks that it's happened with media in the US saying it's a done deal which suggests at the very least that the buyer is American but who it is besides that is unknown. Things are slowly starting to trickle out but it won't be from Aston Villa or the buyer until it is ready to be disclosed formally. Your just making up that it's in the US media. It is not
  14. It depends on your definition of good. I had him down as "good" last season, this season not so much. What is he worth to us? I'd want £6m myself based on that potential, but I would probably sell at that under the current circumstances. We probably could get £6 - -£7m for him in this summers market, with players like Jelevic going for £6m+. He's young and other managers might think they can take him onto another level. He seems to be one of those players that other teams think is better than he is aswell. We'd get £6m but i don't think what he gives you is worth more than £3m. That's my opinion
  15. Better than what we have is the best you can say, which is no compliment these days at all
  16. Commentators on the Villa match said he's heard 'suggestions' Villa already sold. Might be just from press of GT WM interview though
  17. I'd accept £3m for Andi personally, he's never going to be a good premier league player imo
  18. The longer the announcement takes the better news I would imagine it would be in terms of getting taken over. Releasing a statement simply saying more to follow or something on Monday would be a good sign too, albeit a little annoying.
  19. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/paul-lambert-and-aston-villa.915679/page-1 This is a little bit surreal. Sunderlands biggest fan sight and they basically have an 8 page thread arguing about how shit Villa are, they really hate us
  20. https://twitter.com/CharlieWyett/status/464372483408527360 i didn't see this the other day
  21. Fama are richer than Man Citys royal family Not that i'm suggesting in the slightest that i think it's them
  22. I heard FAMA holding group today which would be a dream come true. Plus we had the 2 texans. Rich Texan and Texas Pete. Are FAMA group rich? Yeah, Arab prince owns them. No idea how much
  23. I'm confused about this Smetrov mate, who in this post knows PF :S
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