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Everything posted by avfcwills10

  1. Ricky Alvarez signing for Sunderland... EXACTLY what we need
  2. This would be a cracking signing, he was the best Midfielder on the pitch when we played them at Villa Park last season. I remember him spraying the ball around very well, fingers crossed!
  3. I called Joshua Harris weeks ago if anyone remembers, it's odd that Moxley publishes this story now after following there NFL pr guy on twitter a while ago and then saying that there's nothing in it..... This has legs
  4. i fail to see how getting £8m for a player like Vlaar would be anything other than sensational business for us? He's so overrated
  5. Just found a piece that he threw an evening and spent $38,000 on everybody for the meal. Seems Abramovic level $$$$ to me
  6. Don't know whether to renew this week to get the interest free 9 month thing or wait it out till August
  7. I have heard that the new owner IS Rafa Benitez, got a huge pay out from Chelsea apparently
  8. AVFC Transfer Tweet ‏@AVFCTransTweet 9m Bob Rich Consortia are now in the legalities of #avfc takeover, deal to be announced first week of june. #avfc Why do people believe this idiot
  9. I wonder who will be out left back next season, Lamberts 4th in 2 seasons lol
  10. He really is a new signing isn't he
  11. George Thorne for Derby looks like he's going to be some player. Didn't realise he was on loan from baggies!
  12. If it's true that he only wants £45k we'd be fools not to go for Lescott on a free transfer. Would be a really solid signing in a vitally important position and the cost to the club would be relatively little. By most account that's less than Gabby is on and similar to Delph and Lescott is a more established player, and a Villa fan to boot. I doubt Lescott will come as wasn't he warned stay away from West Midlands when he had his kneecaps shattered by members of Johnson Brothers gang along with Matt Murray.. He left as soon as he could play again to Everton. Couple my Wolves supporting mates have said ''Been warned to stay away from West Midlands'' for good. Internet Myth No that story is true, not going to say how exactly but I know people who have links to the Johnsons and it is 100% true
  13. It won't be Cortese, I just can't even imagine that. Can you imagine the sort of job he could do though if he had serious money? Been a bit of turbulence around Daniel Levy lately, although he's done brilliant for Spurs he's made some bad decisions too. I think Joe lewis (spurs owner) getting him to replace Levy is more likely than him coming to us tbh.
  14. Well thanks for saying it , shows i been right all the long. I don't know who you are but this takeover will not happen for a while. Ellison is indeed keen on us you not mention that. not even slightly amused by this shit anymore
  15. People do realise that Mendi isn't some mentalist and we're the butt of the joke here? If you look at his old comments from months ago, his grammar etc isn't so bad and he doesn't talk as much shite
  16. please let us know as soon as you know Mendi, my evening hinges on your word
  17. I hope you are wrong A guy who was at advanced stages of buying Charlton probably hasn't got the kind of grand ideas and ambitions that we as a fanbase crave. He's got ambitious plans for Philly 76ers and wants to get them to win the league, he's also got someone worth $2.2bn, an indonesian worth nearly $1bn in his consortium and an american worth $600m amongst others. and a CEO of a $10bn equity company. I think he'd be good
  18. Ties up with my MI6 Joshua Harris consortium
  19. Nick Chorney ‏@Chornstarr 32m Wow, Murat Yakin, rumoured to be the next Villa manager resigned out of the blue at Basel this morning #AVFC #UTV All thats happened is this guy has said it's rumoured even though it's not been mentioned by a single other person? Making shit up?
  20. wait is Milner coming back or what?
  21. His worth wouldn't go down after buying Villa though, would it? He'd now have a new asset that would be part of his calculated net worth. The figures on Forbes don't equate to the amount of cash in a billionaire's bank. Yes i know that, maybe he's transferred funds but has not officially had the club handed over yet? Bank of America holding the money for example? Who knows it's just odd for it to drop 400$m since march 2014 without forbes recording a loss? When wealth goes down it always has a red arrow with the amount, but it doesn't Hope you're right buddy You've done some great research and are basing your speculation on facts. Keep it up. Cheers mate, he lives in NY too so very feasible he could be a rich associate of Randys and would also make sense as to why Lambert went to NY rather than Lerner coming her etc
  22. His worth wouldn't go down after buying Villa though, would it? He'd now have a new asset that would be part of his calculated net worth. The figures on Forbes don't equate to the amount of cash in a billionaire's bank. Yes i know that, maybe he's transferred funds but has not officially had the club handed over yet? Bank of America holding the money for example? Who knows it's just odd for it to drop 400$m since march 2014 without forbes recording a loss? When wealth goes down it always has a red arrow with the amount, but it doesn't
  23. AY LADS, AV I DISCOVERED SOMETHING HERE??????!!!!!! I was obviously banging on about Joshua Harris the other day after the Matt Law link, well i checked his Forbes account on that day, did research on him and he had a consortium backing him. BUT HE WAS WORTH $2.9BN. I've just looked again and as of today, with no red decrease on his wealth he's worth $2.5BN, has he made a large purchase maybe???? http://www.forbes.com/profile/joshua-harris/ it's **** this guy i just know it! UPDATED THIS MORNING! EMBARGO AND HE'S BOUGHT US IMO
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