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Everything posted by CVByrne

  1. I'd love if he brought in Toulalan, really rate him and GH signed him for Lyon
  2. That was a fun season, especially the run at the end. Unfortunately it was never the same once Barry got tapped up by Benitez. Didn't we draw 4-4 with Spurs and Chelsea and beat Blues 5-1. Crackin fun to be had.
  3. He sold Heskey because he became shit, I wouldn't worry too much
  4. Thanks Dirk, that sounds simple. How would I use Kies then to get the Froyo update when it comes out later this month? I may just be best waiting for Froyo then rooting. You want to see the trouble it was to root an X10. I think they might have a better method for it now. Incidently, how can you unlock an X10? I want to unlock it and sell it to my mate who's on a different network.
  5. Did we score 71 goals 3 years ago in the League, only 3 less than Arsenal? Was that not entertaining? I love the rewriting of history that goes on.
  6. **** that. I'm sending in our poll results to football 365 tomorrow morning asking where sky sports people are getting their damn poll results from.
  7. To be honest it's the level of trouble it takes to root the x10 that has put me off doing it. I'm sure it's a lot easier to do on the galaxy s. But it still voids your warranty doesn't it?
  8. I mentioned in my f365 mail today "despite media reports he has got a 90% approval rating in a poll on one villa message board" The VT word is out people, don't worry
  9. This is what I concluded about many peoples opinion, you're far from the only person to do First opinions are based on little info and a lot of preconceptions and a good dose of emotion. Some people blindly stick to their first opinion rather than admit they were hasty, I've been hasty quite a bit in the past month. But real opinion comes after considered reflection
  10. I know we'll likely have some money to spend but it's good to pretend we're broke and hence get better value for players when we buy them.
  11. someone said he has already praised him in a Norwegian news paper a couple of days ago.
  12. To be fair the question was are you happy with his appointment. It's fair enough that some are not happy. I'm glad it's a low number because we need to support our new manager.
  13. I'm actually excited with what he can do with this team. Basically he's got this team for the season with maybe a signing in January but nothing big enough to make a huge impact. January is very hard to make signings in.
  14. My opinion on Houllier was that I thought his teams weren't that good and basically he over achieved with the players he had at his disposal. That has to be down to his tactical skills, and his level of planning for matches. Basically he, on many occasions beat superior teams with better planning and tactical knowledge and decision making during matches.
  15. Lag fix will likely be fixed by the 2.2 update later this month. Basically look at all the apps that require root access and see if you'd use any of them. Point is if it ain't broke don't fix it, ie no need to root your phone just for the sake of it. If there is still lag after 2.2 then I'll throw on a custom rom. I'll wait until then before I root.
  16. Can people please keep this about Houllier and stop the petty remarks about our ex manager. Please. Houllier is gonna do well. I can feel it. He'll prove my reservations completely wrong.
  17. O'Neill left us in very good shape, not a shambles. Houllier will have a great base to work from and we can do well under him this season.
  18. Again black and white poll added. I'm glad we've got the best man available I've some reservations but am totally behind the manager and will give him my total support. He is part of our club now.
  19. Nope. I haven't and won't until I try out the new 2.2 update later this month. I'd highly recommend using launcher pro instead of touchwiz though. From what I know rooting is easy to do on the Galaxy S though.
  20. You've not met my missus then Connor. oh and it's Conor :winkold:
  21. Nobody does shopping in Jan and if you do you get ripped off. It'll be summer before he gets to work signing players.
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