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Everything posted by LT_1993

  1. no because its the sort of thing that would take up to much of my life cracking game though i know this is a bit of a noob question but since my game didnt come with i manual and i usualy play on 360 i need to ask a quite embarresing question how do you run :oops:
  2. arrived today and is great so far only problem being that vivec (town not person) is the most confuseing place i have ever seen
  3. land of my fathers (welsh national anthem)
  4. ill give it a go then 13 (aus)dollars on pc for the Game of the year edition
  5. I just finished getting enjoyment out of oblivon because there is absolutely nothing left to do after two years of playing and have decided to branch out to the other games of the series. so heres the question should i bother getting morrowind or after oblivion will it seem not as good :?:
  6. leave the money you guys are cold hearted
  7. i belive that image to be docterd for use of slander and discreditation of my argument
  8. get a nokia best phones in the known universe what ever you do dont get a blackjack (throws his crappy over expensive phone at wall)
  9. whats it about im currently lokking for a book as ive finished my currnet one
  10. he wont just win, he will humiliate the american clown KO round 8 IMO
  11. have you read the phillip pullman "his dark materials" books they are very good reads "we need to talk about kevin" is good aswell its a recount of a sons life from the mothers point of veiw and its all centerd round said son killing nine of his classmates and a teacher
  12. great book or great movie? i thikn that there are very few movies that match up to a good qualty book
  13. man goes into a doctors and says "doctor,doctor ihave a problem, every time i masturbate i have an uncontrolable urge to shout come on you blues" doctor says "dont worry mate lots of rocket polishers do that"
  14. in every life we have some trouble but if you worry you make it double
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