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Posts posted by DJ_Villain

  1. 32 minutes ago, HKP90 said:

    Also, I always start unemployed, look for the first job opening that i'm 'feeling' at the time, but then do everything I can to make it Eastleigh. Why don't I just start with Eastleigh?  

    My brother and I used to share a save game back when we lived together and always used to start with Eastleigh (we have lived in the New Forest since the mid 90s, so it makes sense as the most local team in the lowest playable league).

    I tried starting unemployed but only managed to get jobs in Scotland and America...

    So then I decided to actually pick a club...

  2. On 17/08/2022 at 22:15, UpTheVilla26 said:

    I remember doing that to Man Utd on CM0102

    They were literally unbeatable on that game. I took over, sold all their players and played a stupid formation which I think included the GK joining the attack and having no defenders. I remember losing a few games like 14-0 then they sacked me. 2 seasons later and they were unbeatable again 😂


    I signed Sinisalo for them from Villa for some ludicrous amount of cash (as much as I could without the board vetoing it)...

    Try getting that kid to go anywhere when hes on £200,000 a week for the next five years...

    Proper hatchet job on them...

    And im still proud of it!

    Oh yeah, I got the Gateshead job again so I was able to spend all of my ill gotten gains...

    Got them up to the Championship now...

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Panto_Villan said:

    Yes, I'd agree with that much. However I just think the extent of the change is disproportionate to how bad Russia is relative to Qatar, even taking into account the fact that it's a more prominent issue these days.

    And while Qatar isn't up to Western standards, it's not *that* bad by global standards. The actual facts and figures behind the mistreatment of migrant workers and the number of deaths aren't quite as bad as they initially seem - e.g. the 6500 deaths widely reported is actually the number of deaths of migrant workers from any cause over a 10 year period, etc.

    I don't want to whitewash them too much because it's still bad over there, but they just seem so much better than somewhere like Russia that the relative amount of condemnation they are getting seems wildly out of kilter. And the most obvious explanation to me is that people are bitter at FIFA for having this joke of a World Cup and probably also all the Arab countries buying successful football clubs and are translating that into saying "this country has weird customs and the people that live there are bad and backward". And if so, that would be racism.

    As well as what Hiney said above, there's the military coup they had recently and their extremely strict laws on drugs and disrespecting the royals, etc. I really liked Thailand the times I've been and I think you're right it'd be a very fun place to have a World Cup, but there'd still be human rights issues to complain about.

    Which is kinda the point I was making in one of my other posts earlier; there's not actually many countries that are completely above board in terms of human rights and I think you have to give some leeway if you want to see the World Cup hosted in the developing world sometimes.

    To be fair, the coup was nearly 10 years ago and it wasn’t exactly a bloodbath.

    In comparison to their neighbours in Myanmar, Thailands military junta were like pussycats!

    and they have just legalised weed, so their stance on that has softened in more recent times… even with the head of military junta which took over being the leader…

    Harder drugs are illegal pretty much everywhere, that’s kind of par for the course - I’m fairly certain they wouldn’t say “Yeah, go on, you can have a bag of coke while you’re here” and then wait for everyone to arrive before they changed their mind…

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Panto_Villan said:

    Also, there’s another issue at play here. If we established that Qatar is an unsuitable host because of their human rights issues, where does that leave us in terms of acceptable hosts?

    Africa is out. The few places that might have an acceptable human rights record don’t have the infrastructure and / or couldn’t guarantee security.

    Middle East is out for social reasons. The best options would be somewhere like Jordan or Israel but neither would be considered appropriate.

    Asia has a couple of democracies like South Korea and Japan that would work. Everywhere else is too small, or has human rights issues (China/India/Pakistan etc). Maybe Indonesia at a push.

    South America has a lot of small countries that might struggle to afford it, many of which have security issues. Argentina would work (assuming they’re not being bailed out by the IMF), Brazil could work (depending on deforestation and indigenous rights), or Mexico (depending on security).

    And then you’ve got the Western countries full of white peoples. USA, Canada, Australia, plus the EU (but not Poland or Hungary because they’re bad).

    I get why moral concerns matter but if you make too much of them you end up with a situation where the Western world decides the only acceptable venues are rich white democracies plus a few select allies, and about 3/4 of the world population isn’t eligible to see their country host this world event.

    That’s not to excuse the process of Qatar and Russia being awarded the World Cups, because that appeared to be naked bribery.

    I still think Thailand would have been amazing.

    Incredibly liberal, football mad, they actually have stadiums as well

  5. 1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

    He really doesn't like spurs does he 😂


    Who does?

    Daniel Levy is a word removed, so are their supporters and their players…

    They are the Man City of London… just nowhere near successful…

    • Haha 1
  6. On 08/11/2022 at 03:49, Vive_La_Villa said:

    I don’t want to get carried away but our lack of players going to the World Cup could really help us finish the season strongly. Hoping a near fully fit squad physically and mentally can have a very good Dec / Jan period which would put us right up there.

    I know right!

    Hopefully, loads of the England lads get clattered and written off for the rest of the season too…

    That would give us even more of an advantage!

  7. 13 hours ago, Genie said:

    I was curious what the general consensus was on here with regards to Villa’s extreme time wasting in recent times.

    For me there’s game management, you obviously don’t rush to take your set pieces, and you don’t sprint off when being subbed but Villa seem to be going down the road of taking the piss which personally I’m not a fan of.

    Martinez pushing things to the extreme with exceptionally long goal kicks, fake injuries and fake spats all the run down the clock.

    Lots of yellow cards today too which will come back and bite us at some point, plus the ref added 8 minutes so it suggests there isn’t a huge amount of benefit.

    What the VT view on it? Should we be going to these lengths to disrupt the flow of league games? Or should we be a bit more classy and play the game out (with caveats as mentioned above)?

    When we do it?

    Its tactical genius, it’s gamesmanship, it’s running down the clock

    When they do it?

    Its because they are cheating words removed

    • Like 2
  8. Dougie and Bouba bossed it today...

    We got suckerpunched in the first 90 seconds, composed ourselves and then came back with a great performance...

    Long may it continue...

    We are airbourne!

  9. 7 minutes ago, DevonIsAPlaceOnEarth said:

    That yellow card was incredible. Luring Dunk into a face off to waste time. He knew he was getting booked before he went over.

    how can anyone not love this man?

    HE is the reason I want Argentina to win the World Cup...
    After years of being cast aside, we gave him his chance, he took it, rolled with it and won Argentinas first trophy in decades...

    I'd love it if he could win their second...

    I'd rather see Argentina win it for him, than see England win it for myself and every other Englishman I know...
    I am, after all, club before country...

    • Like 2
    • Shocked 2
  10. 1 hour ago, DeadlyDirk said:

    Yeah I think his time is up now. Even my Scottish mate has pointed out that he's a shadow of himself from last year playing international football, and asked me if he's the same at Villa. Yep, he's really gone off the boil!

    To think 3 years ago he was being linked with a £50m move to Man Ure.

    Quite sad given his obvious likeable character but since his best mate has gone (JG) he has looked lost. Time to cash in and get someone else in there.

    There we go then…

    Thats another thing to add onto my list of things to blame Man City for…

    They didn’t just sign another one of our players… They deliberately destabilised our entire squad for the sake of signing a player they only needed for marketing and Home grown quota reasons…

    • Like 1
  11. In that video where Emi was “instructing” the team before Dignes goal from the free kick.

    I was thinking… Was he really giving them instructions?

    Or was he getting in De Geas line of sight to provide a distraction?


    or both, of course…

  12. Gave us some of the best, most memorable years…


    and they would have continued too…


    if it wasn’t for those stinking Sheikhs buying Man City and then signing us into relegation and pulling up the FFP drawbridge…

    I distinctly remember Lerner being against the FFP rules…


    It is all their fault… MON, Lerner and, more importantly, Aston Villa are completely blameless



  13. 18 minutes ago, SuperTed said:

    You’re a petty, petty man @DJ_Villain and I 100% agree with you and feel the same! 😉

    Honestly never gave a toss about the National side, another means of favouring the “top six” sides and their players, in my opinion. 


    I’ve been called worse…

    Bottom line is, I’m a Villa fan, not a football fan…

    If there are no Villa players in the England squad, I have nothing in the England squad to support as there is nothing in there representing our great club…

    There used to be… in fact, we have produced more England internationals than a lot of clubs in the country… it’s either us or Spurs who have produced the most (I could be wrong, that was a couple of years ago)…

    But Mr Southgate loathes allowing Villa players in the starting lineup…

    They don’t play in the Champions League you see… which means they aren’t allowed to start… even if their form is really good…

    because having good recent form against world class domestic opposition isn’t relevant when you’ve had poor form against Slovenias finest in the Champions League group stages…

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