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Everything posted by stegzy

  1. Really looking forward to this game as the hack and slash genre has seemed to disappear a bit lately, apart from the really hard games like Bloodborne which don’t interest me. The metacritic average score is 94 at the moment which is unreal!
  2. P.s. would rather have Green on the left but not sure what has happened to him.
  3. I’d love Kodjia to start but don’t think it’s be sensible to start him just yet. Would definitely go with Samba over Jedinak so would probably agree with Czechlads team but with Bjarni for Whelan as I’m worried Whelan will be to desperate to make up for the last match where he missed 2 absolute sitters.
  4. I think Jack is like a slightly better version of Wilshere and has more to his game than Alli (apart from goals).
  5. Cardiff really are an incredibly lucky team!
  6. First match I’ve missed for a long time due to family commitments, quite glad really as it sounded like a bit of a shitter. Does anyone have the footage of their penalty shout that people are saying was a given?. Real shame all our creative sparks that have been so good all season seem to be having such a bad run at the moment.
  7. True. Struggle to get a nil nil with players that try and cross the half way line!
  8. Thank you Zatman. P.s. shudder at the name Alex Mcleish, didn’t realise he was in charge now!
  9. Sorry if this has been covered previously but I just noticed Snodgrass isn’t in the Scotland squad. Has he retired or is he just not part of there plans?
  10. Is topping the charts for assists in the league now. After a fairly slow start for us he has become invaluable, love his passion.
  11. I think he made our most tackles tonight with 5. Fantastic player, great energy!
  12. I’m hoping Dean Smith will do us a big old favour against Cardiff.
  13. Just realised that Snodgrass has the most assists in the league now and Lewis Grabban is 3rd top scorer with Albert 5th. I still don’t believe that we can catch Wolves as they have 2 easy home games this week but surely we can overtake Cardiff although they seem to have a knack of being the worse Team in matches but winning.
  14. That’s alright, I’ve had £2 on Chester to score first last 2 weeks with £80 returns and he’s scored 2nd both matches. Also had £2 on Villa to win 5-1 today which would have returned £1002.
  15. He has so many of those moments. Pretty much every match he has a moment or 2 that I could watch over and over again in Gif form. His highlights reel would be amazing this season and he hasn’t even played much.
  16. I think he has speed off the block and because the opposition don’t know what to do with him and stand to block, he can just nip past them before they know what year it is ( was going to say day but that would be an understatement).
  17. I was thinking this as Jack doesn’t get loads of goals or assists but the amount of times he puts the player in for an assist is unreal or even gains a free kick that creates a goal. wonder if there’s a stat for the pass before the assist?
  18. Ah, thanks for reminding me I have an open disgusting bottle of Saki in the fridge from Christmas. I was about 10 minutes from running out of booze.
  19. Fantastic end to the half there, coinciding with Jack getting on the ball a lot more.
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