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Posts posted by bcarpet

  1. I've got a couple planned for next year after this year was so good.


    May - Berlin for 4 days with my football club for a 'Tour'.  Never been to Germany but I've heard good things.  


    June - Out to Valencia for a week to see friends


    September - Italy, most probably Rome again and then a couple of nights in Venice.  I absolutely love Rome and my mrs have never been so I'm really looking forward to this one!


    October - Reykjavik for four nights where hopefully I might be able to catch the northern lights too.


    Only booked the first two so far but hope to get the next two done in the coming weeks. 

  2. I'm sure this is possible but is there a way I can sync articles I read on my mobile with my PC so I can read them on that?  there has to be some kind of app that can work across platforms for this?


    I've got a Samsung Galaxy S4 which I regularly use for browsing on the net and every so often I find something that I would prefer to read on a PC or maybe print out. 


    For a bit more background info, I've got a Dell PC which is running windows 8.

  3. Im gutted as ive just slightly pulled a muscle in my back. Ive decided to rest it for a few days/the rest of the week. Its just not worth injuring it more and possibly not being able to play in goal on sat i dont think

  4. Finished my first full month back on it today!  Pleased to have kept going and stayed in the routine.  My weights I've lifted are now;



    Squat - 80Kg

    Bench - 42.5Kg

    Row - 45Kg

    OH Press - 32.5Kg

    Deadlift - 85Kg

  5. I tell you what Czechlad the BBC are right buggers for that!  If you watch any BBC programme but don't watch it live you cannot go anywhere near their twitter feeds or the main BBC page because they like to have it all as their headlines.  Surely they realise that a lot of people don't watch things live now a days!

    • Like 1
  6. I think a home gym would be my absolute workout dream!  If only I had some space in which I could put it! (I'm not lucky enough to have a garage :(


    I couldn't get onto the bench press the whole time I was at the gym today so I had to go on the incline bench instead.  The one guy was doing one of my pet hates, he was using the bench press and then resting (which is all good) but then using dumbells on the bench too.  frustrates the hell out of me when there is only two bench presses!!  why can't he do his bench work then bugger off over to the dumbbell benches to do that bit of work and free up the bench press for someone else in half the time?! (rant over)

  7. Right after your advise guys I've ordered myself a foam roller from Amazon.


    That said its not effecting me as much after a workout already and I'm only into week two!   I'm pleased as I wouldn't have been able to cope with being that sore all the time!

  8. Managed to complete my first week back on the stronglift programme this morning.  I was pleased to get back to it if I'm honest.  The first few weeks in actually dragging myself to the gym I always find the hardest!


    This week I've done the following weights;


    Squat - 47.5Kg

    Bench Press - 27.5Kg

    Overhead Press - 22.5Kg

    Barbell Row - 40Kg

    Deadlift - 60Kg


    I was fairly comfortable with everything and I think I could quite easily lift heavier on everything, except maybe the Row which I struggled with a little.  that said I am going to stick with the programme and just increase the weight slow and steady.


    I suffered really bad DOMS yesterday, so much so it was a little hard to walk!  I cannot afford to have the same tomorrow as I'm playing football!  Any got any tips on how to reduce it or at least help improve it?


  9. I finally returned to the gym last night after months away.  I'm determined to get back to going regularly again.


    Back onto the stronglifts, and I'm feeling a little sore today, but on the right side of sore if that makes sense?  I can feel my muscles are a little achy but its not too painful to do day to day stuff.

  10. Ah sod it, looks like thats it then. Still feels like a stronger squad to me than last season (once we have tekkers and libor back fit!)

    So who can pm me a link for these jlaw photos and video? Might as well have some excitement tonight!

  11. No problem, these are all the addresses;



    Park Suites Hotel

    Av. Coronel Teixeira

    1320 A  Ponta Negra

    Manaus - AM


    fri 13th June 2pm-8pm

    sat 14th june 12pm-3pm


    Sao Paulo

    Squat Bar

    Alameda Itu

    1548 - Jardins

    Sao Paulo


    Wed 18th June 2pm -  8pm

    thurs 19th june 10am - 1pm




    Av. Getulio Vargas


    Belo Horizonte

    **Only on the eve of England vs Costa Rica**

    mon 23rd june 12pm - 8pm


    Recife (if England top the group)- Yeah right?!

    Bar Burburinho

    Rua Tomazina

    106 - Recife

    PE, 50030-020

    Sat 28th June 12pm - 8pm

    Sun 29th June 11am - 2pm


    Rio (if England finish 2nd in the group

    Mud Bug

    Rua Paula Freitas

    RJ, 22040-010

    Fri 27th June 12pm - 8pm

    sat 28th June 11am - 2pm


    Do you know where the official FIFA fan fests are?  I can type them out too if you want?

  12. Yeah anyone who has advise for staying safe let us that are going know!


    I'm really excited about it except for the part of me that is incredibly nervous about being caught up in something.  If anyone tries to mug me, they can have the shirt off my back as far as I care as long as they don't kill me!!

  13. Absolute nightmare as ive got to pick up my england tickets in brazil. We only land in sao paulo on the morning of the uruguay game too so its going to be tight!

    My england fans info pack arrived today though which has some good info like where the england pubs are going to be in each city

  14. I'm not sure if anyone else went to the town hall last night but it was interesting to hear from Sid on the current situation at the villa.  I've already mentioned about what he said about the takeover in the takeover thread but I found his comments about playing at villa park fascinating. 


    He said playing at villa park at the moment is 'scary'.  Make of that what you will!

  15. Sid was very down beat about the future at tonight's event at the town. He pretty much said there doesn't seem to be much in the offering and he doesn't think we can keep avoiding relegation. He confirmed that last year PL's budget was 10 million. It seemed to me he was suggesting definately expect less than that till the take over

    • Like 1
  16. 16 - Netherlands

    1 - Iceland

    4 - France

    6 - San Marino

    25 - Azerbaijan

    21 - Denmark

    14 - Spain

    I picked 9 which was Greece

    Got half a chance with the danes, i think it would have been higher if they werent the holders.

    But lets be honest we are all hoping for poland to win!!

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