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Posts posted by bcarpet

  1. I thought our support was pretty quiet though especially in comparison to the Fulham game -- mind you it was pretty cold on the uncovered stand!

    I agree. I was just the otherside of the dugouts in amongst the swindon fans (only way i could get a ticket!) and I thought our fans were very quiet. It was something me and the two swindon fans I went with talked about after the match actually. I think the trouble was, despite the fact we were 2 up for a lot of the game you could just feel it was a matter of when rather than if Swindon scored. As soon as they go their first you could feel they would go on to get the second as well.

    I dunno if you guys in our end could hear but Swindon's fans in the far end did try to get a rendition of "one stiliyan petrov" going as well in the 19th minute which I though was a nice touch even if it didn't properly get going!

    Our defence looked quite poor and seemed to be lacking in midfield, that said however I think when we went forward we broke with pace and looked threatening.

  2. I work with a Swindon fan (who i'm going to the game with) and a Fulham fan, both of them are predicting a Swindon win. I've suffered a fair bit of abuse this afternoon so I'm hoping for a nice big win. Summat like 3 or 4 nil would be great. The problem is I have this nagging feeling that we might get beat :( I can definately see James collins Jnr scoring against us if he plays tonight! I also think that bent might get a goal tonight

  3. I think it can be hard not to feel self conscious when your first starting out. I think had I being able to train with my mate who is well into lifting weights I wouldn't have felt that way at all, But i'll stick with it.

    I saw on the stronglift spreadsheet it talks about going onto Madcow, I don't really know anything about it if I am being honest. However, i think it might be a little while before I need to change anything.

    I really need to get my diet sorted out next really as I know next to nothing about what I should and shouldn't be eating past the obvious! Problem I find, is when I try to read anything on nutrition it tends to either bore me to tears or go over my head!

  4. So I've finally got over my fear of the 'big boy weights' and did my first session of the strong lifts programme. I'm pleased I did it, but i did still feel a little self-conscience when i was doing my stuff, but i'm sure the more time i spend over there and when i start putting more weights on I’ll feel a bit happier.

    But anyway day 1 done :)

  5. Fellow Red Dwarf fans, are we looking forward to the new stuff which starts on Dave on Thursday or a little aprehensive? Should they have just left it alone?

    The 3 parter a few years back was really dissapointing although it really missed the canned laughter imo. Apparently the new series has been filmed in front of a studio audience.

    I'm a little aprehensive, i wasn't a big fan of back to earth and i didn't think the last series was really up to scratch either. However I'm hoping they surprise me and its as good as series 3/4!

  6. i watched untouchable last night, didn't realise it was a french language film until i was buying the tickets so I was a bit unsure of what to expect as I haven't really watched a subtitled film before. I've got to say i loved it, it really made me chuckle in places. It certainly isn't a comedy but the script is very well written i thought.

  7. how come drat? I love italy and I've done Rome, almost all of tuscany it feels and part of sicily too so I just thought this could be the next stop.

  8. their manager is trying to say if butland plays in a meaingless friendly against italy his value will go up to 18m


    absolute fool who in their right mind is going to pay that for him?

    Man Utd paid £17m for David de Gea at a very similar stage in his career/development.

    Butland was rubbish in the second half of last year for cheltenham, and by all accounts he made an absolute clanger in SHA's last match too. In the olympics he failed to close down the angle on UAE's goal and made a complete and utter hash for one of korea's goals.

    De Gea on the other hand was playing top level football in one of the biggest leagues in the world...

  9. I started on Stronglifts and I can't recommend it highly enough. Give it a go. I've found massive improvements in all my lifts and also my physique.

    It's 2 routines that you alternate between, and each cycle you add a little bit of weight (you start with just the bar and work up). It's free to sign up to and you get an e-mail with a starter pack and excel sheet to log your progress. To give you an example this is how much I've improved;

    Squats: 20kg to 120kg

    Deadlift: 20kg to 150kg

    Overhead: 20kg to 60kg

    Bench: 20kg to 100kg

    Rows: 20kg to 70kg

    All those are with perfect form.

    I've never done any lifting and I like the look of this. I'm a little bit intimidated by that part of the gym to be honest though! did you not feel a little bit silly just lifting an empty bar?

    An empty bar weighs 20 kg, on certain lifts (overhead for example) that's still a decent amount of weight. You might not need to start on an empty bar, the advice is to start at a weight that is easily manageable so you can get your form right and avoid injuries as the weight goes up.

    Anyone who actually knows what they're doing in a gym won't mock you for using an empty bar, anyone who does is an idiot and should be ignored.

    Very much this.

    Anyone who knows what they're doing will respect anyone in the gym trying to better themselves.

    if someone takes the piss out of you they're not worth giving a shit about.

    I think I will give it a shot when I get back from my holiday then.

    Is it worth a PT session 1st time out to ensure my form is spot on?

  10. I started on Stronglifts and I can't recommend it highly enough. Give it a go. I've found massive improvements in all my lifts and also my physique.

    It's 2 routines that you alternate between, and each cycle you add a little bit of weight (you start with just the bar and work up). It's free to sign up to and you get an e-mail with a starter pack and excel sheet to log your progress. To give you an example this is how much I've improved;

    Squats: 20kg to 120kg

    Deadlift: 20kg to 150kg

    Overhead: 20kg to 60kg

    Bench: 20kg to 100kg

    Rows: 20kg to 70kg

    All those are with perfect form.

    I've never done any lifting and I like the look of this. I'm a little bit intimidated by that part of the gym to be honest though! did you not feel a little bit silly just lifting an empty bar?

  11. I'm looking to go to milan with the girlfriend and just wanted to know if any one else had gone and had some pointers?

    We would be landing at Milan Malpensa, which look as if it is a bit of a distance outside of the city itself. I know in Tuscany & Rome the trains are very good and reasonably priced so I was thinking of training into Milan and then grabbing the metro to the hotel (assuming there is a close metro stop to where we book!). Is this a sensible option or would we be better off just getting a taxi?

    Any recommend any must sees while we are there as well? We will obviously got to see the Duomo, I've also been told the last supper is in Milan too so I will try to see that if its possible. I will also try to get a sneaky tour/game in at the san siro if I can convince the missus!

  12. I'm considering starting a blog and I know alot of people of here have one, so I was wondering which one people would recommed?

    It would be nice if it was one where other people could stumble upon my blog, not that I'm expecting anyone to be interested in it but you never know!

  13. Dont worry, Mccoys due a winner

    erm...whoops, sorry! I think i might put today down as a bad day and give up until tomorrow now!

    However if I was going to put a bet on the next race it would probably have been your busy.

  14. I've gone for another lucky 15,

    1:30 - Champions Court

    2:05 - Buena Vista (Villa Colours practically!)

    2:40 - Poquelin

    3:20 - Thousand Stars

    I'm thinking about putting a bet on Divers on the 4pm race, but i'll see how my lucks going before I do that.

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