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Posts posted by bcarpet

  1. Will Ukraine vote for russia?

    No tactical voting this time i guess

    Surely with all the pro russians currently fighting in ukraine they could see this as a good time to make a point and vote high for russia

  2. We've started to book up all our bits and bobs for it now.


    Tickets we've got are eng vs uruguay & eng vs costa Rica + next game if they qualifiy but we also have belgium vs russia & france vs equador


    We fly to Rio and then straight onto SP, then after the england game we are off up to the Itataiai National Park for a couple of days before travelling back to rio for the beligum vs russia game.  After the beligum game we are flying up to Belo Hoizonte for a few nights before heading back to Rio for the France game.  We are then hanging round rio for a few days hoping england come 2nd so we can see that game their before finishing off at Paraty for a bit of a beech holiday

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  3. I've got to say I've really enjoyed reading all this.  Fair play CV you really do know your stuff! its very impressive, i'm pretty tempted to start following your tips (just need to get paid first so I've got some funding behind me!)


    I'm off to Newbury Races on friday (i know nothing about racing) so I'll look forward to see if you tip anything for that.


    **** that, take him the Holte. At 5 years old he's basically a man now! Yes he'll hear some naughty words, it's a football match.

    Once or twice in a lifetime remember, stand on The Famous Holte End. You'll regret it if you don't.

    Not so much the language that I'd worry about with him its that people tend to stand up and he might see very little - trinity lower seats as close to the front as you can is my advice .


    Or as you can pick your seat online, pick a seat in one of the first few rows of the holte upper, on the end of the asile is possible and then people standing won't be much of a problem!  Holte end would be a must for me personally if it was a once/twice in a life time sort of thing

  5. BOF you've been doing stronglifts for a while now haven't you?  how are you finding it? what are you lifting on it all?  


    I've pretty much done week 11 now and while i've failed a couple of times of the OH press and the barbell row (completely started again on this a little while ago as I decided it was my form that was off) but in all ive enjoyed it and progressed quite well

  6. You do 5 aside footy after a workout. You're not squatting enough :P


    I'm following the stronglifts programme and my legs are a fairly strong part of my body so I'm probably not at my highest point I could be squatting.  I'm doing 75kg at the moment.   And to be fair, I didn't say how much running I did whilst at five a side :P

  7. My day;


    7:00am - Protein shake (1 scoop)


    9:30am - 1 sachet of porridge & a handful of sultanas


    13:00 - Chicken salad - (i.e - a few bits of precooked chicken tikka chicken from Aldi, table spoon of sweetcorn, 1.5 table spoons of chopped mixed peppers, four sugar snap peas, half a grated carrot and three chopped cherry tomatoes). A 125g yogurt, a packet of crisps of some sort finished with a banana)


    15:00 - an orange


    18:00 - dinner - this can really can be anything!  from pork hash, to pork spag bol, pork chilli, chicken fajitas, chicken curry (only use fat free yogurt so not too bad) chicken stew (have you noticed I only eat chicken and pork meatwise?!)


    spread out throughout the day;

    10 cups of tea

    5 pints of squash

    2 glasses of water


    absolutely no idea caloriewise what that is to be honest.


    exercisewise - mon/wed/frid - 5x5 stronglifts

    mon night - 5 a side football

  8. Typical day for me is:


    6:30am (Breakfast)


    150g Porridge with hot milk and a scoop of whey protein

    1 large mug of tea with milk


    9:30 am



    2 slices Ham


    12:30 (Lunch)

    large chicken breast 

    100g brown pasta

    about 50g of broccoli (I don't weigh it, but it's not much because I have it cold and cold broccoli is minging)



    Small tub of Activia yoghurt

    handful of raisins

    small amount of mixed nuts


    (I'd have a protein shake, 2 scoops, after my workout in here somewhere)


    7:30/8:00 (Dinner)

    2 chicken breasts

    one sweet potato cut into chips





    Large Orange

    spoonful cottage cheese



    Calories: c2,700

    It's about 250g Protein, 30g fat and the rest carbs, from memory (that might be slightly out)



    That's when I'm cutting (so now). If I was bulking there'd be an extra chicken breast with lunch and a couple of rounds of hard boiled egg and peanut butter sandwiches (surprisingly nice) thrown in there.


    Dinner varies between the chicken and sweet potato, steak, omelette (with bacon and mushroom) and bologneise. But days I workout I usually go with the chicken meal. 


    Thats cool, is made me wonder if I'm just not eating enough.  I'll do a typical day for me in a sec.


    I see you've only included for one cup of coffee?  I take it you don't drink much in the way of hot drinks?  I have 9 or 10 cups of tea a day!


    you are also having lots more protein shakes than me too.  I do one scoop of shake in 250ml (I think, basically about a third of my shaker!) of water after my workout.

  9. Calorie-wise I'm around the 1,500 mark but that's because I'm not trying to build mass.


    How do you track your calories?  Do you have an app on your phone or do you just roughly calculate it going on the back of the packet and stuff?

  10. I've read the links on here before regarding diet (I think stevo you posted them didn't you?)  but I'd be interested to know what you guys are eating on a typical day?




    Article about Tonev in one of the best, popular and controversial (these guys always write what they think) sites about Polish league.





    Main thoughts are:

    • Transfer fee for Tonev is 3,2 mln euro and is the second most expensive footballer transferred from Polish league to PL (first is Fabianski)
    • Some pundits here in Poland compared him with Gareth Bale (which, in the eyes of the author, is big exaggeration)
    • His wages will increase from 150 thous. euros to 1,2 mln.
    • Author says that it is great business for Lech. They will earn approx. the same amount of cash as for Rudnevs, who was top goalscorer in Polish league (he was sold to Hamburger SV). When it comes to statistics, Tonev isn’t anywhere near him.
    • Tonev contract with Villa has many interesting clauses, f.e. he will earn more money, when Villa will beat any of the top 6 clubs.
    • Author reckons that this may be too deep water for Tonev, BUT in England, there’s no better club for him than Villa (examples of Bowery, Lowton). Tonev was criticised for taking shots from every position or for running like a headless chicken.
    • Agent Marcin Lewicki says that Villa wanted a guy who can shoot from distance. Tonev can do that with two feet, but he must work on his strength.

    Thats all. Sorry for possible grammar mistakes! ;)


    Interesting stuff and shows where Lambert wants to take our playing style next season. We've sorely needed someone who can shoot from distance for a while now.



    Interesting you say that. I do kind of agree but then actually if I think of how many goals we scored from outside the area last season it was a fair few... Benteke vs Liverpool, Benteke vs WBA, N/Zogbia vs West Ham, Lowton vs Stoke, Lowton vs Swansea, Gabby vs Norwich, Weimann vs Arsenal (& Man U??), Bent vs Wigan. Not bad really, and I may have missed a couple.


    What we really need is one of the central midfield trio to be able to shoot better. 



    With the exception of N'Zogbia and Lowton, all of the other goals were scored by the strikers, not midfielders, granted Gabby didn't play striker as he was wide-forward but they are not midfielders or wingers and Lambert probably wants players who can play deeper and still score a goal from further away.



    And of course there was Vlaar against sunderland!

  12. I think it was at the final whistle against Newcastle.  Despite the loss the Holte still rose as one and clapped the players off and I honestly believed it gave every single on of our lads a belief in themselves and it helped bring every one that bit together.


    For weeks after every interview with the players and the manager seemed to mention it and I honestly believe it kicked started our season (even if we only drew, won and then lost two immediately after).

  13. Coda, did you resolve the notice period issue with your gym?


    I had my first fail today (embarressing when you consider the low numbers I'm lifting!)  It was the Barbell Row, which wasn't the one I was expecting to fail on first!  I failed on 37.5kg, which I realise is rubbish but I will just have to give it another shot next time I'm doing workout A.  I wasn't too far off I suppose, I failed on rep 5 on set 4 and reps 4 & 5 on set 5 :(


    I'm slightly concerned I'm going to fail on my overhead press on friday too as I've been struggling on that one, would really make it a rubbish week if I fail on two!

  14. Seems ridiculous, but if it's in the contract that you originally signed you might be screwed.


    Incidentally, I think there's meant to be rules coming in soon to stop that sort of thing. Won't help you, but it should be somethign that gets fixed in future.


    Your best bet is to do what you say, give notice, cancel the DD after a month and hope they don't chase you for it.


    I remember it being one month but I could be wrong and can't prove it anyway. I've heard a lot of gyms are struggling due to these new cheap no contract competitors. I just get the feeling they're trying to get every last penny before I leave.


    How about asking to see a copy of the contract you signed?  Then you can have a read through the cancellation terms in that, if they cannot produce it then  just say your giving them a months notice as you believe thats reasonable?

  15. So I finally got to the gym this morning to do my first strong lifts work out!  Its taken me since september to get around to it with one thing and another (broken fingers, illness and christmas!) 


    A couple of things I've noticed;


    squats - the top (front) of my legs are hurting already.  I'm assuming I haven't stretched out enough before I did it.  Its hard to tell if your form is right as the only mirror is in front of you so you cannot see the side on view which would show me my shape better and would help me know if I'm going parallel.


    Bench - I seem to wobble with an empty bar!  this does't seem to bode well when I put some weight on it.  I've noticed a few people at the gym (and mendhi off strong lifts) arch their back while doing this, is this the correct form?


    Rows - I really need to watch some more form videos on this one, as I didn't feel as if I was doing it right at all!


    Hopefully though now I will be able to keep it up and keep it going!


    For you guys who have been doing it a while, have you noticed your body changing?  have you put muscle on? Have you lost any weight? I've got pretty much no muscle in my arms at all and a bit of a beer belly (although I'd like to point out my not fat anywhere else), will I see some results in both areas?

  16. I'm going at the weekend and hoping to go to see Ajax's game against FC Zwolle.  Is our best bet going to the stadium to get tickets or I hear that you can go to a ticketbox shop?  Anyone ever used them?  there is one two minutes from our hotel so I'm thinking that would be easier than going all the way over to the ground the day before the game.

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