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Posts posted by bcarpet

  1. I'm going to say one thing and then leave this forum alone for a few weeks.

    We are a team desperately low on confidence playing three games against the top 4 sides in the league.

    Please - fans, don't overreact. And Randy - don't do anything stupid and get ride of Houllier.

    The fixtures on paper always looked difficult up til the end of Feb, then they get better.

    JUDGE in April.

    APRIL!!!! too **** late then!!

    Why is it? Unless you think we're going to get relegated. I don't.

    I have never seen Villa this bad even under DOL! So yes I think this is relegation form!

    any one who isn't worried about going down now is either lying to themselves or really knows nothing about football!

    something needs to be done and for me you have to look at the manager

  2. Interesting how Cameron, Hague and Osborne have become the incredible invisible trio while a major Gvmt policy that they pushed and endorsed is forced through, leaving the cuckold Clegg and his buddy Cable to take the flack. Where is Gove?

    The LibDems have been shafted and their leadership are left trying to justify the betrayal of their party and those that voted for them and the rest of the country. Shame on so many people

    but they have betrayed their party and those who voted for them. so why shouldn't they have to justify it?

  3. got mine next week. Ours last year consisted of a buy one get one free meal during the afternoon on the last day. This year were all booked in at a hotel for a decent 3 course meal then the usual drunkeness. Cant wait.

    a hotel in cheltenham?

  4. Had to park almost a mile away from my house last night as the two hill raises on the lane were slippery sheet ice... wunderbar, nice traipsing home carrying a heap of clothes for a mile. Bloody snow. :x

    This is what happens when you live near tewksbury rather than some where nice like cheltenham :P

  5. I struggle with the plyometric even with the modified moves. My knees, ankles and hips click all the way through it and my knees are in agony with over half the moves. I just try to do what I can on it.

  6. Also you will get better at the Ab ripper X. i was the same 1st time i did it, I'm now up to doing at least half of what they do if not three quarters (and thats just in a week). Just make sure you push yourself on it every time and really try to do all of the reps on each one.

  7. I loved the yoga. Really enjoyed it, a worrying amount. It was really really difficult, had to take a few breaks, but I've never done it before so was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I was also amazed at how much of a sweat I could work up with such little movement.

    bcarpet, after the first 45-50 minutes it changes from movement (which is the hard stuff) to balancing. The 45 minutes of balancing is a lot less tiring, it's all about balance (surprisingly) soo not as much sweating or aching.

    I loved it, although I must admit after 40 odd minutes I was getting sick of him getting me to upward dog, plank, downward dog, lift the heel- SHUT THE **** UP!

    you can do a press up here if you want to...

    yeah I think think how annoyed I was getting with constantly repeating that one section also helped add to how much I was hating it.

    Maybe I'll get on better with it next week. I was suprised at just how much sweat i produced doing this too! i looked like petrov by the end of the 45 minutes i did, it was literally dripping off me!

  8. Well I didn't like the yoga one last night. It was very tough, they moved very quickly and I couldn't do all of the moves. I did 45 minutes and decided that was enough for the first time. I'm hoping it will get easier as the weeks go by.

  9. Yoga tonight. Quite looking forward to it, but it's 90 minutes long!

    90 minutes?! Christ didn't realise it was that long! I've never done yoga before so i'll be quite interested to see how I get on and what its like.

  10. RJ - I'd say you cannot do without weights for some of the exercises such as 'heavy pants' but maybe you could find things in the kitchen to use? Like bags of sugar or some thing?

    I'm just using my own diet, couldnt be bothered trying to read through all theirs lol.

    I did the back and legs workout yesterday (should have been Friday's but i switched them around). My legs felt ok by the end of it, very tired and weak but much better than I expected. This morning however, much different story! I'm so sore! I'm walking a little bit like John Wayne this morning.

  11. glad it seems some one else is feeling exactly the same Stevo! I'm in pain still from monday too! My legs aren't too bad but i'm fairly used to doing alot of leg work from footie training.

  12. Plyometrics: Really **** knackering!

    lol i was just coming on to say the same thing!

    I'm switching friday's and wednesday's days over as i play footie on a sat and I don't want my legs to be suffering for the game!

  13. I started it yesterday too (thanks to your link bcarpet)

    Thats Quite alright :)

    I'm the same, arms and abs are killing today.

    I started ok on the ab ripper but by the end I was only managing 15 reps rather than their 25.

    Also, diamond pushups, **** me they're hard!

    I found the decline ones the hardest!

  14. I did the first day yesterday and its fair to say it hurts just to lift my arms at the moment! I've got pain in muscles I didn't even know I had! Obviously was doing no where near the sort of reps the guys on the video were but it was a good start i think. By the end of it my arms couldn't even hold my weight up

    The ab ripper was really hard and I didn't manage to do all 25 reps of each exercise. On the days I have more time though I think I will use the pause button and ensure I hit the target!

  15. ref was shit again, cant believe he disallowed that goal and it was a clear penalty for the foul on albrighton could see that from the holte end.


    It was clearly a foul, personally though, it looked like it was just outside the area. not by alot though. The ref was also in a decent enough position to have seen it clearly and should have given it.

  16. You might find those resistance bands too limited in scope.

    I have the six pack of these and they give an awesome range resistance that will last a while, and they're extremely good value (don't bother with the circuit DVD).

    I've gone for these in the end so i shall see how I get on with them.

    Dom - I take it your not using the supplements then? I've never used supplements or ate protein bars or anything like that before so its a whole new world to me!

  17. I'll be interested to see how you get on with this Dom as I'm currently "acquiring" a copy because of this threat (feel free to pm me guys if you want a link). Will you be updating us daily for a little bit? Might look to give it a go myself starting from next week

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