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Everything posted by drat01

  1. agreed RB, so often religion is used as a mask by people with ulterior motives both knowingly and unknowingly. The point I was trying to make is that all religion isnt bad though and you cant condem a whole faith by the actions of people who claim to follow it. (except if the faith itself promotes violence .....)
  2. ratboy, while I dont disagree with a lot of what you are saying, you cant paint all of religion with same brush. There is still a lot of good that comes from people's faith
  3. I know, maybe I misread Ratboy's comments but he said that which sort of implies that religion has been setup purely as a method to keep the working classes in the gutter. In its true sense religion has helped the working classes and less well off. Its when its ability to do this is abused for peoples own prosperity is where it fails
  4. but Ian religion wasnt designed just an opression tool of the working people now was it. OK its used as a battering ram against people and has been for a long time, which sort of conflicts against its principles.
  5. ratboy - I think you may find that religion as you put it has been around slightly longer than the "working" classes
  6. But Worzel you could say the same about the Russians marching through Red Square, etc etc It will take time to change. The peace process is ongoing and unfortunately far too many people want instant results. For the moment we have an end to the bombings and the all out terrorist attacks from the IRA etc, but that came over time. Tolerance is needed from both sides and a move away from confrontationalism may just happen as a result, but it will take time
  7. IMG - I found it very funny yesterday to hear some of the nationalist bigots trying to take the moral high ground over this. The marching season is important to both sides of the political / religious divide in NI, I think Im right in saying. The whole point of these marches is celebration and with that provocation towards the "opposition". For every decision to ban you have to consider the repercussions from the other side and a compromise found. A compromise will no doubt be give and take for both but to ban full stop is not compromise. I dont condone rioting, but I also think that in this unique (for the UK anyway) situation a more give and take solution could be found
  8. Everton fans call themselves bluenoses Rob
  9. Allow them - guys like the WHU fan now on can and do give a differing view on Villa things. Obviously any sign of problems and then MOD him
  10. dont expect for too long Chris - its raining up here and moving down south - nottingham is only 35 miles away
  11. and thats it Lex - for us a team that has struggled to even create chances its probably a decent return
  12. 37 goals in 107 starts
  13. except when a goalie saves it. Tommy's pretty good at that (and a few others are .....)
  14. Isnt it funny, and probably OT for this thread, but people are saying if Baros scores 10 this year then they will be happy. Angel scores 9 last year and all of a sudden he's shit. Amazing
  15. amazing the anti-JPA bashing continues, I suppose if he scores on Saturday you will be cheering like the rest?
  16. aplomb? what sort of bloody word is that? Far too much lah-di-dah coming from you these days :-) p.s. Risso the anti JPA jibes mate, reminissent of certain other posters
  17. Well wasn't she working on Countdown until Richard Whiteley's death?
  18. Phil Neal - absolute clearing in the woods of a player, a FB, acknowledged as one of the best Pen takers ever
  19. Oliv - this is Villa we are talking about where nearly all the players have to have a second position. Apparently Tommy is reserve coach driver
  20. A left footed CH that can cover at LB would be the ideal
  21. oliv - Mellberg was puffing and panting, as was McCann and Davis looked like Paula Ratcliffe towards the end
  22. and was that based on yesterday's performance where he looked pretty fit?
  23. Pete(s) but how long has the transfer window been in existence. To say that the most we have ever spent in a summer while factually may be true, doesnt really give a true picture of current compared to previous spend
  24. GV :-) damn Im now confused Great post Daholteend by the way ....... oh and you GV :oops:
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