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Everything posted by drat01

  1. rules you say, is that like a manual but smaller Yeah - RTFM :-)
  2. Its wedge according to the rules - its cheese for the hip and trendy types - some may get the irony
  3. Pigeonholing is that beastiality? :-)
  4. Demitri joins LG's band of happy souls inthe fight against disbelievers
  5. Damn have the NOTW been round then? :-)
  6. Isn't it funny that the manager and players have commente about the away support this year and how good it has been. I must admit, and this will upset some people, I think the support at VP is shit. Its quiet, there is a lot of moaning. Now I know people will give examples when thats not been the case, but for me its not just as it should be
  7. Chris - different teams out there. Milner and McCann are big players for us and the opposition were I would say slightly more up for it
  8. If you dont like 'em dont contribute - end of really
  9. Kid at the top said "I **** told my mom it was grey shirt day but oh no she said everyone would be wearing white ......"
  10. NV's newest design's starting to show the effects of spending a few nights out with Trim
  11. Nick - trouble is mate that makes the thread NSFW
  12. LG's new combination musical of Mary Poppins and Jesus Christ Superstar is a hit
  13. 3PO shows off his new fish look-a-likey condom
  14. Lesbian girl to sue diary maker after monthly calendar proved to be wrong
  15. Protests held outside VT hosting company as JC's cartoons of other editors cause uproar
  16. @edit - it would be too controversial to ask that
  17. Bicks has now regretted installing that cheap sat nav he got from one of his Scouse mates
  18. I must admit I find it amazing that after a 4-0 win away from home, undefeated away from home since October. Only lost a couple in lots and people still want him out? Amazing but I suppose as Iain has said thats for other threads
  19. Trouble at Trim Stylee as old Ma Trim misunderstands her son's statement about being on Cold Turkey now
  20. Trimandson open a new fast food restaurant - Trim Styleeeee
  21. I aint supporting Ali or you at all mate, not a bit. I just think another thread has gone tits up because of a silly set of comments thats all. Why not send a message to Al or JC or one of the other mods if you aint happy with anything. If Ali choses to have the same views as me then great, he's a good bloke and he can look after my heart any day he wants to.
  22. FFS Richard give it a rest.
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