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Everything posted by drat01

  1. and i think DOL is O'xxx or O'xxxx it's all about opinions and you cant take the high ground when your prepared to use derogatory nicknames about Ellis meanwhile i've just read you post above as i type this so i'll stop mine and delete the names i had typed in order to not start another war... you cant spell anyway so it would probably have come out wrong :-)
  2. So why are they only used when it suits? Because its neither big or clever and can be seen to be atagonistic (see I can do big words too) You see you've changed your sig and to me thats a wind up, but as Im in a happy mood it wouldn't even make me react. I think the whole point of that rule was stop this sort of occurence. Its a bit Jimmy Cranky really isnt it? Neither big or clever. As I said Ellis is a different thing as its personal
  3. Mods and rockers all can have opinions. Look ladies before any tears are shed, there are rules on this forum about names etc, which JC and the guys have introduced for the sole purpose, I think, to avoid this sort of silly situation. Now why dont we let the mods moderate and we all get back to discussing in fairly adult manner the situation that still seems to be at the club. Note: As for calling Ellis names then I have a differing opinion as he has personally done me harm
  4. What DOL stuff? I am asking Ali some questions about the debate. As DDID said, it's a thread about the manager isn't it? :-) good old text converter - I put in D U L L and it converted it to DOL. It was the that I was commenting about not the theme of the manager
  5. Richard - FFS mate pack in with the DULL stuff, it gets in the way of what's a fairly civilised and reasonable discussion and does nothing IMO to help you put across a good argument. And nope there hasn't been one PM concerning you so hope that satisfies that little comment. Well not one that I have seen anyway
  6. Hev and mate try to hope that nobody will spot that she has loo roll stuck in her knickers as she returns from having dump in the local chalet
  7. TonyH and family try to explain how Tommy S should really catch the ball
  8. Richard - I'm not sure where you are going with this. But in my simple mind its just that simple. Ellis - runs the club badly. Can't be replaced unless he wants to leave and then by who? I dont know as I dont know who has money so cant even speculate DOL - has a tough job to do and now isnt the right time for him to leave the club because of the reasons mentioned in lots of threads. One of the reasons is Ellis so I suppose the two are linked and I think that DOL's position would be looked at by any new owners should they chose to make their move. As for others becoming available, how much would they cost etc (and note my questions on all of this have been pretty consistant so its not new ones - Note: stop the "DOL fan club" comments because thats just silly now - IMO) As for the impact after Ellis has gone I think that you will fiind that in the 1789787897789 threads abouut him leaving there has been a few questions about what would be the impact and most feel that it would be of benefit.
  9. Richard you cant compare the Ellis out and DOL out stances as the same sort of thing. Replacements for DOL are there for people to debate about, replacements in the world of business are not in the public domain so you cant really form an opinion, IMO. The reason I think he's the right manager for us now is based a lot on the fact that he's in the job now. Its a bit of damage limitation as it stands at the moment and I dont think his record as a manager is as bad as some would have us believe. Its a tough job managing Villa and some of the best have tried and somewhat failed. Circumstances at the club have got worse, so we need stability, both from a personnel point of view and from a financial point of view. Getting rid of DOL now would, again IMO, impact both of these in a negative way. As one of the posters above said, we all know who the key to most of the issues at the club is, so that would be in an ideal world the first replacement. DOL is not the best, I will admit that and he has made mistakes and will probably do so again. But AVFC dont find themselves in the luxurious position where it can afford to take many gambles. I still think DOL can and will do a good job for us (EDIT: sorry pressed submit before I could add this)
  10. Richard - in a small way the fans opinion may have an impact on what they think. More than happy to say he's the right manager for the situation we are in now. I think you will find that a lot of people have said similar. I'll ask my question in a slightly different way as no one is answering it. Sack DOL today, would this impact the club NOW in a bad way or a good way and why
  11. Richard unless ellis reads this forum then every post could be the same as none of us pick the side or play at LB etc, its all about opinions. The only certain fact about management is that one day you will leave the club. You are now of the opinion that he's not the right man for the job and want him to go NOW. The timing point is a fiar one because of the impact it would have on many aspects of the club, hence it being raised. Maybe its me not reading all of the posts but I still havent seen a good argument about why he should go NOW and that the effect would not be detrimental both from a financial and an operating impact. Maybe if someone could put one forward a lot of these threads would stop and we could discuss more important and ejoyable things like 1982
  12. Richard - sorry another perfect example of what I was talking about. Read the above quote and it does not say out now, now does it? You cant say that and then say read my post. So you are firmly still in the DOL out 2/2/2006 camp? Not a loaded question, its just that Im getting slightly confused as to hidden meanings etc. Again if thats your stance then so be it. I'd be interested to see why you still think it would be good for AVFC, but thats why I started that other thread
  13. FFS Richard dont start that again. There is a lot of posts from nearly all posters (including you and maybe me) that can be misconstrued as PFE. Its not really that different as trying to put some clever comment in about how often teams have beaten us now is it? Why not all stop that crap and get on with enjoying AVFC
  14. ladies please.......... anyway Richard, you see thats where things probably get very messy because thats not ow most have interpreted your posts of recent months. When I argued about DOL being kept on because it didnt make sense to sack him now, you seemed to disagree. But if thats what you are saying now, OK. Changing your mind is a good thing, its a bloke thing
  15. Slightly changed your view there Richard?
  16. Man Utd - Hate them but you cant really argue against their record in winning matches and they have at least brought through a few kids of their own Arsenal - Some of the football they have played at VP has been excellent Liverpool - Again they have at least won the biggest trophy in Europe and while the media do love them far too much, Stephen Gerrard's performance against us a couple of years back was excellent Chelsea - cockney wank stains, who have by luck gained a bit if success. 2 months later and they would have been declared bankrupt and all of this roman's money would not have appeared. Absolute gob shites
  17. I suspect that the Mercury will again run an update that basically will add nothing more than to keep the story running. I hope I'm proven to be wrong but its now gone past a joke because I think it is having an effect on the club.
  18. Demitri can't conceal his joy at the new Ajax kit his mum had got him for his birthday
  19. I think that you would probably find that they wish for a quick and sudden end. Gizmo Im sure if you asked anyone who posted that what they really wanted is for Ellis to leave the club and hand over to people who at least offered a whole lot more than he does. As there seems to be no other way for him to leave thanthrough ill health or death, its an easy comment to make. Passions run high over AVFC
  20. Rob and his "friend" take their regular trip to the sperm bank to make their donations
  21. "ooooh get her" is the official quote of the Norwegian VT society
  22. LG and Oz get their groupies to sort out VT non believers
  23. Yep, he played Billy. Wow, a Neighbours actor who's actually progressed into something serious. Well, apart from Stefan Dennis in Dream Team TBF Guy Pearce has done well for himself
  24. The thing is Al, and I do sympathise honestly, there are far more people than your realtive who are abusing the system and just enjoying benefits that they are not really entitled to. How would the panel address the issues?
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