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Everything posted by terrytini

  1. Other than not to send your Crown Prince to Sarajevo
  2. Funny you mention that. I had a long distance lockdown debate with my Son about that a few days ago. My argument was that we DID start it. “ ....I have to tell you no such undertaking was received and consequently this Country is at War with Germany.” I say debate. He said “ what a ludicrous interpretation, as usual” and claimed he needed to go and cook his tea
  3. “ Some jokers cancelled the Season lads, might aswell start a War !”
  4. Lol, I wouldn’t have blamed you though.....which was the better season, this one, or the last one ?
  5. I got made redundant, quit drinking and smoking years ago, and live with the missus. So, a complete blank for me.
  6. So, has anything changed in the last 26 days and 80 pages ?
  7. I don’t think there is a subject in history that hasn’t had “ two sides to the argument”. But the day I even try to see the “other side” in the catastrophically negligent and ideologically bankrupt way this government has handled this virus is the day I will retire to the funny farm. From the long term needless destruction of the health service and much other public infrastructure, to the scaling back of Emergency Planning exercises, to ignoring the recommendations of those they did do, to the smashing of our co- operative arrangements with our European neighbours, the ignorance of, then pathetic response to, the early outbreaks across the globe, right through to the tragically late imposition of ‘ lockdown’, ongoing Heath Robinson approach to co-ordinated national efforts, dismal “ news” conferences, misleading statements, and abandoning to die of those in Care Homes. For the life of me, why would anyone other than a Tory even waste effort trying to “ see other side”. In a truly civilised society the whole incompetent, heartless gang would be run out of town.
  8. Trump saying “ it might not come back , but even if we do ‘have embers’ it won’t be anything like what we’ve just been through, it will be smaller doses which we can contain. In my opinion (!!) it can never be anything like we’ve just gone through.” When will his Party grow some balls and ditch this maniac ?
  9. So glad I popped in this thread this morning I needed a good laugh.
  10. If every Club had a slogan this would be right up there.
  11. Was going to respond with a withering riposte but someone invented this emoji idea which seems to cover it.....
  12. But black people were more likely to die anyway so what’s the big deal ? ( just following one of the alternative lines of logic).
  13. I honestly don’t know what to say other than with a lifetime of service in Care my wife, and her friends in the same profession elsewhere in the Country, describe what’s happening as truly horrific. And nothing at all like anything they’ve ever seen before.
  14. Yes you are right he has. There maybe have been a few others. But my God, I know we are all very different now than we were even a couple of weeks ago, but to have hundreds of the most needy and vulnerable dying every week, all but abandoned, and it not be headline news or the subject of detailed critical scrutiny is, as you say, baffling to say the least.
  15. Yes....I know it can’t be done in many cases it was just a desperate shout out to try and say how awful it is. My wife’s in the same job as yours....and very similar circumstances. That’s one of the reasons I keep banging on about it because it is so much worse than anyone hears in the press. No staff, no tests, no equipment, total dependence on their own initiatives Mercifully my wife was told to stay home a couple of weeks back as she is in remission from cancer and has other health issue, they decided she shouldn’t go in. So I think I can say I’ve an idea how you feel.
  16. I’ve watched for a month baffled at the failure of the press to get hold of the Care Home angle. There has finally been some real attention given to it in recent days but they are still failing to properly report it. It has been, is, and will continue to be, a complete catastrophe. STILL no testing, no equipment, ill informed Managers, no meaningful direction or strategy, ill informed ( and sick) staff, and thousands stuck in them waiting to die and join the thousands who already have. All I can say is anyone who has a loved one in a Care Home get them out if you can.
  17. Hi. I don’t want to prolong the back and forth on this but thought I ought to reply given your post indicates you are - struggling ? is that a fair description ? And I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you find ways that work for you of getting through this. As regards posting stuff/ reading stuff/ information overload etc I’d say this though, in a sincere effort to be helpful and constructive. For some, more information, more discussion, is better. For some, more speculation, more debate, more theorising, is better. And for some, it might be better to read and hear less, or even as little as possible. But for those who come in that first category, a place where “ it all comes out” is essential else they have to bottle it up, or dump it on unwilling family or friends. Id say that a thread on a debating Forum, dedicated to discussing the virus, was a suitable place for that. For those that would prefer not to get too much information, maybe ignoring that thread, or reading just a Page or two every couple of days, would be better ? On the wider issue, I used to suffer with anxiety, and depression. I’m more than happy to correspond and pass on the things that worked for me if you felt it would be any use ..and in case you didn’t know it there is a very good mental health thread on here All the best
  18. He is very good on the stats, I’d recommend him to anyone who wants insight into the numbers.
  19. Made me laugh and I fully take the point. However I’m very relieved that this is their view to the extent that they are not “ doing a Trump” and egging people on to return to work. Of course one would hope (!?) that medical opinion would form the majority of their thinking
  20. My mental health is fine mate - each to their own....I prefer as much factual information as I can get
  21. Do we ? ”Given that some China's earliest COVID-19 patients were connected to the Hunan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, it is likely the seafood market played a role in amplifying the virus. However, there is not enough evidence to prove that is where the virus transmitted from animals to humans. There is also evidence emerging that among the first 41 patients hospitalized in China, 13 had no connection to this particular marketplace. The path of the pathogen is still unknown.” https://www.npr.org/2020/04/14/834109166/where-did-the-coronavirus-originate-virus-hunters-find-genetic-clues-in-bats?t=1587327778835 From an article in Shortwave a couple of days ago.
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