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Everything posted by Awol

  1. Yep, agree with that entirely. 8-10 usually means nice bum and legs which I'd take over 12-14 with big funbags everytime.
  2. The rumour - and it's in the public domain - is that they are already flying over Birmingham and trying to intercept voice print matches for Talibrum fighters recorded by the Nimrods in Afghan who have since come 'home'. Also doing the same thing 'oop North in the Leeds/Bradford area. I'd be surprised if the intention was to eventually use them as a replacement for plod on the street (purely because of the cost element of buying, operating and maintaining huge numbers of UAV's) but I guess you'd be silly to rule anything out these days.
  3. Don't worry folks, Gordo is going to give us a stamp duty holiday to kick start the housing market. How? He's going to borrow even more money!! Something about being another day older and deeper in debt... Useless fecking tool of a man.
  4. Snowy Dare I mention *cringes* pop idol politics?!! Tune in next week for the Westminster edition of It's a Knock Out when David Miliband will attempt to drown the PM in his own drool. C units, the lot of 'em.
  5. I'm actually very excited to see who the replacement for Barry could be. With the goals scored last season I'm not really worried about our attacking options even sans the model pro. We've added a bloody great keeper and as long as we have a good back four by 1st of September - which I'm sure we will - I'll remain confident that we can knock f*** out of all comers bar Manure. I wouldn't have said that two years ago even with 10 pints of ale in me.
  6. General, I think you all still have the full support and confidence of the vast majority of Villa fans, who I believe share my embarassment and bewilderment at the comments of a lunatic fringe. Many thanks and keep up the great work.
  7. I voted yes for a few simple reasons. 1) As a team we are streets ahead of where we were when MON and Randy took over. 2) We have UEFA Cup football again and have achieved Europe two years into a five year plan which I reckon is ahead of schedule. 3) That five year plan was intended to build a team around the talent of Barry and his actions this summer have, I think, de-railed the carefully laid plans of MON. That is why this window looks a bit bonkers at the moment but ALL of the statements coming from the club recognise the same facts that we do - we need numbers and quality in serveral positions and are doing our best to get them, while also possibly adjusting some targets to cope with the loss of GB. Fine, it makes sense and I'm happy to accept that and let them get on with it. 4) Yes it would be nice to have everything done and dusted by now - and four players in is not a bad start - but I recognise the market doesn't operate to benefit AVFC and things will happen when they happen. Neither you, I or anyone else bleating about it wont make any difference so why become semi hysterical? ( that is not directed at any individual just an observation of some peoples apparent thought processes.) In short a little more composure and objectivity would go a long way to cheering up those who are currently upset, which I'm not, at all.
  8. Sorry Jon but why should he sack him? and Spineless - sorry that does not make any sense Hi Ian. By spineless I mean weak, indecisive, a ditherer if you will. All the evidence of his Premiership to date indicate those character traits (election that was abandoned, 10p tax cave in, referendum etc etc etc). Miliband has been positioning himself for a leadership challenge, what otherwise was that article he wrote in the Guardian about if not his vision for Labour? if Brown really was a leader he'd stamp his authority on the situation and sack or demote him. My opinion is that he is too weak to act decisively and will put decisions (and reality) on the back burner in the hope of limping to the party conference in September. If he makes it through August I can see him going for a strategy of appeasement and promoting Miliband in the reshuffle. It is looking bad for them though Ian, even Harriet Harperson has had to deny she's plotting, as has Jack Straw. No smoke without fire? The ship is sinking and the rats know it, so the real question is whether any of them have the courage to save their party from electoral oblivion. Not sure what your point is unless it was a little dig at me? In fun, obviously :winkold:
  9. IF (and it's a big if) things haven't kicked off before the reshuffle comes around I can see Miliband becoming Chancellor. Brown is just too spineless to sack him so the only other alternative is promotion because he has to be seen to shake up the status quo. FWIW I expect a challenge to be under way before September anyway.
  10. ^ Am I glad the bird nagged me into going fixed rate on duel fuel till Dec 09 with BG - yesterday! Talk about a close one.
  11. The whole national press is saturated with stories of coup plots etc. much of it from people who are very pro-Labour but not blind. Prescott and a few others are in denial but the dribbling incompetent is truely screwed and if Labour don't have the balls to act soon they'll be gone for three/four terms again.
  12. You're right Trekka and not just in the way you mean. She's an evil behatch imo.
  13. I voted Johnson because the government are going to have some big problems with the unions soon because they know Brown is weak and are likely to push for a hard left agenda in return for their millions. With the state of Labour's finances at the moment plus a serious electability problem, they may just delude themselves that this would be a good idea and revert to type. As a union man himself Johnson may be the best placed potential candidate to limit the fallout of any industrial action. They could go for Harriet Harman as Deputy but I reckon she'd be as bad or worse. For me their best option is to call a GE ASAP allowing Miliband to take over what remains of the PLP and have a good re-think of what they are about. They will only get more unpopular as time goes on so it'd be in Labour's interest to save what they can now. I'd be interested to hear the Ian's thoughts on this; do you guys think Brown should carry on to the election or does this convince you he will never be elected to the role of PM?
  14. That's got to be Labour's key aim now. They will be out at the next GE without question but they need to consolidate and hold onto their core areas in order to rebuild later. Worst case would be the Lib Dems taking second place in the English constituencies and Labour also losing out to the nationalists in Wales and Scotland. They could end up as the third party in Westminster. I don't think it will help Gordon that they are now going on the summer break either, plenty of time for gunpowder treason and plot.
  15. Alan Johnson's a safe pair of hands I reckon Jon, if they go for Harriet they'll be even further in it, Balls is a cretin, Straw wouldn't be any good and as you say I reckon Miliband will keep his powder dry and go for the leadership when they are in opposition again. What a result for the SNP though.
  16. BBC saying it's a close run thing with a result in three hours if no recounts are required. I still think Labour will win but it could be interesting....
  17. I knew a kid at Uni who did and he was away with fairies and demons for about 8 hours. He thought he could see through our skin and look at our sculls and plenty of other very weird shit. I've seen some freaky stuff but I was scared for him. He was a different bloke afterwards and although I'm not in touch with him anymore I hear it's twisted his head permanently. Never ever touch this drug.
  18. Exactly. They were going to vote SNP :winkold:
  19. So sorry Ian, snowy mentioned Labour bribing people so thought I'd throw it in. Glad you're not denying it though
  20. Quite good at bribing MP's though eh? *cough* 42 days
  21. I bought John Gale's car for 300 quid about three years ago. Got very drunk with two Villa mates the night MON joined us and in a burst of misplaced enthusiasm completely trashed it. Still got 100 quid for it from a passing gypo some weeks later so 200 well spent!
  22. I don't think so, the only person I think worthy of a state funeral in the next few years - provided Lizzie stays fit and well - is Harry Patch, the last Tommy. Thatcher was simply too divisive imo.
  23. So the anyone but Labour thing is right!!! Again, no. I'd see an SNP victory in this seat as a means to an end, I certainly don't think the country would be run better by 'anyone but Labour'. The Tories or Lib Dem's then probably yes but not literally anyone but Labour.
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