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Everything posted by villabromsgrove

  1. Opinions on Dejan Stankovic of Inter Milan as a target anyone? http://www.football-rumours.co.uk/
  2. Totally agree & generally the same posters to. Really who might that be then? No point scoring going on here, just having a laugh hence smilies! If disagreeing with the norm and suggesting Villa wont do something is point scoring might as well card everyone! Come on Jez let's have some positive posting! Villa are a team with ambition and considerable financial clout, we are also fortunate to have a charismatic manager. To quote MON (slightly out of context) "that's the dream , why shouldn't we try."
  3. yeah, but even the ones who pick Villa over West ham... we're gonna end up paying double money for, just cos West Ham will force the price up with silly bids. well if its for players of Young's calibre then I dont think thats a big deal I think after FIFA's news today any player who West Ham go for will be either waiting for the investigation outcome or will hope that his agent can find him an alternative. West Hams chairman is not happy with Upton Park as a venue and recognises that their training facility at Chadwell Heath is inadequate. His sole ambition at the moment will be surviving the scrutiny of FIFA and the legal challenge that is certain to ensue from a number of aggrieved clubs. The only way they will sign players of the calibre that I hope we are pursuing will be to offer extortionate salaries such as the deal they did recently to sign Lucas Niell. This is the route to a Leeds type disaster even for rich owners and I would imagine that given the choice between West Ham and Aston Villa a truly ambitious young player would not hesitate in choosing Villa.
  4. Id be impressed if it wasnt in the dutch league I take your point manson but what about Ruud Van Nistelroy?
  5. If you judge a striker on a goals to games ratio Hunterlaar stands out a mile. He has played 132 games and scored 99 goals!
  6. Klaus Jan Huntelaar and Wesley Sneijder are both very good players and would make a big difference to our goal tally over a season.
  7. You never know... Good back up for Carew, whether he'd leave to be a Villa sub is another matter. Once I saw the teamsheet, that was the first name that jumped out at me, but no, I wouldn't want him here now, after we've got Carew...... What about when Carew is injured? Now that it looks like Sutton will retire we dont have a big man to cover. Koller is the right age to perform that role and those of you who were at the match yesterday cannot have failed to notice that Luke Moore cannot fill that role even for ten minutes.
  8. I 've just noticed that St Etienne beat Lille 2-1 earlier (5pm ko) So apologies for stating that Monaco v Marseille was the only French top division game today. Does that throw up any more targets?
  9. Mon met up with Ian Storey Moore at the new training facility this morning, they spent a few minutes talking in the office and then left for a flight to France at about 11:30am. Monaco v Marseille is the only match being played today (20:00hrs) So it looks likely that they are looking at Franc Ribery, Djibril Cisse, Mohammed Kallon, Toure et al.
  10. I don't think so Jas, I believe he's at the Monaco V Marseille match. Ribery, Kallon or Cisse anyone?
  11. Ridgewell's certainly not "shite," he's a quality cb who lacks one vital thing, pace. It's sad but he is just too slow for the premiership. He is a leader and I have always appreciated his total commitment to the Villa cause. I will be sorry to see him move on but it is probably going to happen.
  12. Yes please! They are the kind of players that we have to target if we are going to move up to the top six and beyond. Signing players like Hunterlaar and Sneider would make the rest of the premiership sit up and take notice. Ajax' manager was in Sweden yesterday to watch a player very similar to Sneijder, apparently, A sign of Sneijder on his way, maybe. The problem is that in the same article they said that it's rumoured that Barcelona and Valencia are efter him and if that is the case I think we won't see him in Villa. But you could only try. Money talks Pelle, and agents will push any big money deal that is put to them. The Premiership is now the in place for top footballers to ply their trade and as you say we can but try.
  13. Yes please! They are the kind of players that we have to target if we are going to move up to the top six and beyond. Signing players like Hunterlaar and Sneider would make the rest of the premiership sit up and take notice.
  14. I'm glad you find my suggestions hysterical Malcolm because you obviously need cheering up, you carry on slagging off MON and I will carry on supporting Villa.
  15. Malcolm, I read your post on "news now" and even though I'm short of time tonight I had to come on VP and reply. I enjoyed last nights match and thought we could easily have taken three points with a bit of luck as we totally outplayed Arsenal in the second half. 40,000 fans were there last night and 42,500 will be there on sunday so Villa fans are now demonstrably much more optimistic, and then I read your post. What a negative outlook you have! I've been a Villa fan for five decades and I've lived through the highs and the lows, but now I believe that we are entering the most exciting period in our history. Give Martin time Malcolm and judge him in a couple of seasons when his team plans have come to fruition. It will take time to reverse our long decline and put us back in the top six, but I'm positive we will get there and I'm also certain that Mon is the man to do it.
  16. General, well done to everyone at VP for a very satisfactory transfer window. If we make the same kind of progress during the next few transfer windows we will be a real force to be reckoned with in two/three years time. Last nights result was disappointing but the manner in which we dominated large parts of the game is an exciting sign of good things to come. Keep up the good work, see you on saturday. Up the Villa!
  17. When the rumour first surfaced linking Radoslaw Matusiak to Villa my first thought was that if he was good enough to command a regular first team place it could potentially add thousands of Polish supporters to the Villa attendance. I have done some work recently on the integration of eastern europeans into local education and I was astounded to learn the number of Poles who have moved into the West Midlands in the past couple of years. They have a very good work ethic and are here with the intention of staying. It seems a shame that Matusiak didn't want to come to Villa for a trial as he could well have become a beacon for a whole new section of our community. Buying a player solely for ethnic reasons is never the best policy, but if a player was available and good enough it would be very astute business.
  18. Hi General, I'm posting this to say thanks to Sheila in the ticket enquiries office for her sterling work on my behalf yesterday. A few days ago my eldest son broke two metatarsal bones and on friday night my youngest son shattered his collarbone playing floodlit football. Even though they were both in considerable discomfort they were desperate to get to the match. I phoned VP on saturday morning and explained the situation and after three phonecalls from the very friendly and efficient Sheila we had swapped their season ticket seats for one disabled seat and a wheelchair (provided by Villa) on the half way line. We were also given a car parking space next to the players car park which was a great help. My sons would like to express their thanks to Sheila for making yesterday possible for them, they were at the Everton away game on nov 11 th when we won our last match and would have been desperately disappointed to have missed seeing us get back to winning ways against Watford. (One of my sons was popping wheelies in his wheelchair when we scored with 4 minutes left!) Yesterday demonstrated to me what great people we have helping to run the club, and I would be grateful General if next time you are in the ticket office you could tell Sheila and her colleagues how much their friendly and polite assistance is appreciated , especially when as on this occasion it is well over and above the call of duty.
  19. A very good post Chris and one that echoes my own feelings and frustrations as far as Baros is concerned. He looked like a top class player today, but will he look the same if he is still a Villa player the first week in february? Past experience suggests not and that the dramatic improvement is because Baros is putting himself in the shop window and looking for a move, in which case he will have attracted further attention and put his price up today. I hope I'm wrong because his performance today was a pleasure to watch, but I fear that enigmatic players don't suddenly become committed team members overnight and put club before self.
  20. Couldn't agree more with that. I hope villa do what ever it takes to get the ground full, it makes it a much better time for me. I would like to add my 100% support to the above comments. I choose to be a season ticket holder because of the pleasure and excitement it gives me and I don't want to be subsidised. Spend the money on the team General, and by all means pursue ticket promotions to fill the stadium because a full Villa Park further enhances my matchday experience.
  21. Here's my view for what it's worth. Martin O neill has had twelve days of this transfer window and a handful of days at the end of the summer transfer window to try and bring players in. He signed Petrov, almost signed Milner and has got a potentially good right back on loan courtesy of his good friend Sir Alex. He is having to try to sign players despite the media led expectation that Villa have pots of money to spend and may be prepared to throw large chunks of it at vastly overpriced inexperienced players. Mon has to contend with media and fan expectation and give interviews when he would like nothing more than to quietly go on with the business of getting good players to come to Aston Villa. It is far to early to make judgements about either the new owners or the new manager, because that is what they are, NEW! Let's wait two or three years by which time both the boards intentions and the ability of Mon to turn those intentions into a winning team will be self evident. Until then we need to recognise that there is an enormous job ahead and it will take time. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will the new Aston Villa be.
  22. Having just watched 90 minutes of Steau Bucharest against Real Madrid I'm starting a SIGN DICA CAMPAIGN. The guy was awesome.
  23. Merry Christmas to all Villa Talk posters with special thanks to you General and to Randy for making us all feel proud and valued fans once again. Have a great day.
  24. What a great post! I've had the most amazing week following the Villa with my sons. We went to Vp to see us beat Blackburn, to Chelsea to witness the awesome Villa army at our very best, and to Everton to be part of another outstanding display by the Villa away fans (the team did well too!) General you have given us our pride back, keep up the motivational posting. Those who saw the Villa army marching out of Goodison Park yesterday singing in concert at the top of our voices, at the end of another fantastic day could have no doubt that something special is happening at Aston Villa.
  25. Smacks of desperation. Why would RL now divulge his transfer budget. Very unprofessional to expect otherwise knowing that he cannot do that. Desperation. And of course there are no unanswered questions on tha AV06 bid are there? Your immediate intentions are perfectly clear. Underhand tactics these I haven't had time to check all the posts but has anyone asked the question about how AV06 will be able to spend even one penny (let alone £30 million) on transfers, given that they could not take control until 21 days after the date that their bid is recommended? Does the Mails source understand the rules, or is this challenge to Randy to match the £30 million expenditure in the next 16 days (when he is also unable to spend his own money until September 4th) nothing more than a wind up. It seems a strange way to do business.
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