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Everything posted by YLN

  1. Andy Gray in the studio... But he can't do anything but complain about us
  2. At least that one got into the box. Shiteing around outside the box drives me mad
  3. I hate those free kicks. Change the angle? Hit the wall
  4. Lost in America is on TCM now. You might know Albert Brooks as the best voice actor on The Simpsons. "Fine, let 'em go - you stay here, we'll go bowling!" Edit: Scratch that. Thumbs down on this one. Didn't enjoy
  5. YLN

    South Park

    It's genius because it's so popular and well before its time as regards inappropriate humour. I'm could take it or leave it though
  6. Calamity all the way. Hopefully in 3 months we'll look back and say Friedel though.
  7. YLN


    By the by, the new episode of Season 4 is up on TV Shack
  8. 3 points on the board. Bring on Fulham. But please can we make it look easy. My heart and family relationships can't take games like that
  9. Matches are how long again? 78mins is it?
  10. VT will again go into meltdown if we win this. Pro MON 1-1 Anti MON Any chance the boo boys at the back of the Holte will realise how destructive their 'support' can be?
  11. I'm fluent in French, Irish and English. I understand and can speak a little Spanish. I learned German and Latin in school but don't have a word now. So obviously I went for 5 plus
  12. Maybe NRC, but Petrov can't be stripped after his rediscovery of form. It wouldn't be fair
  13. I think i've heard it all now Now Martin's a victim is he? A victim of a situation that is. How do you know there were no players attainable of the quality needed? Unless you are someone ITK then you saying there was "really nothing available" is about as accurate a statement as Gabby is with his shooting. And how can you possibly sit there and blame Portsmouth for US selling Knight to Bolton, not 'losing' him as you state. WE decided to sell him before we had a replacement lined up, how is that anybody's fault apart from our own? Take your rose tinted spectacles off please. Victim of circumstance. Not a victim of a rape, which is the connotation of the word you are trying to invoke. I didn't say I knew no one was available, but if a quality player was available, wouldn't he have been seized by another club? The story was that Portsmouth had verbally agreed to sell Distin to us, but circumstances changed. I said it could be blamed on MON, so there are no rose-tinted spectacles. Well there are some. Villa fans seem to have picked up 'the divine right to success' spectacles as worn by Newcastle fans every season up til May 2009. You think you've heard it all now?
  14. If I might tease something out... You complain that MON has spent more than most managers. He has managed 2 consecutive 6th place finishes, while those teams who have spent within the same ball park have fallen below. This pre-season, his net spend has been in the region of £4 million if I'm right, which is nothing. He lost Laursen and Barry, but that was unavoidable, yet aside from Bent, I don't think there was one truly attainable quality player that we have missed out on. So i don't know what else the anti-MON brigade are expecting. Don't say he's tactically inept, because as you yourselves have said, this is a results business and he has gotten results. After what he spent we finished well up in the league. He hasn't spent this time around because there was really nothing available and he has also lost two vitally important players. If we are lacking in quality (and we are), he is a victim of his situation. He could buy some players to fill up the squad, but with the market inflated as it is, he probably didn't see the point while we have young talented players who would not be completely eclipsed by what we would get if we started bringing in squad fillers. Based on reports we got screwed by Portsmouth into losing Knight and being left without Distin, which could be blamed on MON, if you really want, but is moreso down to the desperation of Pompey. So the squad is lacking. And it is. But what else could he have done? We shouldn't be losing to teams like Wigan, but the backbone has been ripped out of our side and we are still reeling. I don't think he has, or ever will lose the dressing room, as the team have a great respect for him as a manager. We're trying desperately for Wesley Sneijder who would kick-start our season, but if he doesn't come rolling into Bodymoor Heath in the next 2 weeks, this isn't going to be a hugely successful season, but I really don't think too much of the blame can be laid at Martin's door.
  15. Where have they been since Feb. If lost please return to Villa Park asap. Sorry couldn't help myself:) found
  16. Didn't Everton flirt with 4th and then the next season finish 17th. I would give MON another season even if we were to finish 14th this year. It would be difficultto replace the backbone of our team in one transfer window. That was always going to be hard. If this is a rebuilding season, that's OK with me
  17. The last 22 votes have gone 3 for go, 19 for stay
  18. Your not serious are you?What would you have done Well sticking 5 players up front would have been my first move. Then I'd have ensured there were loads of arrows stemming forward from every other player
  19. I predict that when fans with the longer memories and those who have stuck with Villa through thick and thin get back to the board, the poll will swing very strongly to the stay option. It is the knee-jerk fans who have their day in the sun who are 'polluting' (IMHO) the board at the moment. Others will sleep on it and return tomorrow, when the morlocks are all tuckered out.
  20. The next game really can't come quick enough for VT
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