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Everything posted by theboyangel

  1. Have to disagree with you there PB - I liked Southgate too but think Olly is a far stronger, faster and better defender than the dullest CB we've ever employed.... Also GS gets points docked for his money orientated 'ambition' (and for missing that spot kick :winkold: )
  2. Paul McGrath is a Villa Legend and I can see Olly well on his way to that status too.
  3. That's the sky report: anyone know about him?? Ryu, any danger on some info??
  4. you'd have to be mad to vote no! He's a young, proven prem striker and a decent international to boot. I like the fact he's always willing to run at the defence, ok his finishing could do with improving (sound familiar) but he was still Liverplops top scorer last season... I'd deffo welcome him into the squad - but as others have said - as another striker not a replacement...
  5. I voted for option one - we can do without him - but only if we get a decent replacement in first. I like Vassell (would really like him if his finishing improved) and would personally prefer it if he stays but if we're having to sell on a player I'd rather it be him than Olly, Barry or Nobby etc As for the mooted swap deal for Distain - DOL has already quashed this rumour on the OS.... I don't think he's going anywhere - FFS he's on a plane to Sweden today!
  6. todays tabloid round-up: Star: I can't see us selling without having a replacement lined-up/already signing. No too fussed about the Distain deal either Anyone know much about him??? age, sided position etc etc Mirror: hmmmm it's the Mirror (and the Star above) reporting - pinch of salt taken!!!!!
  7. I dunno - i'd like to think so - we're not that bad, great fans, nice stadium have a good manager errrrrrmmmm :? let's leave out the board structure :winkold: We 'nearly' signed him prior to Euro 2004, would like to think we still have a chance
  8. ^^^^^ as per my preivous post - Soton and Liverplop have agreed a £7m transfer fee for Crouch!!! He's off for a medical tomorrow (wednesday) surely that's it for Baros - he must be worth a go for.... Surely redscouse would accept around £3m?? (but have we even got that??!?!??!)
  9. 'Alledgedly' Baros will be shown the Anfield exit door this week! (from the usual tabloids!) I know he's been discussed on here before but surely (if the Saviola deal can't be done(!)) he'd be worth a cheeky bid???
  10. oh dear - how the mighty (budget) has fallen.... with that in mind, I make it a £9m transfer war chest has been handed to DOL.... £2m approx for the new signings and £7m put aside for Distain... so, £7m left then??? (personally I think the ammount will be lower than that- around £5m or so) What would have happened if both Citeh and the Barcodes accepted our 'alledged' bids for Bellend and Distain??? We'd of looked a right bunch of amatuers if we had to pull out of one of the deals!!! i'm not surprised by this at all - but I still hold a glimmer of hope we'll be signing two more players pretty soon... it's been a v quiet week on the tabloid front which is usually good for us, we do tend to make signings with no real forewarning.... this is my 1000th post - (took my time I know!) I wanted this to be a happy post :oops: :cry:
  11. I also think Lee will be used mainly as a sub with the central pairing roles being taken mainly by McCann, DJx2, Davis and Berson (please!) Hendrie will be stand-in for Solano, a role I personally don't think he fills properly. He's a bit of an enigma really, he can go for 4-5 games playing some amazing football and then not a peep from him for a few months... His attitude (off the pitch) is also a liability and this may affect his selection chances. One worrying thing for me is that's he's one of our senior players and highly influential on the youngsters in the club (and we have plenty).. maybe that's why DOL's bought in the likes of Phillips and Berger, old heads, good footballers and not at all prone to controversy on or off the pitch??
  12. Pablo, I remember you recounting your 'brush with the law' - not the best of adverts from my people! We're not all bad - I agree there are some idiots in the job (particularly traffic cops ) but on the whole, we try and sort out what needs sorting.... I'd like to think i'm good at my job and tbf most people are suprised I do what i do when introduced to them!
  13. I went for No2 (as most people did) too..... I love my job, although at times it can get you down - initially the hours are pretty decent (although I have to work the occassional weekend) but that can change at the drop of a hat dependant on what cracks off which will usually mean I don't get home until it's finished... Unfortunately a good day for me usually means it's a shit day for someone else! But I've experienced some mind blowing shit, some upsetting stuff and some of the best laughs I could ever have! I'm a Detective in the Old Bill!!
  14. None yet but I'm sure i've sat near to a few of you during the games.. maybe the recently discussed VT wristbands will be a giveaway in the future???
  15. todays Sunday tabloid drivel pair up Saviola and the Boggies!!!! Surely if they have a chance of signing him we'd have a better chance of getting him??
  16. no way Clayton!!! he's not even good enough for Cov!! Personally, I reckon our strikers are pretty decent, we just need to give them more scoring opportunities from midfield play - therefore we should splash the cash and try and get a real creative player in - D'Allesandro is available or so I understand or even Kim Kallstrom?
  17. in reply to richard - even if it was put in a slightly condecending manner (!) They're all stocking fillers, maybe the exception being Hughes, whom I can see taking the RB role next season
  18. craigyh - stick with those thoughts!! If you look at who we've signed, they're all kinda replacements for who's been shown the door and we still have the two bids for Bellamy and Distin on the table(!) DOL has said all along he wants to build up the squad - it'd be pointless if we go into next season with the same sized squad.... I can see it now - DOL giving an aftermatch interview "they're a great bunch of lads etc etc" I still think we can pull something special out of the hat with a 'quality' player! it's still way too early to start having a go at the club - at least we're filling the gaps left by Hitz, Cole etc etc
  19. I voted option3 - good and reckon he can bag us over 10 goals this season I am a bit miffed though - does this mean we'll not be signing another forward???
  20. Option 2 for me.... good back-up for the next 2 seasons and then he'll be ready to take over the mantle of No1... Look what we did to James, transformed him from calamity to england no1 (except for FA Cup final day :cry: )...but then we made a tidy profit too!! I think this is a decent player who'll serve us well
  21. the Independant today report that the arrival of Park Ji Sung at ManUre could spell the end for Liam Miller, Keiran Richardson and/or John O'Shea Not fussed about Miller at all and Richardson will probs end up at West Brom but Joh O'Shea would be an excellent aquisition!! He can play LB and CB- has experience of playing top level and shouldn't cost too much (around £2.5m - £3.5m) I'd like to see us put an £8m- £10m double bid in for Smith and O'Shea - that'd be better than stubbs and phillips wouldn't it???
  22. I opted for neither!! I desperately want us to sign new players but Bellendamy is a cock of the highest order and won't get us 15-20goals a season and will probs upset the equilibrium of the dressing room as for Distin - he's ok but not worth £7m or 7m lira!!
  23. V funny Rev!!^^^ the papers are mooting that Spurs are ready to sell Kanoute... If I recall, didn't we try and bid for him and Lampard back in 1999??? Not sure i'd take him now, he's a bit injury prone and seems a right moody sod!! it'd be like signing Collymore again!!!
  24. Todays tabloids are linking Keane with a move to Celtic to work with Strachan again!?!? As for signing Richardson, he's had one decent game for England and he appears to be the new messiah! I think he's got bags of potential but not worthy of the hype he's receiving at the mo'.... If we were to sign him it would have to be at a decent price £1.5m tops IMO... If we go for a player from ManUre i'd like us to bid for Smith, it's a big year for English players on the perifory(sp) of the England squad with the World Cup coming up.... We could offer Smith regular first team action which would boost his chances of going to Germany...(although it looks like he's shot himself in the foot by throwing his teddies out of the pram in the USA already!!!) Smith would add that much needed 'bite' as we need in our current team but isn't as much as a nob as Bellamy! The whole world cup thing is one of the reasons I think we should be targetting english players (in the bigger clus) who are on the fringes of the England set-up (ie Parker, Smith, Kirkland) and not getting regular football.
  25. How very true Rich!! Do you think it'd be worth putting a cheeky bid in for Rommedhal who hasn't settled at Chorlton??? There's a tricky winger with bags of pace..
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