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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. There will be a full investigation after the game.
  2. Excellent first half. Please please please please keep attacking and don't sit back!!!!!!!! Otherwise we have just learned nothing!
  3. This has looked very very good so far. So it will all end shortly no doubt.
  4. Take your mental ideas elsewhere please.
  5. I do think someone in the mould of Eddie Howe etc would struggle here. They have that mentality of pulling together and really fighting for each other. We have an entirely misplaced "big club" mentality of instant gratification and there is so often friction between the fans and what goes on the pitch. We have to change the whole attitude of the club IMO.
  6. I think it's just alarming that he is not producing better performances that Sherwood or Garde but both Sherwood and Garde had very legitimate excuses. Bruce has had nothing but backing from the board.
  7. Johnstone keeping us in it...this is all so terrible...
  8. He is competing for worst signing in our history...
  9. Whoever we do get definitely shouldn't have more than a year on their contract...
  10. I mentioned earlier that I'd take Garde back and give him a crack with a better hand. You could at least see he was trying to achieve some sort of style and quickly gave up when he realised his task was impossible (which it was). He already knows the club so it wouldn't be like starting from scratch.
  11. Not only that but we have done "proper" manager and that hasn't worked and we have done "young, up and coming" and that hasn't worked either. lets give sentimentality a crack.
  12. Wasn't he a youth coach or have I misremembered that? If so then he probably can claim Kane. Say what you like about Sherwood but he does believe in giving youth a chance.
  13. I think the point he is making is that people keep saying the job is too big for him and then in the same breath want someone who has only ever managed a small club for a short period. Who's to say they wouldn't crumble if someone like Bruce can't handle it? I get the point. If Bruce can't do it then we need someone truly huge like Benitez. If Newcastle can get a Benitez why can't we?
  14. I'd take Garde back. He was dealt the worst hand in our history. I don't know if many people would begrudge him a second chance. having said that if this club rang him I'm sure he'd just burst out laughing and hang up.
  15. And this is the response I expected as well lol. The only other option I like the sound of is Olof Mellberg. Why the hell not. He lost only one game last season and what do we have to lose right now...he could be our Zidane...
  16. Tim Sherwood seems to have the biggest backing on Twitter. Tbh I would actually be happy to see him back at Villa even though I do know that is mental. I just enjoyed the gung ho approach and the 'pashun'. Something just makes me believe that he'd have us tearing up the championship and Hogan would get like 35 goals...
  17. Let's not bicker about who was right or wrong to allow him time or not allow him time. What seems to be clear now though is that he has no support at all. I thought I'd be the last person to turn on a manager 3 games into a new season but the backwards strides that we have taken are completely alarming. I really would take back any of our 5 previous managers right now.
  18. I love any idea with the name Mellberg in it.
  19. I do kind of feel like we will be shit no matter what happens next
  20. Bruce out for me as well now I think. Huge backwards steps after assembling the most expensive team in the league...
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