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Everything posted by deeps

  1. our bench looks a bit stronger than in recent weeks! good to see!
  2. it will be England. The shite heads at fifa know they have to make it England. Our press just love to chat bollocks and ruin things. England will get the 2018 WC
  3. Black Ops started nice online. Now its the same old story... GEEKS GALORE!
  4. Gen, I have to say that so far this season I have a bitter taste in my mouth. I hope all the board and of course Randy is ready to dig deep in Jan. We are in trouble General and I'm kind of fearing the worst already. UTV
  5. Man, I can see us being torn apart in the middle! Worried about this one!
  6. Hi Gen, I hope the club can short out the situation (if there is one) with Nike and that we continue to have a deal with them after our current one. The training gear has been the best we have had in years if not ever! UTV
  7. is this a good day out? I'm tempted to go to this with the lads
  8. this game is wicked. MW2 was too 'arcade' like for me online. Plus the amount of kills streak rewards was too annoying. Nuke Town is epic haha!
  9. deeps


    says 15:00 still. Still won't let me get tickets!!
  10. this kid looks the act. See his future here and will be a star if he carrys on. Will watch him if he gets a run out for the scots.
  11. I switched over to the Ruggah, what did he say? said we was on top for 80mins and United should/could of been 6-0 down before then. Gave our passion credit and our overall performance.
  12. i think he won't cut it at this level
  13. deeps


    Says on the OS "3 or more games from 09-10 and 10-11" I've got that history but still won't let me buy tickets?
  14. tbf to Alex he was honest with his post match report
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