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Everything posted by Risso

  1. My subscription runs out on the 26th of March, won't be around much between now and then I wouldn't think.
  2. I thought you Norwegian lot were more into your death metal, not a bunch of melodic Scousers? (Top song by the way)
  3. It's not THE worst idea I've heard of, but it's close. The only argument I've read in favour of them is that they might not be as bad as people think. Just about every other so called reason for introducing them has been debunked. So in answer to the thread title, "no".
  4. I don't think it was that case Drat, as they already had Wright's DNA from an earlier crime he had commited. But anyway I'm against a national database. Leaving aside the frankly scary thought of this government running such a scheme, it would just be far too easy to plant an innocent person's DNA at the scene of a crime. You might have a perfectly good alibi, but that's not going to lessen the embarrassment of the flying squad turning up to arrest you at work because some criminal has left a discarded cigarette butt or a strand of your hair at the scene of a crime.
  5. They should get Richard Scudamore to think up ways of making them more acceptable to the public....ah hang on....
  6. Well me and Sam will probably still be about, at the very least.....
  7. Don't think I've ever been in a single instance, heroic or raid with a retri paladin. Tanks and healers, loads of times, but never a "DPS". I don't think rogues have got much to worry about.
  8. Well, BOTS have finally got it together. Cleared all bosses up to Vash on Wednesday night, then downed Vashj Thursday, followed by Al'ar and Voidreaver in TK. All thanks to me and Sam ofc!
  9. Whether their players are good enough is another matter, we simply don't have enough. Our bench against Liverpool was dreadful, and one or two injuries and we're knackered.
  10. No, but then they don't need players as badly as we do.
  11. pourquoi Mart? if we bring in 1 or 2 class players in the next 7 days, why must they be seen as panic signings? :? i don't think we will BTW, but if we do, then ..... There hasn't been the remotest sniff of a class player though.
  12. It's not looking very promising at the moment. If we get anybody now it'll be panic signings or punts on unknowns like Salifou.
  13. You'd soon get back into it I reckon. A week or so to get to L70, easy.
  14. Same as us. We just got to 4/4 on cores last night, but it's still a bit hit and miss. Like you we have the striders sorted, but it's a fight where you really need everybody alive or it all goes tits up.
  15. Well, sad to see you go Nays. Having a good time in the BOTS with Sam and Gul, even if Nighteye and Gone are doing their best to get us kicked out! We're up to Vashj now which is a pretty chaotic encounter along the lines of Razorgore/Nefarian. It doesn't quite feel the same now though without you guys, ie Nays, Dan and Tarj. Hope you all make it back when the next expansion comes out. It's been a bit quiet in /vt, aka mine and Sam's private chat channel!
  16. I've always thought that 70 odd years as a human being and their related behavious is a pretty strange way of deciding whether someone will spend the rest of eternity in heaven or not. If god is so unhappy with the earth and how creation has turned out, why doesn't he just leave us to get on with it, and start again somewhere else?
  17. Is there an estimated time of departure, only I'd like to know whether to book next year's holiday or not.
  18. Haven't seen Tarj on for ages. Only had one foray into TK so far, and downed Al'ar the firey bird thingy. Last night was the first proper night back raiding, and we downed Hydross and Lurker before getting stuck at Morogrim.
  19. I'd be very interested to hear how Michael sleeping with all the women in Strong City "benefitted all".
  20. I also hope you were being ironic. There's some terrible spelling in there mate!
  21. And you clearly don't understand cults. The first rule is quote the bits of the bible that back up your argument, and ignore the bits that don't. The second rule is that all good cult leaders will shag about like rabbits on Viagara, then search around for a good biblical quote to justify their fornication. If all else fails, there's always the good fall back that earthly rules don't apply to them, so they can do what they want. There, now go and start your own!
  22. First raid with BOTS tonight for me, Sam, Gone and Nighteye. Not that well organised tbh, hardly any use of vent at all, but got Al'ar down in TK.
  23. I love how religious types always write in quasi-bible speak, like it somehow makes them feel more godly not to use normal English.
  24. Woo, more intrigue. What's an SDA?
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