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Everything posted by JB

  1. You're right, perhaps Armitage could've made it easier but it should have been a simple pass either way to be fair, and a player of pretty much any decent level should've been able to make it. That said, I'll admit that I haven't seen it again since the game so I could well be wrong.
  2. Thought Lawes was good. He stepped up to the physicality more than anyone else. Foden made one great break then completely fluffed the pass to Armitage - who also did well I thought - that would've sent him over in the corner.
  3. Not sure what you call it, but on the short animation that plays before and after the ad break on the ITV coverage, has anyone else noticed that the image of the ball that forms looks like it takes a dump just before the words appear beneath it? That was at least one thing that raised a smile for us this morning .
  4. That was utter, utter crap. 11 or 12 of those guys were an embarrassment to our country. We will never learn. When we play an expansive game (which we can do no matter what the detractors say) we look an infinitely better team. Since the Italy game in the 6N we've looked flat, bereft of ideas and for the most part lacking in physicality, both at the breakdown and in general (although Lawes put himself about). We have no creativity and our only plans seems to be to throw it to the wing as quickly as possible or try and barge our way through. Depressing. Not sure why Johnno seems to have abandoned the game plan that worked so well against the Aussies a couple of times last year. Changes are needed in the coaching staff if we're going to stop ourselves stagnating further. I'm sincerely hoping I'm singing a different song next week . Nice to see Haskell showing a bit of passion at the end . Oh and I wish BBC had the broadcasting rights. ITV are beyond shit. Ryder was getting the score wrong for about an hour after the game, saying we'd won by a single point. Tit.
  5. Worse than Banahan? Although at least he will run through someone once every fifty or so times! Agreed though, Hape offers nothing. Barritt and Allen would be far, far better options. MJ's biggest flaw seems that he seems to be very conservative and stubborn with his selection.
  6. Yeah but on the other hand, a decent wing would be more likely to be a certain starter for England given our lack of depth/talent in that area. Actually, what am I on about? With MJ in charge they'd be probably wouldn't get a look in and go the way of our other exciting options, Strettle and Sharples etc. Would bloody love North, Hook or Warburton playing for England.
  7. The Welsh players are in for one hell of a tough time, they are going to get absolutely physically battered in their group games. If they make it through it will not be without paying a price along the way. I think the same is true of SA who will make it through but despite being no strangers to big hits may just come off worse than Wales seeing as they like to dish it out as well. The fitness levels and preparation of the current welsh side is phenomenal - i cant remember seeing a better prepared welsh side going out to a world cup. mike phillips must have shed about half his body fat looking at him. that win over england in cardiff showed wales can mix it with people coming with a physical approach I have to agree with that. Gatland and co have really whipped the Welsh into phenomenal shape. It pains me to say it but I think they'll do well. Shame as I was looking forward to having a smirk at a loss to my second team, Fiji . It would be the least I deserve after having to listen to constant "English word removed blah blah blah" nonsense whenever I watch the rugby in Cardiff.
  8. That aint going to happen!!!! What would you do if it was you! :shock: Good point. Although they need to be told it's a wind up just to see the reactions! I can't believe so many guys are desperate to nail one of the most heinous women I've ever seen!
  9. I want to be here when these boys get sent a link to this forum and find out what's really been going on!
  10. In those positions I've gone for Digby Ioane/Vincent Clerc/Kurtley Beale, Richie McCaw/Sam Warburton. George North, Shane Williams and Chris Ashton are worth a shout on the wings as well.
  11. Some really good picks in there mate, but 2-3 at least aren't starters for their teams so you'll be missing out on points. Sharpe and Mitchell aren't even on the bench for the Wallabies and Thomson is second choice to McCaw for NZ.
  12. Another example of why following football is a pointless exercise now. If our players are any good, then someone will come along and take them off our hands. I'll struggle to get excited about any new signings we make knowing that the same will happen with them if they're a success. We'll never be able to build a team to challenge. I'm even more pissed off with Downing because we showed great faith in him by signing him when he was injured, seeing him back to full health, putting up with him for a season when he was utter shit and total pussy, then he starts to perform and repay our faith then buggers off at the first opportunity.
  13. Crappy quality but first glimpse of the teaser
  14. Ancelotti (with Wilkins hopefully) or Deschamps for me. Highly ambitious but worth a shot. I think Rijkaard would be a big gamble. Wouldn't be unhappy with the likely top-targets Hughes or Moyes, though.
  15. We'll have some of that for our away shirt please Nike!
  16. I wonder what Glaston actually adds to a Spurs forum. Especially if all the other fans are like him (as it seems in most of our experience, they are). It must be pretty boring with them all discussing how great Spurs are, which player has the best arse etc. At least we mix it up with a bit of negativity on here!
  17. JB

    Match Thread

    What a **** lucky escape. Should've buried that. harder to miss!
  18. JB

    Match Thread

    Gabby has looked a little slow of the mark today and defenders have been easily keeping pace with him it seems...
  19. JB

    Match Thread

    Mate, believe me, I've noticed. I think he's been **** crap since the start of the year. Him and Downing make for a really poor left side.
  20. JB

    Match Thread

    Totally agree. Love him or hate him, I think that we look like a far more balanced side with NRC in our ranks. Our left side is also very, very poor IMO.
  21. GlastonSpur may as well have "Virgin" under his name on here. Never have I seen a more blindingly obvious example. He argues with same blindness, obnoxiousness and, I guess, passion as other (normal) people do about the opposite (or same) sex. How old are you anyway, guy? I'm guessing mid to late thirties and still living at home with posters of Gary Mabbutt and Andy Sinton on your wall.
  22. In a word, stunned. If someone had told me that we would follow one of the best performances in years with possibly the worst I've ever seen, I would have laughed at them. I can't quite comprehend it. I'm beyond embarrassed. Andy Carroll and Wayne Routledge. Two players who've pissed on us today. Staggering. I don't think this performance suddenly makes us relegation or even mid-table fodder (we'll finish above Newcastle), although I'm sad to say that I think we have a couple of Championship standard players in Downing and Warnock. One who's still a complete pussy and as weak as a child, and one who's simply incompetent (and has been for quite some time now). Reinforcements needed, urgently.
  23. Agreed, Warnock has been really, really crap for quite some time now.
  24. You mean like away at Chelsea Best away record last season bar Chelsea and Utd if IIRC. Carry on with your bollox though... Were we organised at Chelsea last year, yes or no? No. If you are using that as evidence that we did not have a good away record under MON then fill yer boots, but I'm out. No point having that argument. You said we were organised away from home, we were not at Chelsea. You didn't say we were organised away from home apart from Chelsea. I never said we didn't have a good away record, your the one that has said that. You need to realise what your saying Dundee. You're making one of the most pathetic, pointless arguments I've ever seen. Grow up, champ.
  25. Pathetic. Hang your heads in shame and hand your **** wages back.
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