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Everything posted by JB

  1. And they are both totally wrong. Sugar is not bad for you. Especially a measly half a **** teaspoon. Idiots.
  2. I was disappointed. It was just Eastbound and Down Lite for me. Kind of reminiscent of the latter seasons where they ran out of jokes and funny things to actually happen and just had the characters swear at each other a lot.
  3. And that it seems like it's impossible to find a girl who doesn't relentlessly watch that shit.
  4. Even if they did, it's still ridiculously dangerous. Fair enough, they can risk their own lives but cars having to potentially suddenly slow down from 70mph (probably faster) or take other measures to avoid them is asking for trouble. Not to mention the absolute carnage they cause at junctions. The one I've just seen on the way home had the balls to give drivers a load of abuse as well!
  5. Cyclists being allowed on dual carriageways. Insane.
  6. JB

    Gym Routine

    I've often thought the same. I'd be interested to experience what it's like to be a total and utter word removed without even considering that you're being a total and utter word removed. I just can't imagine what goes through their minds. Maybe they know that they're being words removed and they just don't care. But even that I can't empathise with. I feel like a bad person if I don't put my weights back!
  7. Absolutely outstanding doesn't do it justice. Robshaw was phenomenal. What a match as well. The sort of game that makes football borderline unwatchable for me.
  8. That new Ghostbusters film looks amazing. If you don't think so, you're sexist scum.
  9. JB

    Gym Routine

    It was Aaron Ramseys hair that did it for me... Haha I was hoping I would get away with that one! I posted that when I was in the gym so it made sense to me at the time... Was too late to edit it by the time I realised!
  10. JB

    Gym Routine

    I love it - the gym is far less busy lately! I came during the Wales game on Saturday and had the place to myself .
  11. It was something that pisses me off that shouldn't? Nothing deliberately provocative about it. I didn't intend to insult anyone or say or imply anything offensive or personal. Just a whimsical, 'banter-y' (urgh) observation about a rival team. I live in Wales, have a Welsh girlfriend and close Welsh friends. And I'M a Guardian reader for God's sake . Didn't warrant what I got in response, which was aggressive and fairly personal. Definitely not 'banter maaate'. Fair enough, I might be a bit sensitive about the mom thing at the moment (which I admit is ridiculously childish) but he was still way over-the-top IMO.
  12. Bit a difference between what I said and what you said, to be fair.
  13. What's more, I don't really see how what I posted qualified as much more than harmless banter? Bit of an overreaction there, pal.
  14. Oh FFS sake, get a grip and grow up. This is a thread about THINGS THAT SHOULDN'T PISS ME OFF. That's why I posted it here. Your post has actually pissed me off. And thanks for the mum crack. She's actually pretty seriously ill at the moment, so that's lovely, cheers. What a great guy.
  15. The self-congratulatory, back-slapping love-in that is Welsh football fans. They will just not shut up about how **** great they think they are!
  16. Very pleased to have been wrong when I posted in the 6N thread about Haskell being a relic of an awful era! Awesome today. Even saw him step! It's a shame that we're only seeing these sort of performances for England from him since he's turned 30...
  17. JB

    Gym Routine

    I love flyes. One of my favourite chest exercises. Holding the stretch position for 2-3 seconds makes them even more effective. Started super-setting them with crush presses recently. Awesome pump. Did my first back squats in 3 years tonight and first squatting of any kind for about a month due to, ironically, a finger injury. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I was able to lift!
  18. When I lived in London, TfL were actually really good at giving refunds for unfair charges. Even if, say, you'd been unable to tap in/out because you'd been caught in a crowd. Really prompt, too. Obviously it shouldn't have to come to that in the first place but it's better than nothing.
  19. It was the most unfinale-like finale I think I've ever seen. So in that respect it was massively disappointing. That said, if the episode had been at any other point in the season I would've thought that it was brilliant.
  20. Up to date with Better Call Saul. Nothing particularly dramatic or exciting happens but it's **** brilliant. I love it. Just such an enjoyable watch.
  21. JB

    Gym Routine

    Cool man. The post you quoted wasn't actually aimed at you but I can understand why you saw it that way. Anyway, I've got no problem with the choices that you make for yourself so if your supplements do the trick for you, then great. It's foolish to totally dismiss anecdotal evidence. You're clearly doing well, so fair play. But if we're going down this road then I can come back at you with all the people I know who've competed using MP (and similar brands). Martin McDonald, who is the nutritionist for British Weightlifting, endorses MP (his weekend mentorships are awesome). Another thing I take issue with is the inference that myself, and other MP users, are "average gym bros/rats". It may not have been your intention but if so, it comes across as massively arrogant and patronising. You're not the only one who has made what they believe to be informed choices. You don't know anything about me or my training, education and experience. You're older than me but I've been training for a lot longer than you and despite never training as out-and-out powerlifter, have hit some pretty decent numbers myself. I've believed and espoused some absolute nonsense in the past and will probably facepalm in a year's time about some of the stuff I believe now! I'd be more than willing to accept if what I'm saying now turns out to be wrong as well. However, the actual evidence states that any benefits to consuming produce from grass fed cattle are either non-existent or statistically insignificant. This is particularly true when it comes to whey protein where there is such a high level of processing. Yes, there are more omega 3s in grass fed beef but it makes up less than 1% of the total fat content. I've liked a lot of the stuff you've posted in the past and we seem to follow a lot of the same people when it comes to training. I've mentioned him before but I'd strongly recommend subscribing to Alan Aragon's Research Review for unbiased, evidence-based nutrition information. My original response to you wasn't meant to be confrontational or argumentative. Likewise, I don't mean to come across as arsey now. Like you say, we could end up going back and forth forever on this! I'll leave it there so as to not bore everyone else in this thread to death!
  22. JB

    Gym Routine

    Ah man the whole "I know a powerlifter/bodybuilder who does x or y so it must be right" thing really grinds my gears. So many other variables to take into account that it really proves nothing.
  23. JB

    Gym Routine

    Nobody is just "calling" it a myth. It's been proved as such. So the body of evidence suggests that yes, you are very wrong. But if you want to base your beliefs entirely on anecdotal evidence then crack on. Just don't try and tell others in this thread that a particular product is shit based on what is, essentially, a hunch of yours. Personally I prefer to save my money by not buying in to quackery. And just because someone is an elite lifter doesn't mean they know a **** thing about the formulation of protein powders. Out of interest, who are the industry figures that you're referring to?
  24. JB

    Gym Routine

    Must admit that I'd never heard of Go Nutrition. Just had a look at their website and they're offering grass-fed whey for exactly the same price as MP's standard Impact Whey. I'd be tempted to give it a try but I've got pretty hefty discount codes from my mate for MP and Bulk Powders .
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