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Everything posted by Sie

  1. It's the first few hours of an incredibly in-demand early access beta that exists partly to stress test the servers. Did you not expect this?
  2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution. A great game marred but some awful boss encounters that are completely at odds with the design of the rest of the game. It was no surprise to discover they were outsourced to another company.
  3. Sie

    Good RPGs

    Reading through some online reviews of the Witcher games right now, is it true that they are very difficult games? I wouldn't say so. The first game can get tricky in spots but as long as you mix up potions/oils to use, you shouldn't have too much trouble. The second one is difficult to begin with as the game drops you in at the deep end with no 'hand holding' and so the learning curve is very steep. However, after 4 or 5 hours of play, it levels out into a challenging and highly enjoyable game. Fwiw, Witcher 2 is definitely amongst my GOTY candidates. Interestingly, Witcher 2 is getting the same treatment the first game did with its Enhanced Edition at the end of this month. One of the things they'r adding is lots of tutorial stuff to address that issue. I still need to finish the original (been chipping away at it over the past few months) before I move onto the sequel which I bought day one and still haven't touched. Waiting for the enhancements is something I'm doing.
  4. Sie

    Good RPGs

    Reading through some online reviews of the Witcher games right now, is it true that they are very difficult games? I wouldn't say so. The first game can get tricky in spots but as long as you mix up potions/oils to use, you shouldn't have too much trouble.
  5. They've seen the end credits roll and played out the story if there is one. I've only ever bothered to "100%" two games that I can think of which are FFXIII and, bizarrely, Shadowman on the Dreamcast. I tend to move onto something else before I reach that point these days.
  6. I picked Xenoblade up yesterday completely on impulse and yes, its rather special. You can get a brand new Wii for less than £100 these days.
  7. Do you really think there isn't a PS3 version because they can't be arsed to make one?
  8. Too damn many! Skyrim Dark Souls Battlefield 3 Deus Ex 3 Gears of War 3 Ico/SotC HD Batman: Arkham City Uncharted 3 Assassins Creed: Revelations And they're just the day one purchases that I can remember. No doubt more will crop up as and when I'm reminded of them.
  9. I'm not as impressed as I thought I would be. I don't dislike the game and I'm enjoying it but I don't think the gameplay is anything brilliant.
  10. Here's a 4 page fact sheet from EA detailing a fair amount about the multiplayer. It also confirms the console versions are indeed 24 player. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
  11. I'm not convinced that hands on is accurate. Only less than a month ago did DICE officially announce that consoles would have a maximum of 24 players due to limitations. There's nothing anywhere else in the press saying they've boosted that number. Source
  12. There are usually unlocks for each of the classes in BF games these days. I've always found those unlocks are generally "playstyle" orientated rather than flatout upgrades - that is to say the 4th unlock you get isn't necessarily better than the 2nd. They add variation and utility to each class rather than more fire power. It's more team based due of a multitude of factors too numerous to pick apart. It's just the way the franchise is tuned to play. As I said before, it's all about scale and that necessitates teamplay. The area you play in dwarfs what CoD's smaller arenas offer. Being infantry really is a fraction of what you'll be getting up to - you'll be operating tanks, manning anti-air positions, flying aircraft and driving jeeps, troop transports and boats. You'll be doing all of that with the aid of other players because a lot of the vehicles require more than one person to be the most effective. This was taken at Gamescom and gives a good idea of the size of the maps. It's of some guy just exploring rather than playing a round with a load of other plays so there's no battle going on btw. Lone wolfing works in the sense that you can covertly infiltrate a base whilst the battle rages elsewhere. But such a task is always done with a larger goal in mind such as capturing the base so your team can use it and spawn there. Lone wolfing doesn't work if each individual member of your team is doing their own thing. A team full of lone wolf camping snipers will get absolutely battered. Coordinated Ops with players on a team all on the same wavelength are what win games in BF. Ultimately though, just try not to compare CoD to the BF franchise. They're not the same game. They don't play the same and if a person wants to play BF in the hope they'll find the CoD experience buried in there, they probably going to be disappointed.
  13. Impossible to say without taking your entire system specs into consideration and the performance you're expecting/wanting. You're not going to get much out of that card but it will run the game at the very least. Just do a google search for "GTS 450" "Battlefield 3"
  14. None of this is true. If you can run it, the PC will absolutely be the version to play.
  15. Has it come to this? Go and stand in the corner. Face the corner damnit! Just kidding. But seriously, no, its not CoD with vehicles. Its a very different beast altogether despite it being a modern military game (these days at least). The Battlefield games operate on a scale that CoD's smaller arena style combat doesn't come close to - even more so when it comes to the tent pole BF games (BF1942, BF2 and now BF3)
  16. Currently watching a live gameplay demo of this at Gamescon (a stream - I'm not there) and in my opinion, it doesn't look very good at all to be honest. I'm seeing WoW with a Star Wars license. Guild Wars 2 looks infinitely more interesting.
  17. Sie

    Good RPGs

    Bollocks to fancy 3D. Planescape Torment is sublime. If you want a captivating experience, get it.
  18. Sie

    Google+ Thread

    So spam robots can't harvest them.
  19. Sie

    Google+ Thread

    Been on it a couple of days now and, aside from Twitter, it's the first time I've bothered with social networking. Not sure what to make of it really. And unless I've missed something obvious, I find it irritating that there isn't any kind of phone app or chrome extension that streams content to me (via a phone notification for example) without having to manually open up said app/extension (such as the Google+ phone app which I suspect is bugged?). Oh and feel free to add me simonkspark gmail com
  20. Pfft! Calling you out on this'un Nays. It simply hasn't. I'm playing through it now on the 3DS I've stolen from my niece and its still an excellent game. I'd be inclined to agree that nostalgia is a factor for some but I personally never actually got around to playing OoT for the first time until 2008 or something. Some of the design has been improved upon since the game first arrived but it still stands up alongside games being released today. Btw Chindie, the character models really have been enhanced if you go back and compare them to the original. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7dXh_ssYZ4.
  21. Nope. I suspect it's probably an exclusivity deal with Nintendo preventing them from doing so.
  22. Technically not my claim to fame but just the other week I found out that the stepdad of one of my work colleagues played Elvis in the waxwork droids episode of Red Dwarf, singing the while he was at it. Oh and I also served Faye Tozer from Steps a few weeks ago.
  23. I'm more interested in the Silent Hill and Zone of the Enders HD bundles than the MGS one. After MGS4, I think I'd had my fill of that particular franchise but perhaps that will change. At least it'll give those who missed out on MGS3 a chance to play arguably the best MGS title.
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