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Everything posted by Sie

  1. Julie isn't even allowed to voice her opinion on the subject (Timothy 2:11-15), never mind owning a PC with which to do so.
  2. Giant Bomb Quick Look Lookin' goooood.
  3. PC version dropped through my letter box earlier today. Good thing I'm on holiday from work at the moment. Time to install this thing... Edit: Maybe not. The disk install insists on booting up steam that then prevents the installation because it hasn't been released on there. What a load of horseshit.
  4. And by they you mean Doug Naylor?
  5. Hahaha, is Steak trying to rely on TAG now? Oh dear, what you going to throw up next? Ray Comfort's banana proof?
  6. That's good to hear. I specifically went for a boxed copy to get the map (that it its cheaper than digital which is retarded). I went for the PC version. Gimme dem grafix.
  7. Sin is in the world..There is no failure on any part because in the end God wins. Its like I said.. Try to imagine 2 great forces beyond the universe playing a game of chess. Good v Evil. 1st move, God creates. 2nd move, Evil puts sin into the creation to destroy it. 3rd move, (you cant undo the move played by Evil, you can only try and counteract it) So God comes down as man, thus becoming one of us, he lives and feels as a man. He dies which means the sin is pointless. The wage for sin is paid..It was the mother of all moves in this game of chess. God made a move to save his creation even though we sin.We are saved through Jesus Christ. 4th move(this is my guess), Evil possess Mohammed,thus producing the Koran which is brilliant in the way it works to gain control of the creation. It was made to spread fast and hard it takes the creation away from Jesus. A coward? You go through the life Jesus went through.. What celestial rule prevents God from not "undoing" Evil? He's all knowing, all power, he created and has power over everything - its perfectly within his ability. You've contradicted yourself and nothing you have written here invalidates what I posted. Try again.
  8. Jeff Gerstmann and Ryan Davis of Giant Bomb are waxing lyrical about this on this weeks Bombcast. Very surprising considering Jeff hated SR2.
  9. So it was a grand failure then? Mankind is still pretty sinful. I thought he was infallible? Not only that, his omniscience means he knew it would fail before it failed. It means he knew the flood would fail (so why bother doing it?) but it didn't stop him from committing watery genocide anyway. So it seems that when staring complete and utter failure in the face, this God still goes ahead and fails anyway. He's not only immoral but a complete **** moron. He's all power and the creator of all things including the rules that define original sin and yet he can't overrule them. He defined his own demise and then blamed it on his creation so he's a **** coward too. I hope I meet the guy some day so I can kick him in the bollocks.
  10. I have over many years. It's a work of fiction. The end. Bullsh1t Kiwi, If you have read and understand the bible..Even if you didnt believe in it you would still respect it. You would respect it as an historic document, historic writings.. Yet you take the p1ss.. Because I have read it and researched I know it for what it is. It most certainly is not a historic document. If you wanted to put a percentage on the historical accuracy of the entirety I would say 15% max. If you believe different you have been successfully brainwashed. There are some hilarious flaws in bible accounts that come about from multiple translations that people because they are so blindly indoctrinated can not take them for what they are. Jesus' trial being one of my favourites. Kiwi, You need to get your head out of your backside..Many a great man, far, far, far ,far more intelligent than you will respect and even believe in the scriptures. This isnt some book your talking about in a kiddies club..This is global, researched, probed, etc over centuries every possible spanner and screwdriver has gone into this book to try and disprove its worth. Yet you Mr.Kiwi think it deserves no respect etc. Level with me here Steak. Are you for real or are you trolling? If its the latter, I motion the mods bring this charade to a close. You've had your fun.
  11. I was answering a direct assault by Risso... as I said to Chindie... read back and you will see. Jehovah's Witnesses knew that Germany would lose WW2 the moment the the war started against the Anglo- American axis - from their studies of the Book of Daniel. Every single person on the planet not allied with Germany knew the Nazi's would lose WW2 else they wouldn't have fought back, they'd have given up. Book of Daniel is irrelevant. I have read back. I still don't know what it is that you're trying to say other than implying JWs and their God stopped WW2. Have I got that right?
  12. Every religion going attests to being the one true moral crusader and savour of mankind in their history books. It's called confirmation bias. So what point are you making Julie? Are you implying that Hilter lost WW2 because of the will of JWs and God?
  13. try sticking your xbox 360 in your routers DMZ and see if that helps.
  14. The real answer is that none of it matters. Play game, have fun, **** stats.
  15. You can consider my excitement very much contained.
  16. I'd like to know why if God is all knowing, why the hell did he come up with a plan to flush all the sinners off the planet in the flood? Surely he knew it wasn't going to work? I mean, afterall, the guy is outside of time and can see the past, present and future - what kind of perfect, loving being murders that many people knowing 100% that it doesn't solve his problem? What a **** word removed. Also, try and answer this without being a massive racist Steak...
  17. Yes, he's the editor. He compiled it. Hows about reading some instead of just alluding that the main editor is untrustworthy because of that. Go on; it's got citations and everything, I bet you'll love those even more! It hasn't gone unnoticed that you've merrily skipped over the uncomfortable part in my post that you can't directly and concisely respond to for the reason we all know. Damn those elephants in the room eh Steak?
  18. Simple explanation - under no circumstance is any of it morally correct. Like ever. The bible sanctions it and people explaining that away to be either morally correct, not really rape, incest, slavery etc or just simply deny its in the bible for convenience are pieces of shit. Also, go nuts http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/list.html Specifically CH500.
  19. Interpretation is needed because what's actually written is demonstrably false. No other reason.
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