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Everything posted by Sie

  1. Yes. Considering how many are in the clergy, God seems pretty ok with them these days.
  2. I've not had any bugs whatsoever so far (touch wood) on the PC. Game runs smooth, I've not seen any weird AI business and it has never locked up.
  3. Like I said.... If you do not beleive in anything supernatural or spiritual then fine that is your choice. A physical man cannot understand spiritual things because as the Scripture says.... they are foolishness to him. You didn't say that at all. Your Bible did, you're just regurgitating it without question as a good Christian should. It's the intellectual equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears. Do you believe in fairies and gnomes living at the bottom of your garden? The very bible quote you just regurgitated tells me you do. If you don't well I'm afraid you just don't understand the supernatural...
  4. I've dabbled lots as a kid. **** all happened. You do realise Ouija boards are a parlour game invented specifically for fun right? Hasbro own the damn trademark on them for **** sake. It was your religion that saw them, didn't like them and so made up a load of shit about them being a demonic seance instrument to summon the dead. Religion tends to do that with things it doesn't approve of. Any and all supernatural associations have been thoroughly debunked. Your capacity to believe any old shit your religion tells you is staggering.
  5. Ive already answered this... *Posts a bunch of Bible quotes* Either you're now claiming authorship of the Bible or you haven't answered at all. It's **** amazing how little thinking you do. Does it not scare the shit out of you that you have no opinions of your own? Whoever indoctrinated you must have had a **** field day!
  6. :shock: What. The. ****. This is ignorance of the most depressing. Granted, I'm sure there are a few Africans batting for both sides. There is a healthy percentage of MPs doing the same thing..... there are a healthy number of blokes in Africa knobbing goats and probably some lonely Cumbrian farmers too.... The AIDS epidemic in Africa is down to a total lack of contraception. end of discussion. No its not, there a millions of strict Catholics that refuse to use contraception. Thank you for confirming CarewsEyebrowDesigner's point. You're not the sharpest tool in the toolbox are you?
  7. I didn't say that did I!! I know this because a couple of black missionaries stayed with my friends last year and told me some of the problems they are having to deal with over there Err yes, you did. You'll notice quite a few of us picked up on it.
  8. Wait a minute Julie - are you making the claim that homosexuality is responsible for AIDs?
  9. God - Unconditional love...with conditions.
  10. Err, I already told you what my own thoughts on homosexuality are in one of my posts that you actually quoted and responded too. Thanks for confirming you're not actually reading shit. True honest thoughts on the Bible. A book like any other book, written by man and translated so many times that it's lost any and all meaning it may have once had. A heinous piece of fiction penned by morally questionable individuals. Most certainly not the word of your God or any other God. My Religion. Don't have one. Don't need one. True, honest thoughts on Homosexuality. I have no issues with it whatsoever.
  11. Well avoiding the whole "was Hitler a Christian or not?" debate, the fact of the matter is he and Stalin disliked homosexuality because the pair of them were absolute words removed. It's that simple, no other reason. "I hate homosexuals because I don't believe in a God" are the words your putting into Stalin's mouth. That doesn't make any sense.
  12. Numbers 22:28 Bible in Basic English Then the Lord gave the ass the power of talking, and opening her mouth she said to Balaam "What have I done to you that you have given me blows these three times"? Numbers 22:29 Bible in Basic English And Balaam replied "Verbally consented. You're a talking donkey for **** sake and Steaknchips says that is the only reason I need to pork you. I'm not passing up on an opportunity like that! So now after sucking your cock those three times, I'd like to ram the ass...in the ass! Ho ho!". Numbers 22:30 Bible in Basic English And the Donkey did reply "Oh Balaam, you're such a joker. Now hurry up and stick it in because I need to go tell that talking snake he's missing out on some fun!". And the LORD did watch.
  13. You've just confirmed my suspicions. A few times I've been walking around and thought "this sounds exactly like Morrowind music". The game as a whole reminds me of Morrowind a lot in terms of the look and feel too. This looked wonderful. The Aurora Borealis of sorts.
  14. Where is the evidence for this global flood then and I don't mean the Bible mentions it, I mean actual real proper, researched proof with facts and supporting evidence etc Link to creationist website in 5...4...3..2...
  15. The language you use in your posts like this is very telling, referring to science as if it were a rival conspiring against your position. In fact, I'm pretty convinced this is exactly what you think. And Kurt Wise being removed from an academic institution for being non-academic when (mis)representing them is just that. It doesn't prove or even suggest anything remotely approaching "science don't like creation". You couldn't make it up coul....oh wait, you just did. My bad.
  16. Of course it will provide answers. He's after the truth though, not subterfuge. You should work for Fox News.
  17. It's very much being ignored. Avoided in fact. Why so ashamed of stating your beliefs on homosexuality? Look, I'll state mine if it helps - there is nothing wrong or immoral about it in any way, shape or form. Homosexuality is a-ok! Now if we are to assume your views are the same as the bible's views because you stated earlier that it has NEVER been wrong then guess what buddy, you made the subject relevant and your views on it cause A **** MEGA-SHIT-TON of hindrance to the lives of homosexuals. Who gives a toss about what that does to your everyday life? So tell me, what was all that you spoke of earlier about standing by your beliefs if when you're pressed on them, you shy away from addressing them? I'm hoping that deep down, you are well aware of how abhorrent the bible's stance on homosexuality is which is why you won't commit to answering the question. If that's the case then well done, you're more moral than the God you worship.
  18. It's got a release date. Launches 20th December 2011.
  19. I think Patrick is sound. If I were to accuse anyone at GB of being irritatingly dismissive it'd be Jeff. He's incredibly switched on for the most part but sometimes, that guy can be a real killjoy when he's looking at a game he isn't already interested in. And every time he calls out Dark Souls for "sounding terrible" on the podcast despite his refusal to try it, I want to slap him. Also, Skyrim is amazingly good, especially with a mouse and keyboard for chucking spells. For I'm playing as a fire spewing destruction caster and I've just got back from raiding a vampire crypt. Crispy vampire anyone?
  20. You don't like Patrick?
  21. You see this is what is wrong. There are lots of times where VT Atheists post up stuff that actually is easily refutable, which indeed reveals a lack of research etc on the Bible or on a subject regarding a subject that I have been debating. However I don't feel the need to degradate the original poster by adding to the post with statements like "This shows how little knowledge you have etc etc etc.. It's sufficient to post the counter argument and then leave it at that. Still I'm sure it will continue in my case - However the statement WATER DUCK BACK comes to mind!! "Stop drawing direct attention to my ignorance, it's insulting" Observing and then telling you that you are extremely ignorant of a particular subject is not an insult. It's a matter of fact. If you happen to be insulted by that, tough. Also, using the bible to prove the bible doesn't refute shit.
  22. And you will continue to be lambasted about it because you post stuff like this and reveal quite clearly you have no understanding of it whatsoever. Like literally haven't got the slightest idea of how it works to a point where it's sounds like your incapable of grasping it. A theory in science has very specific meaning. It's not another word for a "guess" or something perhaps rational in premise but unsupported by any evidence - that is a hypothesis. No, a theory is something to which a body of evidence points towards. It is the logical extension of the known facts. It is supported entirely by evidence. Eg. Einstein's general theory of relativity - the theory derived from all the evidence contained within observable reality. It is what ties it all together and allows us to understand what is going on in the universe. It is the explanation of the evidence. It is not Einstein saying "oh, I just think it works like this, no evidence needed!". With that in mind, evolution is not a theory, it is a fact. Cold, hard and observable fact. Change over time happens, deal with it. The method in which evolution occurs aka natural selection is theory. Again, not a "best guess" but what the evidence strongly points towards. Unfortunately, to talk of the "theory of evolution" in such a broad sense (inclusive of natural selection) is to dangerously assume the person you're talking to is aware of this distinction. Most people are. Some such as yourself are not. You remain locked onto this idea that natural selection (what you're actually talking about in your posts, not evolution) is about "nature picking the best stuff" as if some collective conscience of a species is saying... "oh, that worked well, we'll keep that. And I do like that, we'll keep that too. This thing here though, don't like that, we'll get rid of that. There. we're perfect. EVERYONE, STOP EVOLVING!" ...doesn't work like that. Mutations occur and will always occur. They will never stop happening. They are the very reason for the diversity of life that exists in the world we see today. They are the reason for species, sub-species, even the different human races (which I assume is an awkward subject for someone that believes Adam and Eve were the first humans and were white - where do oriental or black people come from if that was the case?). Over thousands and thousands of years, mutations get passed on via successful procreation and remain in the gene pool. The way in which these genes are able to survive is entirely down to the environment in which they are present (I am defining environment here to mean not just geological surroundings but everything from predators, prey, population, resources, social behaviours etc etc). There is no chance or choice involved. Survived all that? Awesome, have another go on the procreation station. Died? Tough shit, get out. We are even able to impose our own will on this kind of process. I submit the different breeds of domesticated dog are a result of this. Yellow, curved bananas we eat are the result of this. The amount of fat people in America are a result of this. So seriously Julie, do some proper academic reading on the subject because it's pretty damn clear the reading you've been doing so far has been provided from a source with a very dubious unscientific agenda. And we are far from the top of the evolutionary tree. I am proof of that.
  23. Really? What makes you think that? And what are your opinions of Darwin? Read "Evolution a theory in crisis".. Also love the way Dawkins attacks Kurt Wise...Why do that, if your so sure in your method? I also notice how Kurt Wise didnt bite back..He dosnt need to. Why attack Dawkins as full of shit if you're so sure of your position?
  24. And it seems he's placed it right in your cereal.
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