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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. And the clear messaging was going so well. They nearly managed a whole day.
  2. Government text messages now sent to everyone telling people to stay indoors. Must be nice for several of Johnson's children to get a text from their dad for the first time.
  3. In Italy and Spain that's one of the only reasons you can leave the house. Apparently there are knackered dogs everywhere who are being passed around apartment blocks so that everyone gets a turn outside the house.
  4. Can I point you in the direction of "the UK, 2016 - 2020" to help with the context?
  5. The real victims of this tragedy , part 2:
  6. My neighbours decided to have a big Mother's Day celebration yesterday. She's an unwell smoker in her fifties, so her four adult children decided to fill the house and garden with their families. Was probably 20 or so people milling around enjoying the sunshine. Never been so glad for an eight foot fence.
  7. It would make sense. A Government whose members have spent four years telling everyone to ignore experience and expertise and just believe a bit harder and it'll be fine, can't really complain when their followers don't suddenly listen to some boring guy in a suit just because he is the Chief Medical Officer. Probably paid by Brussels anyway. Fat pension, paid for by the WHO. That's what I read on Facebook anyway. Who cares what that nerd is saying when that Tim Wetherspoon bloke says that it'll be alright and we should just have another beer?
  8. From Tim Shipman in the Sunday Times: Just as a counter to "well, they're doing their best and following the science"
  9. Sure. Just like every night. That beach picture from the BBC article, a bit blurry, but what do you reckon? A seafront of ungrateful young 'uns? Doesn't look like it to me. People are gathering in places other than pubs.
  10. I'll take a wild punt, and guess that the Venn diagram of "young people in their consumerist, reality TV" etc and the people packing out Westonbirt Arboretum (as per my anecdote) doesn't have a particularly large overlap.
  11. Apparently Westonburt Arboretum was so busy today that they were having to turn people away. An astonishing number of people seem to be treating this as some sort of early summer holiday. Why are the public such arseholes?
  12. Oxford Street on a Friday night. h/t Louis Goodall
  13. For anybody stuck at home with kids, a 12 month subscription to Disney + (launches in the UK on Tuesday) for £49.99 looks like the best money you'll spend on anything.
  14. After a few years we'd probably find that Battersea Dogs Home had been closed down and sold off for flats.
  15. Now official. The tragedies keep coming. RIP Eurovision 2020.
  16. I'm no expert, but if this goes on for months rather than weeks you'd think that some of these problems have sensible emergency solutions. It seems that it would be silly to have both the crisis of taxi drivers unable to earn due to lack of passengers and the crisis of vulnerable people stuck at home with no means to have supplies delivered. Similarly, airline cabin crew sitting at home panicking about their rent, while hospital managers are worried about who they can find who is first-aid trained who can push a food / medicine trolley around a packed hospital ward...
  17. I'm pretty sure that it's not a choice that will be in your hands for too much longer.
  18. I believe that in Italy they have restricted them to immediate family only.
  19. It's the chickens coming home to roost, particularly for the charlatan in charge. If you've made your entire career out of lying, nobody is all that keen to listen to you when national security depends on people believing what you're telling them. A lie is no longer "clever electioneering" or "a colourful metaphor to illustrate a wider point" when people's lives depend on it. An unserious politician for serious times.
  20. I wonder if someone might want to explain "it only takes one match to burn a thousand trees" to the bloke who wrote the sodding lyric.
  21. And no part of this shared global experience is making you think "actually, all this petty bullshit about who beats the other side at trade and politics really doesn't matter at all"? Not everything in life needs to have winners and losers.
  22. Mate, it's a public forum. Discuss what you want. But don't be surprised when your thread about profits to be made from your coffin investments don't win you much support.
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