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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Commission announces contingency measures... Edit - can't help but admire the cheekiness of "how about we just keep fishing the same"? given the part it's played up to now...
  2. And how long do we then leave it before we stop acting like stroppy toddlers and pick our toys back up?
  3. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Must be why all those people linked to the Trump campaign went to prison over it then.
  4. Obviously I'm very anti- the whole sorry affair, but something along the lines of "Keep distance? That's exactly what we're trying to do here, matey" is clearly the only sensible response in this situation.
  5. To every problem, a solution. Chaos at ports and on the roads? Change the rules to make lorry drivers work longer, more tiring hours. Clearly nothing bad can come from this.
  6. (1) Yes (2) Yes (3) Depends how you are defining "loads". (4) Yes, but then there are anyway. Thousands more? Still yes. Millions more? Probably not.
  7. Indeed. They are telling the truth now (on that one specific thing, anyway). The lying on this took place a year ago.
  8. Surely the bigger irony is that if the UK isn't happy with those arrangements, then the consequence is just the equivalent of the penalty of those arrangements anyway. "If you deviate too far we reserve the right to put tariffs on things" "That's unconscionable, we can't agree to it" "OK, then we'll all just have to have tariffs on things"
  9. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Unless I'm reading it wrong, this is semi-important because it's the first time that the Supreme Court of the US has had to make a ruling on anything 2020 election related. And they've all just decided that there's nothing that they need to bother with.
  10. But also, isn't the trigger to make that happen at the behest of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, at the point that (s)he feels a vote would result in reunification? So while they may not explicitly have a veto, the decision for the wheels to be set in motion or not is still made in London.
  11. One way of looking at it. Alternatively, Gove is making himself look diplomatic and statesmanlike before Johnson still doesn't concede on the main point, thus collapsing the talks anyway. Making it more of a Gove hatchet-job on Johnson rather than the party rallying-round to give Johnson the moment of victory. Precedent would point more in the direction of this reading.
  12. They left it late, but they are finally here to save the day!
  13. Indeed. Can't wait to see the change for the better that will be noticeable on January 1st. There's no way things will be worse than now, surely?
  14. MI6 Rogue on Twitter has been worth a follow for quite a while now.
  15. Not a million miles away. But there are reasons that is the case. I'd highly recommend this as an explainer.
  16. Using the logic of the last couple of pages, we must be getting desperate...
  17. No offence, but you are literally reading something into nothing. The talks were scheduled from the beginning to alternate between London and Brussels. They were in Brussels talking two weeks ago. It was front page news when one of the EU team tested positive for Covid on November 19th. While they were talking in Brussels.
  18. All round to Bone's gaff on Christmas Day for his next one? (if MI5 are reading this, I'm not actually advocating the overthrow, festive show-trial and summary execution of Peter Bone)
  19. Seems reasonable. Hardly surprising that they'd fall back on the success of their "if you're part of the wealthy elite you don't need to worry about the rules" messaging from earlier in the year.
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