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Everything posted by Mister_a

  1. Our midfield has been wank for ages though, it’s not surprising
  2. I'd rather us learn how to do throw in's than finish above Leeds
  3. I think we aren't in any position to judge (with the exception maybe of sub timing) his tactics, as look at the state of our squad right now. It's mid table, everyone can see it's mid table, so why is everyone shocked when we are '*checks notes*' mid table? I think once we get some more good signings, including some wingers who can wing, midfielders who are able to pass the ball 5 yards and block the opposition from waltzing through our midfield, we will be in a better position to judge where we are at as a team. I wouldn't be averse to getting a new striker similar in value to Ollie also, as I believe we are limited in options there. We need more options in areas where stupid mistakes are made, so the players know if they make stupid mistakes, then they will not in the team for the next game. We need someone to show the team how to actually move off the ball, we need a corner and set piece taker (or 3) and someone to show us how to do throw in's (Jesus Christ that annoys me so much). Some more creativity and some strength in midfield would do this team wonders. Until then, everyone needs to just calm down and realise that it's going to be multiple years before we are anywhere near challenging for Europe, as you can't buy a Europe ready squad in one season in the PL, those days have gone.
  4. I think that’s acceptable, considering our squad and our position last season.
  5. I’d love to eat my words, but I don’t expect anything from Ramsey
  6. Can’t be proven wrong if you change the subject every time it happens.
  7. I’d stick him on from the start vs wba. Championship is more his level and at least we can see if he can make a difference given more time.
  8. We need more footballers to come out and say this is bollocks. Preferably bigger names than Ozil.
  9. Barkley fannies about with the ball again, then they go score. Typical
  10. Barkley screamer to win (hoping lol), he’s shit right now, so here’s hoping.
  11. They say they even out over the season, but that is frankly preposterous
  12. It’s a difficult one to solve, and people have and are entitled to their views. I respect that.
  13. The option is to accept that COVID isn’t going anywhere. Once the vaccinations have bought it under control, it should be dealt with like seasonal flu, with perhaps some regional action if needed. The electorate don’t do outrage any more, see Bojo and 100k to his mistress, no one gives a shit. Temporary measure.... Milton Friedman said ‘Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.’
  14. Vaccine passports create an underclass, those who won't, don't or can't (for medical reasons) have the vaccine. If you can't see a problem with government restrictions on free movement in a supposedly free country because you can't wait to get to the pub, then I feel sorry for your level of analysis. In the time it takes to set these things up, a very large percentage of the population will have already had the vaccine, rendering them pointless, so what's the point of them. It's creeping authoritarianism by a government that knows it can get away with it. I'll sum it up in a meme for those who are hard of thinking.
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