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Everything posted by IrishVilla10

  1. This is a ridiculous take.
  2. Honest to god people will try and find a negative in everything posted about Gerrard at the minute. This and pretty much everything I’ve seen from him and Michael Beale is a positive. They’ve made it clear how they manage players, getting to know them personally, identifying targets for them and coaching them to get onto the pitch with a clear direction on how to play. I don’t care if he’s going to dig out players in training for not pulling their weight, I’m actually all for it. We’ve been a soft touch on the pitch for too long and it’s about time we did something about it. We’re hardly the biggest team in the league so let’s be the team that at least works the hardest. Our defensive actions and pressures this season tells me some people could do with a digging out. 16th for pressures and 16th for tackles, and 19th for tackles against dribbles. We’re not Liverpool or city, and we’re not working hard enough. Just to add Jas10 this wasn’t aimed at you, just at some of the replies.
  3. And it was more than enough. There’ll be enough chances for questions in the pre match press conference
  4. He deserves some credit then, coached one of the best right backs in the world in his early years
  5. Me either. I suppose we’ll see soon enough anyway
  6. We’re a better team with McGinn playing no doubt, and I’d put money on him being a starter in Gerrards team
  7. Beale stopped playing at 21 and has been a coach since that’s the key. He literally has been coaching 17+ years more than Gerrard
  8. It’s not for lack of trying. Let’s see how McGinn gets on under this new team. They’ll obviously be aware of his qualities for Scotland so I hope they use him similarly.
  9. Gerrard said something along the lines of it would take him 20 years to get to the level of knowledge or coaching of Beale. So he just lets him do his thing basically.
  10. I think that’s very unrealistic. 18 points from those games you would have to beat, Brighton, palace, Leicester, Burnley, Norwich and Leeds. Of course you can get a result against anyone but we’re miles off Liverpool city and Chelsea. With the form we’ve been in and the terrible performances to expect that so soon is setting yourself up for disappointment
  11. I think the first two are winnable. Players looking to impress, new manager bounce etc. We’re lucky the international break will give some time for the new coaches to have a proper look at some of the players. City no chance. Leicester haven’t had the best start to their season either, could manage a draw. Liverpool loss. Norwich Burnley both winnable games. Chelsea loss and Leeds draw. I think we could come away with 9 or 10 points there. I think we’ll win one of Brighton and palace, and by the time we play Norwich and Burnley the team should be more settled into whatever the coaches are asking of them
  12. My bad, late one and didn’t see that it was next season lol
  13. You could be in for a shock mate. We only finished on 55 last season and we’ve already lost 7 games. We lost 15 all of last season. We’ve given ourselves a big mountain to climb
  14. How long have you known him mate? Do a bit of research into how he and his team have managed rangers the last three seasons. There’s plenty available. This is a risk for both parties
  15. https://www.instagram.com/p/CWI-nJbI9B1/?utm_medium=copy_link Post from Gerrard himself about getting started and the warm welcome. Looking forward to Brighton now
  16. Some of these posts from Rangers fans are hilarious.
  17. Stevie G and Michael Beale leading the charge, I’m excited by it. Someone sent this in yesterday and watch from 7 minutes on, he comes across very well. Let’s see what they can do
  18. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2021/11/10/steven-gerrard-verge-joining-aston-villa-manager-rangers-allow/
  19. All good points. I hope we see a better side to him when Gerrard comes in because I’ll be very shocked if he’s not starting. We’re a better team with John playing. We see him playing a largely defensive role atm and he’s still scored 2 and assisted 1 for us, level on goals with Ollie only behind Ings 3. He’s second behind Cash for tackles and second behind Ings for defensive pressures. Level with Targett and Buendia with 14 key passes so there’s obviously a player there. After Douglas he’s the second name on the team sheet in the middle and whoever comes in can assess if we need an upgrade or not when the window opens.
  20. I think he does. Watch him for Scotland he’s got 11 goals and 2 assists in 20 games. We’ve played him as a 6 and ask too much of him IMO. If I could choose our midfield it would be John, Doug and Sanson with John in the forward position.
  21. Front of a midfield 3, more attacking than we play him
  22. Good enough for what? Played him out of position for two seasons now, I’m not sure what people expect
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