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Everything posted by MR.Smalljob

  1. The Verve - Love Is Noise http://tinyurl.com/5rvmps
  2. Everybody's Kung Fu Fighting http://tinyurl.com/5txpa5
  3. Well we never know.. Santa Cruz may have Joaquin to speak Spanish with next season :winkold:
  4. Spurs after Barry now?? http://tinyurl.com/6xvvoe
  5. Why...? - Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower, when he doesn’t usually wear any pants? - Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? - Why do they call it taking a dump? Shouldn’t it be leaving a dump? - Why are they called goose bumps? Do geese get people bumps? - Why is it that cargo is transported by ship while a shipment is transported by car? - Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours? - Why do people say, "you’ve been working like a dog" when dogs just sit around all day? - Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat Macaroni? - Why is it when we talk to God we are praying, but when God talks to us we are put into the loony bin? - Why do you get in trouble for blocking an exit when you’re standing in the doorway? In case of an emergency, wouldn’t you run out, too, therefore NOT blocking the exit? - Why do they call the small candy bars the "fun sizes"? Wouldn’t be more fun to eat a big one? - Why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it’s only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where’s that extra penny going too ? - Why is it when we duck they call us chicken? - Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM? - Why do we put suits in a garment bag and garments in a suitcase? - Why is it called ’after dark’, when it is really after light?
  6. A man is sitting on his front stoop staring morosely at the ground when his neighbor strolls over. The neighbor tries to start a conversation several times, but the older man barely responds. Finally, the neighbor asks what the problem is. "Well," the man says, "I ran afoul of one of those questions women ask. Now I’m in the doghouse." "What kind of question?" the neighbor asks. "My wife asked me if I would still love her when she was old, fat and ugly." "That’s easy," says the neighbor. "You just say, ’Of course I will’". "Yeah," says the other man, "that’s what I MEANT to say. But what came OUT was, ’Of course I do.’"
  7. Radiohead- street spirit http://tinyurl.com/mj8es
  8. R.E.M. ---Country Feedback live. stunning http://tinyurl.com/3xmanv
  9. But I hope we are Villains against Everton and steal all 3 points !
  10. And The new PS3 40 GB model Is silent like a lam 8) we can't say that about 360 can we? :winkold:
  11. xbox will only get some extra missions, other things you can download for ps3 too ps3 also gets its own exclusive content just like the xbox
  12. Serj Tankian - Empty Walls http://tinyurl.com/5o8eol
  13. http://tinyurl.com/2wc8bu I don't like Martin O'Neill say he is hoping to address the short comings in squads depth this summer!! He should say I WILL address the short comings in squads depth this summer!
  14. wow and now add Paintsil the amazing rumor list... going to be a hot summer!
  15. Feel the same way.. I really don't know if it is Mon or Randy...
  16. REM with Supernatural Superserious http://tinyurl.com/2tv4n2
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00qcoW_Rjtc&feature=related sorry for the long link. tinyurl.com didn't work
  18. Madagascar by Guns n' Roses :winkold: http://tinyurl.com/39kogv
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