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Everything posted by Amo69

  1. I think if the majority of Villa fans agreed on anything it would break the internet. Will you be happy?
  2. Wouldn't read in to friendlies too much. Once that extra pressure of the World Cup starts everything changes.
  3. Trent are you able to answer whether you will feel the majority of fans will be angry or happy?
  4. Haha. This would be Lerner through and through.
  5. If it's a big name then I'm convinced it's to do with new owners and he will eventually be the new manager.
  6. Could this be a number 2 with the intention of him taking over? Sort of a dignified way of giving Lambert a chance. Kind of like the Roy Evans, Houllier manager share that everybody knew meant Evans was eventually a goner.
  7. Guys we've had many shocks as Villa fans. They are not usually good ones. Brace yourselves...
  8. No way!! Are you the Eastie from TBAR?
  9. No sale Mr Smith. Let it go
  10. Me too. Unless we are taken over. I'll prob by every kit there is I'll be so happy.
  11. I like it. Shame can't get one without the sponsor on it.
  12. The German style of Real Madrid were 2 minutes away from losing the Champions League. International football is a different game. Teams make Spain look boring because they set up to defend against them. Maybe this year teams will try to beat them instead of trying not to get beat. Could even play in to Spain's hands. Edit: I thought the same about Argentina until I saw their keeper and centre halves.
  13. It's funny how the world works! Spain can't play the German way without a lot of immigration, which hasn't happened yet. Spain are Spain. But the Spain way has won everything in International football in the last 6 years. If it ain't broke...
  14. So let me get this straight. Real play the German way and smashed the German champions who were playing the Spanish way? So what if Spain play the German way?
  15. The players who won those competitions are getting on a bit or have already retired. How good is the new generation really vs the new generation of other countries? Barcelona have been well beaten in European competition since the last World Cup playing a style close to the Spanish national team, and it's on that basis I rule them out of one of the final places. Since the last World Cup Barca have won a champions league, got to semi final twice and quarters last season. Although I see where you are coming from I wouldn't call that well beaten in Europe. Yes Bayern smashed them but on that basis you could say Germany won't do well because Real smashed them. As for next generation there are a lot of players who haven't even made the squad that would walk in to a lot of other teams.
  16. Pedro and Villa can still score goals plus all those midfielders can chip in too. Pique, Ramos, Alba and Juanfran is a pretty solid defence with a choice of Martinez, Busquet and Alonso to protect them. The World Cup champions and back to back Euro winners will still worry any team.
  17. That's why I didn't get AV's post. If anything Webbs refereeing nearly helped Holland get the game to Penalties.
  18. I would find it a bit odd and random if it wasn't on the clubs website. I thought that was precisely why it was a bit odd. What exactly does a director of sporting integrity do? I was thinking the same actually. He is the head of sporting integrity so does that mean there is a whole team? I know the villa official website has to be filled with positive stuff about villa but I feel like I'm being patronised as a fan whenever I read an article. Does that make sense?
  19. Have they got themselves a reliable referee again? What do you mean?
  20. Been looking at the various squads and I still can't find a squad as complete as Spain's. So much talent with no real weakness.
  21. Di Canio is clearly a nut case but I feel for him a bit after hearing he had no control over Sunderlands summer signings.
  22. I would find it a bit odd and random if it wasn't on the clubs website.
  23. I guess sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Same was true for the Arsenal defence of the 90's. Filipe Luis is left back not right back - Juanfran is on the right. Maxwell, Dante and Marcelo are already in the Brazil squad so they have the position covered well enough. He can consider himself unlucky though! Sorry I meant left back.
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