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Everything posted by Amo69

  1. I like collars. They hide the moobs.
  2. Sometimes saying that you think something will happen just doesn't justify how strongly you actually feel that it will happen.
  3. Honestly, I have no idea what the question is here...? No worries. I have no idea what the answer is!
  4. Ok clutching at straws time. Who is arguably the most supported football in England? Who is a one of the most successful players of that team's Premier League success? If you were a potential buyer of a football club who would you like associated with the club? I forgot to add I think Manchester United are massive in the Middle East.
  5. Agreed. Takeover or not we are in a relegation battle next season. Nothing will change overnight.Can I have the lottery numbers as well? Mantis we have had this same discussion for 2 years now and I was right both times. When are you going to realise I'm always right about these things? I just think it's ridiculous that you can state so certainly that we will be in a relegation battle next season. Let's just wait and see eh? Is it really necessary for me to put IMO after every single post though mate? Obviously I don't know so for sure we will be in a relegation battle I just think it's very likely based on the past 4 seasons.
  6. Sounds like Lerner is pretty desperate to get out which is encouraging. How much of a loss will he take? Do what's right for Villa Mr Lerner. You will still have more money than all of us could ever dream about. Most of us will only ever have 9-5, moaning wives, ungrateful kids, and our salvation - the Villa!
  7. Agreed. Takeover or not we are in a relegation battle next season. Nothing will change overnight. Can I have the lottery numbers as well? Mantis we have had this same discussion for 2 years now and I was right both times. When are you going to realise I'm always right about these things?
  8. MON has the ability to get the best out of players and make them appear better than they are. I don't think Lambert is as much of a man manager as MON was but I do think he would buy a higher calibre of player if he had the resources MON had.
  9. Agreed. Takeover or not we are in a relegation battle next season. Nothing will change overnight. I disagree, if a takeover was too happen i presume and hope that they would spend enough for us to be stable in the premier league and not scrapping like this every year. Not every year no. First year it is very likely.
  10. Agreed. Takeover or not we are in a relegation battle next season. Nothing will change overnight.
  11. Very true. Non of us have a clue. But what we do know for a fact is that buying a Premier League club in the past has very rarely been a profitable investment. We do know that Lerner is looking to recoup as much as he has invested. We do now that our squad is very poor and will need significant investment to make it competitive again. We also know that a mega rich owner can now longer spend massive sums of money on players because of the BS FFP rules. All this point towards no sale in my opinion.
  12. That's a bit like going into a shop to buy a kebab, realising you only have enough money for chips....then saying 'sod it, I'll have a lump of dogshit instead'..... I'm probably in the minority but I still think he is much better than Clark and Baker. You don't make 84 appearances for Arsenal, be loaned by AC Milan and have 52 international caps if you are dog shit. The clue is why he didn't stay at Arsenal at a time when they were recognised as lacking decent centre halves. He was poor then and I seriously doubt he's improved since then I'm not saying he isn't poor. I'm just saying he is better than Clark and Baker and as good as we will get while Lerner is still in charge.
  13. That's a bit like going into a shop to buy a kebab, realising you only have enough money for chips....then saying 'sod it, I'll have a lump of dogshit instead'..... I'm probably in the minority but I still think he is much better than Clark and Baker. You don't make 84 appearances for Arsenal, be loaned by AC Milan and have 52 international caps if you are dog shit. I saw him a few times for Valenica, believe me he is dogshit. If he is dogshit what the hell does that make Clark and Baker?
  14. That's a bit like going into a shop to buy a kebab, realising you only have enough money for chips....then saying 'sod it, I'll have a lump of dogshit instead'..... I'm probably in the minority but I still think he is much better than Clark and Baker. You don't make 84 appearances for Arsenal, be loaned by AC Milan and have 52 international caps if you are dog shit.
  15. Everything will be until somebody takes over the club.
  16. Why is everyone so shocked about Senderos. Our owner wants to sell us and there is not a buyer in sight. We will lucky to even sign an International with about 10 years of Premier League experience even if he is as crap as Senderos. Did you really expect Lescott?
  17. I guess if we are looking at it logically then yes it does. If we are looking at in in relation to other decisions made at Villa Park over the past few years. Then who the hell knows what's going on!
  18. His record as a manager is possibly more relevant. Don't think that's as impressive, personally. Why? He is not going to be the manager.
  19. Because he gets to do the two other jobs that he cares about more at the same time. That's why I think he will be paid a decent wage considering he will be part time.
  20. Plus he is only going to be a number two. Since when has anybody ever cared who a number two is? I think fans are more disappointed because this is the only news we have.
  21. Senderos is poor beyond belief and no improvement on either Baker or Clark. I agree with the first part of your sentence.
  22. On the one hand I'm disappointed as the dreamer in me still hoped for the takeover announcement with the high profile manager. On the other hand when I go back to the realistic opinion of there being no takeover this year I then think appointing Keane is probably not the worst news in the world and is about as good as we can expect. I also think Senderos is a massive improvement on Baker and Clark.
  23. Not at all. Paying an ex average manager a decent salary to work as a coach while managing two other roles stinks of Lerner in my opinion.
  24. Well I think this means there is no takeover in sight.
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