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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. I think it's human instinct to raise a hand when attacked like that. He pulled out as soon as he had a second to think. Attacked is a strong word. Very often I'm put into situations at work where I'm potentially under threat. Ive never once raised my hand. In fact I'd argue that it's human nature not to raise your hand if I was basing my opinion just on me. Others are different tho of course. At work people charge you in the back then when you turn shove their heads into your face? You need a pay rise. Well I can't say that particular incident has ever happened but I've been repeatedly punched in the head at work. You can defend yourself without touching the other person. Turn round walk away. In fact, don't square up in the first place. Don't lash out at lamela. Avoid the situation altogether. agreed. he should have handled that situation a lot better. heat of the moment though and right after that Verthongen tackle. you could tell a lot of our players were very angry with how the ref handled that situation.
  2. Come matchday I'll still probably be at least slightly optimistic. however, this situation we're in right now is an extremely tough one and considering how we've been playing and how we won't have access to the gifted talents of Benteke for three of those.... well it's hard-pressed to be optimistic.
  3. What's 'odd' about our situation? Loads of shite defeats and 15th-16th place is normal for us isn't it? No, no, not that bit - the bit where no one wants to own us. yeah, we're in a very tough spot atm because of this.
  4. I think we might just end up being the first team in the history of the Premier League to have gone 8 games straight all losses.
  5. kind of ironic that I was pondering to myself "when was it we last got a red card?" before this game today.
  6. Considering the situation I hope Villa makes a case for lessening the punishment of a three game ban judging by the provocation, but I'm not holding my breath for anything.
  7. I've supplied a picture that metaphorically explains our current situation as a football club. You're welcome.
  8. can't wait to have Libor back, but at the current rate it looks to be a while before he even makes it to the bench...mark. it'll be interesting to see how he's coming along, but I wouldn't bet my mortgage on him being back anytime soon. he would probably need time adjusting to the team once in good shape too. I'm done...
  9. Soton will have a walk in the park with us unless we pull a reverse form extravaganza and Thor smiles in our direction. which he doesn't.
  10. Relegating us from the Premier League is probably the big one. Only a matter of time thou... the icing on the cake so to speak.
  11. please win against West Ham the almighty Hammers of London.
  12. wasn't his fault for the loss today. I still want a change however, because I don't rate him as a good motivator and motivation is definitely what this team needs right now if we're not to extend our poor form beyond 6 games.
  13. I agree, but the ref's lack of decisive action against some very poor moves by Spurs is enough to provoke a lot of frustration. although I believe that we shouldn't give in to it and hurt ourselves by poor decisions, I do think that the ref made it hard for our players to keep composed. The ref wasn't great I agree, but those two big moments were the fault of those 2 players. Never mind, we go again. Ideally they would have been cooler about it and this is what happens when you can't control your temperament. We go again alright, but we're in a very rough spot atm.
  14. I agree, but the ref's lack of decisive action against some very poor moves by Spurs is enough to provoke a lot of frustration. although I believe that we shouldn't give in to it and hurt ourselves by poor decisions, I do think that the ref made it hard for our players to keep composed.
  15. "you have reach your quota of positive votes for the day" How accurate.
  16. this is just so bloody typical. **** off football. I'm going to become a squash affectionado instead.
  17. does this ref have a blood vendetta against us or something?
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