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Everything posted by privateer

  1. Sloop JohnB, Brian Wilson live at the Royal Festival Hall. Will follow it with Pet Sounds. V+ FTW
  2. Knew you'd like that....spat my coffee out the first time I listened to it That was indeed quality shit! I would really hate to be any of the dumb **** who messed with EBM right now. Gangsta Tyrone is going to be laughed at for the rest of his days and that thieving whore who filmed it is an international hate-figure.
  3. Bat-shit crazy, indeed, but he's my kind of bat-shit crazy. They should give him one of those maroon Guardian Angel berets and have him riding public transport for a living.
  4. Amber Lamps is becoming the internet sensation of 2010
  5. And of course, just as importantly, he's bigger than me and you!
  6. Where did that come from? The part of the brain that sometimes makes people want to put their hands in flames or jump off a high place, even though the rational brain is saying "Don't be stupid"
  7. Love the rant :-) It's nailed on when either of those rocket polishers appear my piss is boiling. I really wish only BBC got the footie
  8. Steve Rider is as big a word removed as Clive Tyldesley - who is one of the biggest words removed breathing in the commentary game. Rider has just mentioned Palace being roared on by the fantastic Selhurst crowd. You stupid, worthless, shit-eating, cocksucking, crosseyed, felching chutney ferret. The noise has been made by the fans who will be roaring Villa on, you deaf, sycophantic, retarded piece of shit.
  9. Yeah, know what Warnock was trying to do there
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