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Everything posted by privateer

  1. Actually, we didn't deserve to win because we didn't perform very well.
  2. Got a bad feeling we are going to get done here
  3. Dowd, you still are a word removed even if you did disallow it
  4. We need to get our act together here because it's only a matter of time before these words removed score the way things are going. **** me, Dowd gave us something. Still a word removed though
  5. Is it not time someone shoves Ash off the dead balls and takes them instead?
  6. Ash, you've redeemed yourself. Take a bow son
  7. Listening to the Everton fans is like hearing the crowd at a schoolboy's England International.
  8. Not surprising - he just saw a piss-easy chance to probably seal the match thrown away.
  9. Don't like this at all, they are pressing too much! We need another goal
  10. Yeah, that was cool! When I move to Spain that's what I'm going to name my house. 8)
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