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Everything posted by privateer

  1. We'll be lucky to get to half time only one down.
  2. It would help us enormously if that rocket polisher Dowd suffers a hamstring injury
  3. Dowd, you are even more of a word removed - I wouldn't have believed it possible
  4. No Mods on today? Maybe we can have some fun! :winkold:
  5. Wine poured, ready for us handing Manure their arses back in a sling! Come on, boys!!! Give it to them!!!
  6. This should be the team, except for the "or Guzan" part. Friedel in goal.
  7. Ah, good.The knight on the ginger horse to save our asses
  8. Get in Gabby. Colin rocket polisher will be fuming!!!!
  9. Good lad, Brad. That's what I want to see,hurt the **** when you get the ball. Dominate!
  10. Good, keep Gabby fresh and sort out his knocks
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