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Everything posted by privateer

  1. Think your wish came at least partly true. Great, wasn't it? 8)
  2. Well that explains a lot. Fagan is ex-filth and a filth fan.
  3. Ha ha. Fagan "coming over to have a go at Cuellar". Good luck with that you word removed, you'll come off very much second best there
  4. Think we need Dunney and Collins to sort Fagan out.
  5. Fancy Stan to get one of those in tonight
  6. Dirty word removed could have gelded Stan there
  7. Well **** hell. Maybe we can even win unless we let Cahill score again
  8. **** unbelievable, letting that word removed Cahill do it again
  9. Any chance of a sub, Martin? No, I don't mean Heskey
  10. The good news being I don;'t think they've got enough time to score another 5
  11. Real test of character now. We can get back into this
  12. That bear I'd shoot in the face with my protein rifle. Then I'd wander off and eat the salmon rather than something that smelt similar.
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