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Everything posted by TRO

  1. TRO

    Unai Emery

    maybe Sutton Coldfield eh!
  2. TRO

    Unai Emery

    I think..................he has team selection now....isn't that a dandy
  3. TRO

    Unai Emery

    I agree....I think the next move, is a buying in, syndrome. My only concerns are that he doesn't burn himself out...He is obviously massively committed to his work....and we are all grateful for that....but he has to look after himself too. Like Klopp, it's hard to keep working THAT hard.....I hope he is slick/ savvy at delegation. There will come a time, when he will want to return home....I hope he is able to construct a structure to follow on from that time, and recruit his own successor in the process. my suspicion is....Unai will not want to see all his hard work washed away, after his departure.....which I hope is a long time from now.
  4. TRO

    Unai Emery

    They wouldn't believe you
  5. That's what shrewd management does. We can look at Brighton, Bournemouth etc.....but we are doing it ourselves. It just seems strange that modest signings, seem to work out better for us, generally.....maybe because the whole club hasn't got a primma donna mentality. I think we are canny with our model. it breeds players who want to prove, want to improve, and want to push back the boundaries. Under the guidance of UE, they know, with their togetherness they can achieve more than they imagined....it really is an amazing time.
  6. He seems to be really enjoying himself.
  7. TRO

    Unai Emery

    The penny, does take a time to drop with us and the media. They sometimes have to go around the wrekin, to get to us.
  8. He was instrumental, at his time with Leicester, for those slick passes, between the lines to Vardy. I think it's starting to happen with Ollie.
  9. That can be labelled at many.....consistency is very hard to achieve, but we have managed to improve it. With more team strengthening, it will improve more. I think there has been times this season where we couldn't play much better......but consistency is the next challenge. We can also improve by narrowing the gap, between best and worst performances. back to Youri. I think Youri has been amazing in some games, and like you, love to see players with guile. When he is on it, he is surely on it(ask the England team).....been very good for us lately.
  10. TRO

    Unai Emery

    He has the keys to the Castle......next is the Kingdom.
  11. TRO

    Unai Emery

    Thanks for the Extension Unai and the club.
  12. TRO

    Unai Emery

    it must give him great pleasure inwardly....but he is not one to gloat, it's not in his nature....and another inner strength he has. Gloating can set yourself up, for attack....why give opponents ammunition? Sometimes, the least said, the more powerful the outcome. He is an intelligent guy, he knows what to say, when to say it, and when to say nothing....He is a diplomat. The silence can sometimes be the loudest response.
  13. I don't see anyone saying he is ****.....I think that's a figment of your own imagination.
  14. i think it's more to do with squad now.....Buendia will be back too. It will give UE more opportunity to rotate....and the in form players will get the shirt. He will also, pick and choose players who are more suited to the opposition. Due to injuries, we have had to let the team , pick itself to a degree....that will change. I don't see a first 11 moving forward, I see a squad, where all the players will be involved. The stand out ones will still dominate, the usual positions, but it will create diversity, too.
  15. I thought Gary was underrated....fabulous player, who rarely lost it in possession. they all was you mentioned. a few decent players have come out of the borough of Solihull...Jack, Deehan and i think Kingshurst is in the borough of solihull, where Gary originated from. Not sure, where Ollie Lives.....but he is in that company now, for forward play.
  16. I thought at the time, something was in this signing, how we kept going back in. The persistence, did suggest to me, Unai saw something in Morgan. Well, it's certainly showing to us, he clearly did see something in him. shrewd.
  17. I think it was Neil Cutler, who spotted Emi's potential....and Dean Smith ran with it. Smart move that. Not sure who was instrumental in Morgans Move....but some Coup.
  18. Man U did it, Newcastle did it, Liverpool did it......I have seen Spurs do it to us, in the past. The long ball, is not necessarily hoof ball, it can be, but not necessarily so......Good teams can get purchase on a game, with the long ball.....but it's perhaps unwise, to keep playing it, during the game, because it will get countered. Many possession based teams, use it from time to time.....we did on Sunday. Emi was picking out, our boys with precision kicks out. The very essence of a threat, is surprise....so whatever system a team chooses, you can't keep playing the same way, because you will get found out. If a team, plays a highish line, it's an invitation to play the long diagonal ball......Liverpool with quick runners and good ball control, do it well. There is an antidote, to every system......There is no fool proof way of playing football, you find the one you favour and run with it. ..but, The top guys, like Unai, create adjustments to his overall mantra, to suit the opposition.
  19. I think he is too entrenched in the project.....money talks of course. but you can easily spend £100 mill unwisely too.....so it's not always a good move. I think Ollie is an integral cog, in the way we play....so selling him, would not be prudent to me. Ollie is fast approaching, as important to us as Jack......if he hasn't surpassed that already.
  20. I agree....some of them just need that chance. All those have good feet, you do need good ball control, to step up. it's certainly an area, I'm sure we are aware of.
  21. I agree. I often talk about having bigger players, but I am acutely aware, smaller players with aggression suffice part of it...Salah, Aguero, Messi all show/showed controlled aggression. Moussa imo is still acclimatising to the Prem, and it takes various players, varying time scales. He will adapt, I am sure. I think when he gets right, the resistance to the bullies, and adapts a more physical stance, ( and that can also be timing) we will see the best of him.
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