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Everything posted by TRO

  1. I am not telling you how to be a fan, and what to be interested in, its ok, if you like that sort of thing. I trust the club, to manage its affairs.....and don't like drifting in to area's. I feel, don't concern me.....as the saying goes " curiosity killed the cat" I accept the well being of the club, does impact on us, but it's not in our control.....I trust the management and the owners, to get those things under control. I really only concentrate on the football. I was privvy, many years ago, to some of the behind the scenes issues.....and it spoilt it for me as a fan.... so I left/resisted the invitations to the players lounge and the ambience of that.....and went back to the terraces, where I feel I belong. and that's where, i want to stay. Some of the behind the scenes stuff, I don't want to know......It spoils the dream of being a fan.....but hey ho.
  2. I agree. He could be called a clown or a jester, but his antics are not intimidating or threatening.....disruptive maybe, only if the mental approach of the kicker is frail......which is their problem. The descriptive words aimed at Emi, need to be reined in.......He is a comedian, and at a penalty shoot out, it's probably the last type of person you want to encounter....but let's get the context right here. They want to concentrate.....Emi wants to fool around......thats the top and bottom of it. On lookers need to get a grip of the context. Ps he has blotted nothing, just another brick in the wall, to say he is one of the best goal keepers on the planet. PPS Bruce Grobbelaar was much the same with his antics.
  3. and what part of my comments, do I suggest different....I agree. but to me....the 2 main incidents of the game, i have seen given against us......while he was referring, it was overlooked, whether it was VAR or him....i have seen incidents like that go against us. I don't think either was an infringement.....but I am a "hand to ball, man, not ball to hand man, to cause a penalty, but things have changed over the years.....I agree, Duran was not instrumental in bringing chevalier down, but again, i have seen those given against us. anyway....his grandad was a good entertainer, like our Emi.
  4. that's what, I said....whether it was VAR or him the outcome was the same.....He waved away the protests from the Lille players.
  5. I stand by my interpretation. I think Emi is loosely associated with ****housery as an easy description....but in context, I don't think it is. what Emi does, is passive. Roy Keane was ****housery, or Mark Dennis and Julian Dicks Look, I am not an authority on football descriptions, but that's the way, I see it. Emi just teases the patience and seriousness of opponents....that's fine by me....refs are just rocked by the outcome, and feel they have to react....that's as much on the recipient for being weak, as Emi, for being strong.
  6. I think you played very well over the 2 legs and probably deserved better.....but football or any other sport, digs deeper than just talent, as these games, bore witness too. We can both call on reasons why our teams, did not perform as well as they can.....and we can both call on elements of luck, that remain a feature of football games. We as Villa supporters can bear witness on many occasions of unfair referees or over zealous opponents who render our players lightweight....and we have to ride with it, and improve. Last night, we stayed with it, when we wasn't at our best....that was the most redeeming factor for me. You may not approve of Emi Martinez, for numerous reasons, but what he does, is passive, and more psychological....football is also played in the head, and he knows that, more than most......your players, should have scored, and you would have gone through. They should have rose above Emi's foolery, because that's all it was. It wasn't intimidating or threatening, (folk using those words are wrong) it might be off putting, but that's not illegal......we have to find context here. This was a tight fought game, and both teams can claim mitigation of sorts.....but in the cold light of day, i hope mutual respect prevails, between our clubs and supporters.....I for one rate Lille, as a very good side, and your manager too. As a result of these games, I am enlightened, but what a good side, Lille is, and how competitive they are......I hope the feeling is mutual.
  7. I agree. I think, we have been in the doldrums, for that long, it seems like Unai is the best ever. but you are right, sheepy, what Ron did on a shoestring budget was unbelievable.....but it is different times now. For me, I don't want to compare, because too many variables come in to play....both were/are phenomenal.....Graham Taylor and Ron Atkinson, built some good teams and Brian and John, chipped in with some formidable players...and the 6-6-6- from MON wasn't to be sniffed a. Unai, still has the team WIP and the obstacles i.e FFP, Oil state owned clubs, is difficult to navigate. That win last night, was a peg in the ground, for the journey, and will only help our exposure, for future signings....The Character of the set up, will surely resonate, with ambitious players, looking for ambitious clubs. I also think what this guy is building, is solid....The whole football culture of our club, is impressive and encouraging....and if character was a doubt, it was dispelled, last night..... we was out on our legs. Every football person in our club looks committed, I am not ITK, but it seems like that is the case, everyone, talks each other up, it's like " all for one, one for all" From an old stalwart of the terraces.....this is a great time to be a Villa a fan. PS I can feel so many parallels with the past, good times.....we just have to keep going and prove it.
  8. it was unnecessary....but I still think the big decisions, he come down on our side....The penalty claim, and the impeded goalkeeper.......i have seen things like that given against us.
  9. I want to....because I have seen so many teams against us getting away with things over the years.....I ignore it now when we do it. it's called pay back time.
  10. so was Cash......correction. sorry, I meant the second. but Luiz was partly at fault for the 1st, too.
  11. There is no asterisk in the records referring to luck. It's a natural part of the game, that every team is gifted with.....We could be deemed lucky in 1982 too. but I don't think any other team, is bothered by it.....they just accept it....so should we.
  12. Brinkmanship, gamesmanship, call it what you will....its ok by me. **** housery is what Vinnie Jones used to do, and few others....Emi does not do that. Players have a responsibility, in high stakes games, to be mentally prepared....That's what makes champions, and leaves others behind. What Emi does, is, challenges the mental resilience and eks out mental frailty in the opponents.....tangibly its innocuous, but when a player has to take a penalty, with such high stakes, a butterfly passing randomly can be enough to put them off. Emi should not be punished, for their mental frailty, he is just exercising his right to challenge it, in much of the time, a passive way. We shouldn't be put off by the cancel culture in football.
  13. it was Jim....but it still ended 3-3 for all the praise they got, and the time off to help them. With a depleted squad, and arduous, league games....these boys deserve a lot of credit. I was frustrated with some of the play....but tempered those thoughts with the circumstances.....it was a determined effort, if not refined. We are the only man left standing.....I think our league shows how it takes it out of them.....and unlike other national authorities, our lot ( EFL)don't help, our teams The last few games have shown a bucket load of character, fight and determination.....I was actually proud of them, over these games. I often talk on here of the basic arts, which some folk think are a given......well, they are not, but our boys showed they have it. The lads showed great spirit, led by an unbelievable goalkeeper. PS The Run in, and the final in 1982 showed some nervy moments, too......but the records only show the win....it's all that matters.
  14. I love his personality.....it defines him. His ambition is clear, and it derives from his love for the club. I must admit, I am not particularly emotional, but when he answered a question about how your team mates, feel about you.....He said they " need me " Oh dear that touched me. He said he loves his team mates and the club....he is a top, top man. My grand kids met him at Ashen Farm, nr BMH, he was with his kids.....and they said he was charming. This guy is a top, top keeper....best in the world? not sure....but he's one of them......but his personality is off the scale. I have been irked over the years of our " Mr Nice Guy " tag and Emi Comes along, and rips it up......The critics can go **** themselves. One of the best buys, we have ever made.
  15. iffy performance, great result. I thought our play looked clumsy at times, and ball control was questionable....but after the weekend feet up for Lille, they seemed to want to compete on energy, to gain advantage. I thought our play was scruffy. However, great mentality and desire....looked like running on fumes, but compensated with a will to win. Emi's leadership, really is a filip. PS I don't quite know how they done that. PPS...****housery at its ultimate best....after years of being "little Lord Fauntleroys"......we finally have a rebel rouser.....Bravo Emi
  16. Loved that performance....reminded me of his performance against England, where he dominated and I think was MOTM. He has such a classy style and his passing at times is sublime.....really like watching him.
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