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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. lexicon

    Unai Emery

    Very curious to hear his comments following that fiasco.
  2. It's pretty hard to know where to begin with a post like that - arrogance, xenophobia, bigotry, accusing people of virtue signalling because they actually do give a shit, accusing someone who literally does have family and friends there of virtue signalling. You're a terrible human being.
  3. lexicon

    Jhon Durán

    But that doesn't prepare him for the PL either and the standard isn't good enough. He's got a lot of senior appearances under his belt already (100+, I believe), albeit not in the English game, and I think he'd be better served staying at the club for the reasons I mentioned (and I think the club think that too).
  4. The c*** with the laughing emoji on my post. Empires are universally evil and whataboutism doesn't change that these things have been happening in Ukraine since the russians invaded.
  5. There's being nonchalant, then there's finding murder, rape, abduction of children and ethnic cleansing funny. It's an absolutely disgusting attitude.
  6. Good for you, you don't have family and friends who might be killed by an errant missile or drone attack. Glad you find it so **** funny.
  7. I don't think looking into how he played in what was a bit of a dead rubber is really worth it tbh. He's settled in pretty well and worked his arse off since he arrived - but he looks like he may have pushed it a bit too hard and is now tired. I think the reality of the difficulty of the PL has hit him a little as he is now a known quantity and teams are planning for him specifically.
  8. His CV dictates that we definitely should give him time to settle in. I think the goal should have removed a millstone from around his neck - let's see how he progresses from here.
  9. lexicon

    Jhon Durán

    I disagree - I think being in and around the squad, getting minutes and having the benefit of elite coaches is a lot more valuable for him in his individual situation.
  10. The Russian government are literally committing genocide in Ukraine. It's not the same as almost all of your examples. It's abhorrent that anyone would support that and they have no place turning out for us if they do.
  11. No shock there. I saw both AEK Vs Ajax games and he was very good in both.
  12. It's important to give young players minutes and I think it was a mixed bag of a performance today but a good experience for him in general. I do think he should've saved the goal tbh.
  13. Two of Ajax's prospects look very promising - Kenneth Taylor and Jorrel Hato. Hato is a starter at CB at 17.
  14. Happy for him that he scored - that must be a weight off; he certainly looked relieved. He was better tonight in general, really, keeping it simpler and not looking so desperate to impress. Hopefully this will be a springboard for him.
  15. Given that their record is 70m euros for Isak, surely Kubo is going to be similar or more than that? Especially mid-season. I don't think we'll be looking to make a signing of that magnitude this January tbh.
  16. .... true. Odd Grenland missed a trick not signing him in his later years.
  17. Primarily a left back and getting a lot of game time at Juventus - would be an odd one.
  18. I'd rather pull barbed wire out of my arse than see that happen.
  19. The issue with Zaniolo isn't so much his lack of goals/assists for me, for me, it's more about his positioning and decision-making and how it affects the team in general. I don't think he's made us better in any game he's played and has often been a bit of a black hole in terms of possession - electing to drive forward with the ball and beat a man rather than look for a simple pass to advance it. He really needs to calm down and realise that he doesn't have to wow us so much as be a solid, reliable player that the team can use as an attacking outlet and depend upon. He's got a lot to do to get there.
  20. Yeah, which is what we should be doing if we have the luxury of doing so. I didn't know about these additional fees etc. but I would imagine Monchi has it carefully worded to make sure that we aren't going to be tied down here.
  21. There was chatter of our deal with Gala including a mandatory purchase after a certain number of appearances and if that's true, we'll have a decision to make at some point soon. Obviously, things haven't clicked for him yet but there have been a few encouraging signs here and there in terms of his ability and a fair few mitigating factors in terms of him having new obstacles to overcome. On the strength of what we've seen so far, I wouldn't pull the trigger on a permanent signing.
  22. Jeez mate, how fragile are your guts?
  23. I think Saliba deserves a lot of credit for that - he was excellent and matched Ollie's game very well. Not many defenders can do that.
  24. Defenders have a hell of job dealing with Leon when he gets into that position - he's either cutting in to shoot, or he'll cut it back, but he's so quick and agile that he can feign one and do the other, or make several movements before making a decision. You'd hope that the people who were loathe to give him praise the first time he did it this season because he 'didn't look' or some nonsense will understand the error of their ways.
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