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Everything posted by Mazrim

  1. This! I have never forgiven Herbert for that. The pessimist in me would say we're bidding just to short to make it look like we're trying but with no hope of actually getting him. It was Gregory that wouldnt pay the extra £.5m, not Doug.
  2. Good enough for me. And count me as one who still has faith.
  3. Dont let facts ruin a clueless shit rant.
  4. Albrighton is ready, if not at his peak. We do need another winger purely to rotate and rest. But Ive no qualms about Albrighton starting at all.
  5. There are lots of rumours we've tied up the N'Zogbia deal before the Downing sale was announced. Let's wait and see if theres any truth in them (which I believe to be the case) before running the club down or throwing childish insults at the General.
  6. The club is incompetent because a Wigan fan has been on Talksport saying N'Zogbia should be worth more than Downing? Whatever.
  7. In that massive list of Six, Ginola, Berson, Pires...? Am I missing anybody?
  8. Our midfield wont look like that because it would be penetrated more often than Libyan airspace. Like Jordan playing hard to get.
  9. That's fine by me. Albrighton is class and will get better, he needs to figure more. But we still need another option for the wide positions. Somebody to challenge N'Zogbia and Albrighton rather than take a guaranteed starting spot. Maybe a loan signing from Europe.
  10. That's exactly why they will join Vila. We're pretty much an agency for reaching the big time. If you work hard and graduate from Villa, you could be sitting on a bench watching champions league football in just two years. Failing that, you could always join Liverpool.
  11. £20m for that shithouse? The best really was still to come.
  12. No bids doesnt mean no interest or contact. A bid is usually one of the last things to happen now. After haggling and agent bluster and so on.
  13. I'd wait until we hear more before damning him, personally. The only thing Spurs and Liverpool are champions at is having bullshitting fans. Must be a London thing.
  14. General, I'd like to wish you and yours a happy 4th July. But I'm not going to. For offences great and infamous against the Crown you must present General George Washington and other ringleaders for trial and summary execution at Tyburn. Do this, lay down your arms and swear allegiance to the Crown and you and your people will be spared and pardoned. Do you accept these terms?
  15. If it's to give him a kicking, count me in. You would have to fight me for right to put the boot into him. Well, I'm training in Krav Maga so I need the practice.
  16. If it's to give him a kicking, count me in.
  17. Well I for one want to hear from the General, however limited the scope for candour is. I see the value in it. And I dont think Nicola Keye has the ear of Randy. The General is the only avenue to the board that we have and the only insight into the mind of a reclusive owner. God knows the CEO is no communicator. Not to the fans anyway. Sir, if you've a mind for it (and christ knows I wouldn't) please continue.
  18. If thats true, one would think Wigan would execpt, after excepting a £9m bid in january? Accept You got your balls to the wall!
  19. General, I'd like to congratulate the club on having the superior mascot in the upcoming Asia trophy. Whilst I don't understand why a Lion is being perma-struck by lightning, our mascot is far superior to Chelsea's bearded beer-gutted darts playing Lion and Blackburn's dog that appears to have an extra chromosome or two. Our boy must also be double brick-hard to take Batman's utility belt from him.
  20. Definitely prefer Foster to Given. But, he's a good keeper so, I'd be O.K with it. No moe no less. And there is NO chance we'll be paying him £80k a week. We could, but we wont.
  21. No, they're not delusional at all. He'll need more time to get up to speed but Albrighton will be a top player.
  22. If Albrighton has a problem its that he tries too hard and needs to calm it down a bit at times. He's very talented and committed but his over eagerness can lead to erratic play. But also brilliance. He'll get composure with experience.
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