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Everything posted by Wurzel

  1. Welcome, and thank you and all the board for the fantastic start you have made at the club. One question, at the moment sites such as Villa Talk are unable to display images of the club badge on the site for fear of a breach of copyright. The club badge is an important symbol for all football fans ( many of us would like a return to our old round one!), is there any chance that obvious fans sites such as VT could use the badge in the sites artwork, and avatars?
  2. Well, the term "over-achieving" is subjective obviously, in its literal sense how can you over achieve? But IMO this squad, based on my opinion of their abilities, will finish the season closer to their position last year, than where they are now.
  3. Of course we are over achieving, we have a very small squad of ( apart from one or two) very average players. Not much has changed in the squad department from last year, but I am delighted we are over achieving!
  4. Rumours that the VT Mods were running out of locks were found to be incorrect.
  5. Oliver Reid, great actor? :shock: Interesting that you should mention Mr Waterman, as he was a producer for Stiff Records, Ian Dury's label.
  6. I've just got back from Paphos, it was a little stormy!! If you look carefully you can just see the funnels of two twisters out at sea!
  7. Right I.m going to get one, thanks Bicks for the advice, As I said I'm off to Cyprus for a week, I'm going to take my camera manual, and put some time into playing with the settings it has. If I put the time in I'm sure I will get better results.
  8. Nice photo Kitey. I have a question for all the camera experts. I'm off to Cyprus next week, and I have taken many photos of the place in the past, but, would a Circular Polarising Filter make a great deal of difference to my "hopefully" sunny beach shots? Is it worth the cash to get one? Oh, and do I use it with the UV filter I already have on my camera, or do I remove that first?
  9. Well I was going to buy a little camera, just for snap shots, night outs etc. instead of taking my serious camera out, but I have decided that the next phone I have will have a reasonable camera in it to do the same job.
  10. What do you want to use it for?
  11. Just trying that panorama software Bicks :winkold: , see how much better it is. Old program: The good Program: Bit of a difference isnt there!
  12. I thought exactly the same thing bvut thought it would sound gay if i said it (oh and there's another lass i'd try to get rid of in that pic, can you guess which one?) I hope Bicks doesnt mind but I took the liberty of a little cropping! All rights reserved, image remains the property of the Bickster. Is this what you meant Grant?
  13. Seriously Bicks, that first one is great, one thing would try though is getting rid of the bird in the red, and seeing if that makes a better picture. The kid and the Dad look cool, especially as they are dressed like models!!
  14. Harsh crowd, eh Bicks :winkold: , love the first one, did you know the lad and father in the picture, if not how do you approach photographing people? Do you ask their permission first? "nd picture is cool , great subject. Third one, lovely colours, really like it. Forth one, good photo, just that the dark background, top right looks a bit odd for some reason. IMO great photos, I wish I had more of an eye for framing a photo, like yourself, sometimes I can o it, but it is like a bolt of inspiration when it happens, rarely!
  15. Nope. But when you are 160 tons + going at 100 miles an hour, i dont think a seatbelt will save you in a crash anyway! True - I just didnt know if some sort of regulation made you wear one or not - you have to ask then why you wear them on a plane (but I do know its because you can be thrown around the cabin and the stopping distance is a lot more severe) Do pilots wear belts? I know passengers do on takeoff and landing, but thats it. On a train, if you have a collision its going to lead down one of two roads. 1] its something big/heavy and a seatbelt wont save you anyway. 2] its something not so big/heavy and it will just disintegrate when a train hits it. I cant ever see there being seatbelts put in trains. Why would a train driver need a seat belt? surely a train should be the only thing on the tracks going in one direction at any one time?
  16. Tell me you're joking :shock: Before I answer, I want to know if Wurzel was joking... I'm sick of arguing these things all on my own. I think wurzle was (indirectly) calling you a f*ckwit I dont think I was, I would not be so rude, it was just a general comment! :winkold:
  17. Absolutely, there are far too many f*ckwits walking around at the moment, I'm all for idiots doing dangerous things, let them drive without seat belts, ride without helmets, give them as much hard drugs as they want. The more idiots that die prematurely the better quality the remaining gene pool is.
  18. So thats you you git, SPEED UP!!!! and Close your window, I dont want to here your Perry Como 8-track!!! :winkold: :winkold:
  19. I think your right Bicks, its all about what you are going to want the camera to do. As an untrained amateur photographer I made the choice of the Fuji S9500 because it had more than enough features for my standard of photography, with a great zoom, and spectacular picture quality, but with the fixed lens I didn't have to worry about lens choice and extra costs. Now I am extremely happy with the capabilities of my camera. ATM it still amazes me 9 months on, and I am still learning how to use it, but there may be a time when I will find it limiting and desire a more versatile camera. We will see, if I was going to upgrade I would go for Canon though, I had a little 2MP Canon, and it was great, and had some nice features for an early digital camera.
  20. Thanks for the tips n' things Bicks :winkold: I will give them a try next time. The stitch program was photostitch from Canon, and TBF the light was really changing. I lightened the foreground with photoshop. I was wondering about the curve, I used a tripod to keep it level, so I was surprised by the amount of curve in the photo.
  21. Took this last night, difficult conditions, very bad light, I was trying to capture some of the drama of the clouds, but I'm not happy about the way it stitched together. Just goes to show how fast light changes!
  22. just not possible, anouncements and all sorts have to be made to the S.E. im not well up on the s.e but can an anouncement be made in the morning :roll: Yes.
  23. I'm getting very bored with this now, as I said in the Dutch thread This IMO, is what the interested parties need to consider, and very quickly!
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