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Everything posted by Wurzel

  1. No expectations from me, just hope and anticipation, emotions I havent felt with Villa for 11 years.
  2. I'm no expert, but if Ellis is very ill, would it not be in the interest of the consortium to wait to see if there are any developments? especially if they feel that Ellis has over priced the club. What is clear is that AVFC are in limbo until the club is sold, we cannot expect anyone to commit money if they intend to sell up.
  3. Why not? This is a forum, an informal chat if you like, where rumours are the order of the day. Please spill the beans, as this story is rapidly becoming the most boring in our history! It needs some gossip to liven it up. PM Ianrobo1 - it's his swoop not mine. As for opnions, I agree - but look at some of the posts in this and other threads which are largely based on subjecture on a situation that we know vwery little about at the moment and based on hatred of the Octegenarian. Agree totally Lee_AV, what you say is right, I find it really sad that I have lost most of my interest in AVFC. I would love the takeover, but dont expect it, so I do have a "such is life" attitude. I enjoy it when we win, and dislike it when we lose, but I am no longer in seventh heaven when we win, and kicking the cat when we lose. I'm resigned to mediocrity until Ellis dies, which due to the lifespan of humans cannot be that long.
  4. Lee_AV wrote: Why not? This is a forum, an informal chat if you like, where rumours are the order of the day. Please spill the beans, as this story is rapidly becoming the most boring in our history! It needs some gossip to liven it up.
  5. I would love to, but there is no option to in the villatalk forum, boo hoo :cry: :cry: :winkold:
  6. Thanks mods, it will be an interesting poll to guage how people are feeling.
  7. Sorry Ahamaad but I deliberately want a simple yes or no as to not repeat what is being said in other threads, so I take it you are a no.
  8. OK, simple question to gauge the mood of us fans, despite a possible takeover, should DOL be removed as manager of Aston Villa FC? Simple yes or no. NB. if a mod would like to add a proper poll it would be nice. (Mod - add your own polls in future ) My answer, yes, DOL should be removed.
  9. Why change? No need to, your mod powers are the same regardless of what you call yourself! :winkold:
  10. IMO this just isnt true, I believe if they play to their best then 12th is the best they could achieve.
  11. Wurzel


    Young enough to do it, and old enough to know its wrong, Cheeky monkey
  12. Sorry Drat I dont understand, I think we are saying the same thing.
  13. I think they all need to grow up. Bowler hats, sashes, wanting to march through a different area just to rub the oppositions noses in it, if it were your children that were acting this way, they would get a smack and told not to be so silly.
  14. Do Da, Do Da, Where have all the aussies gone? Oh do da day!!
  15. FFS did you see that advert with Warne and Goochy in it, Im stunned!! :shock:
  16. I bored of kicking the Aussies arse, when are we going to play a decent cricket team? :winkold:
  17. England 50 up, no wicket. Where have all the Aussies gone???? :winkold:
  18. If you are going to put JG forward as manager why not Barry Fry? :winkold: Seriously, I couldnt give a toss about international football. The press go over the top on it, and all people do is slag the manager off, and go on about the good old days of Terry "spiv" Venables. It is so dull, I would rather concentrate on supporting the Villa, than watching international cup competitions where we think England should win it, but in reality the chances are very slim.
  19. Yes, if you like, boring, mainstream, run of the mill animation! Simpsons and Family Guy are good, but King of the Hill is classic :winkold:
  20. Erm I think you will find that King of the Hill is the best!
  21. I will not be "happy" until ownership of the club is removed from Ellis and his supporters, simple. I am probably in a small minority in my thinking, but there is nothing Ellis could do, IMO, to gain my respect or trust (not that he gives a toss, or that my respect or trust counts for anything). IMO Villa needs a rebirth, a new start, to creat the right conditions for going forward.
  22. This is exactly why network administration is a black art, and something that I intend to stay well away from! Give me home users, with simple needs, such as anti-virus software, firewalls, and anti spyware software. Simple easy to configure, and use. I will leave the networking to the experts!
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