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Everything posted by Wurzel

  1. Risso set about mobilising the troops. Mrs Wurzel denied that Wurzels new hobby was getting on her nerves.
  2. A big lizard did it.
  3. I thought you were was going to say that one was a "left footer", but there you go
  4. Expect that yellow card very soon Demitri_C!!!!
  5. ChrisVillan had a lot of explaining why he had taken this week off?
  6. Sorry, has something happened?
  7. No no youve done it wrong kitey, it should be: Kitey told the VT posters for the last time she was a girl
  8. ChrisVillan left cunning clues as to his wherabouts.
  9. The fairies agreed with Roy Aitken, that Villa were more likely to score again.
  10. The minister for Agriculture said that there was nothing to fear from bird flu.
  11. Villatalk got invaded as Mrs Brown's infants class at Small heath junior school, got out of hand.
  12. You bunch of freaks! its obviously wedges as cheese is made out of mouldy milk.
  13. An unnamed VT poster could not hide their delight, when they noticed Laughing_Gravity was the last contributor to the Off Topic section
  14. The worlds media started to take notice of the VT off topic messageboard.
  15. Agreed. I don't think it's on to blame fans for the team's poor results. Amen to that! 100% fact Richard. If the team puts in a performance the VP crowd will show their appreciation.
  16. Laughing_Gravity could no longer hide his identity on VT anymore.
  17. Demitri_C couldnt understand why posting his picture on VT had caused such a stir.
  18. Laughing_gravity protected his children from the "gay waves" in the air.
  19. Rantin Rob hoped his new glasses would improve his whole internet experience.
  20. Patrickcousens started to regret taking up laughing_gravitys offer to meet in the ring.
  21. Its a well known fact that a car park attendant has a seat on the board, and is present during all takeover negotiations! :winkold:
  22. No, and IMO if the Comers take over they will probably want to bring in their own man.
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