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Everything posted by Wurzel

  1. I have so many quests that cannot be finished because of glitches, I've stopped playing until they release an update. Good news for me is I've discovered Fallout 3.
  2. The problem is that you need to find someone who is prepared to buy, and prepared to put the money in. Football clubs used to be sought after, now they are not. I agree, it may be difficult, but to just make do, is a dangerous tactic. Mr Lerner has a responsibility to the fans to safeguard Aston Villa. Yes that includes trying to make Villa financially stable, but also to maintain our Premiership status. Something that could be in doubt come May. Keeping on employing poor managers, then trying to prop them up in the expensive Jan transfer market, ultimately only to sack them and have to pay them huge settlements, is no way to run a club. I agree entirely. Mr Lerner has made a lot of mistakes throughout his tenure, but he has also done a lot of good things. He was deeply misguided in persuading O'Neill to stay, when it would have been much better for the club to let him go. That cost us a year. His appointment of Houllier was disastrous, and his appointment of McLeish completely bizarre. If McLeish fails (depending upon what the judgement of failure is), then the club has lost 3 years on the playing side, which is way too long. If McLeish then goes, we are looking at a 4th year of 'transition'. Not good. Certainly constructive criticism of him is warranted, but the consistent and repetitive abuse by some is certainly not. I agree, I find the over the top praise and abuse equally annoying.
  3. Grateful? Why? He hasn't bought Villa because he felt sorry for us. He is a business man, he wants it to be profitable (something we all should want). Lerner should be grateful he has fans who are putting up with his inept stewardship of the club so far. Fans should not be grateful, Villa existed long before Lerner came along, and will exist long after he has gone. Why the hell should hard working fans who spend an enormous percentage of their income supporting the club be grateful to a multi-millionaire. Lerner is privileged to own Villa.
  4. The day he leaves the club is going to be a day of great celebration.
  5. The problem is that you need to find someone who is prepared to buy, and prepared to put the money in. Football clubs used to be sought after, now they are not. I agree, it may be difficult, but to just make do, is a dangerous tactic. Mr Lerner has a responsibility to the fans to safeguard Aston Villa. Yes that includes trying to make Villa financially stable, but also to maintain our Premiership status. Something that could be in doubt come May. Keeping on employing poor managers, then trying to prop them up in the expensive Jan transfer market, ultimately only to sack them and have to pay them huge settlements, is no way to run a club.
  6. What income has come in in that time Blandy?
  7. Exactly the attitude that kept Ellis in power for 20 years. Why bother looking your never going to find better. As for the money he has put in, he bought a Premier League club, they are expensive, he knew that when he took over. They are expensive just to stay in the division, let alone compete. If he is not prepared to continue to put money into the club then he needs to sell up.
  8. Absolutely I can 100%. For gods sake I don't care who is the manager or where he has come from as long as we see the side going forward. The bloke hasn't a clue what he is doing.
  9. I just beat him as well, his mask is cool. I'm level 24, and getting a tough SOB. Discarded my armour in favour of the arch mages robes.
  10. I just shout at them and they turn into pussy cats.
  11. The Hunter was great. And I'm probably the biggest Opeth fanboy out there, but I thought Heritage was good and maybe like top 20 at best. Yes the Opeth album has split their fan base that's for sure. I'm not a massive fan of theirs, so was delighted with the progy elements, and the fact there were no cookie monster vocals. I love it. I bought it at the same time as the Mastodon album and TBH I didn't play Mastodon for a week or so because it was overshadowed by Opeth for me.
  12. Favourites for me so far are, in no particular order; Opeth -Heritage Mastodon- The Hunter John Waite- Rough & Tumble Von Hertzen Brothers- Stars Aligned Whitesnake- Forevermore.
  13. Had my first session of wasted time. A couple of missions have bugs in them and won't let me finish them, and then I made the mistake of joining the Dark Brotherhood, which all got a bit hectic when guards and dragons attacked me at the same time. Fortunately I had a save not too far back, but I wasted much of 2 hours. Word of advice, save your progress often, and save at least two versions of your game.
  14. LOL, I know how you feel, I spent much of yesterday trying to get my Misc quests list down, only to end up with more than I started. On top of that the miserable bastard in Riften will not appraise my gem for some reason. I end up deliberately not talking to anyone to try and clear a few. It is great fun, I hope it doesn't get too easy as I level up. I'm level 15, and still feel like I'm just starting it.
  15. Yeah , I have been storing stuff, but I have no idea where! Saving like mad for a house. Nearly there.
  16. Amazing game, I like the way that your not constantly dying to begin with. My flames spell seems to despatch most things. Still a bit confused by the levelling up bit, but it does not spoil the enjoyment.
  17. This thread is very revealing!!
  18. LOL, I have been sidetracked so much I no longer know which is the main storyline anymore. Just become a member of the Companions. Was up late last night just to finish the test for that. Very, Very enjoyable. Why I don't know but it is.
  19. Well, it has worked fine all day now. How strange.
  20. Looks like it is a common problem with all versions of the game but especially PC & PS3. I suppose I will have to wait for the developer to send out a patch. I have e-mailed them my problems, so lets see what they do.
  21. I talked too soon, still having terrible trouble.
  22. Just had to reinstall it, it seems OK now. Just in case anyone else has the same trouble.
  23. Now getting an error code, 80030001 and my saves have all gone off PS plus. Looks like I will have to uninstall it and try again. Maybe save locally on the PS3
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