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Everything posted by OutByEaster?

  1. Best move of the game for us - just nicked away from McCormack.
  2. If we can get in at half time one down, we could still have a say in this.
  3. Grealish now fouled five times in the opening half hour - only one booking so far.
  4. Caught out again trying to pass the ball. We're dreadful at it.
  5. Westwood shot over the bar. The Cardiff tactics seems to be to keep tight on Grealish and Adomah and force us to try to beat them with Gardner, Westwood and Bacuna.
  6. First booking of the day for a foul on Jack Grealish. I'm going for there being four of those.
  7. Corner to them. I don't like. No Sir, I don't like it one bit.
  8. Baker up front second half? We've got so few options that actually change anything.
  9. McCormack looks isolated according to the radio. There's a surprise!
  10. We need to get the ball down and pass it - the problem is we have e very little passing ability.
  11. Ralls the scorer apparently. Should never have been a fk in the first place - Bunn has then caught the free kick and carried it behind for the corner and then we're in trouble - Cardiff aren't good, but they're a set piece threat.
  12. Confirmed - he's awful. Gave a dodgy free kick against Amavi. We've ended up getting two corners against us after some ropey keeping and we're a goal down. Arsery.
  13. A corner for them now given as a goal kick. He's either evened it up or he's crap. I suspect we'll be able to confirm which it is in the next ten or fifteen minutes.
  14. Good run by Grealish, definite foul says the radio - referee says no.
  15. Tight start - I think the game might be a bit like that, we're packing the middle and hoping to break I think.
  16. I dunno, it's not from meeting them, more that i think those that make it have a certain nastiness, a certain single mindedness, Shearer, Defoe, Costa, Firmino, Van Persie, Aguero, Ibra, Long, Deeney, Vardy, - they all seem like they'd murder your granny for a goal. Gabby had it coming through, he wanted to shame defenders, he'd chip away at them all game, in their ear games were a fight - it's what's gone from him. It's what stopped Vassell doing justice to his enormous talent, he was shy, he just wanted to play. Thierry Henry said English football was a fight, he celebrated every goal in front of the away fans, he was arrogant and a bully. Delfouneso always looked like he wanted to help a defender up, shake his hand, share a smile; Shearer always looked like he wanted him dead. I'm sure they're all great company off the pitch and I think that's where I'm in the wrong in the way I've described RHM - but in my experience of watching youth football, there are lots of players that have the talent to come through, the ones that really seem to do well though always seem to have an edge.
  17. Something that has occurred to me - if we put Grealish in the middle of everything, played in the number ten spot behind McCormack and try to put a lot through him - we can win this game through the referee, Jack's a card making machine and Warnock teams are low hanging fruit.
  18. Not meant as a criticism of you SGC, but this isn't necessarily a good sign. Delfouneso's problem was that he was too nice; he was big, quick, skillful, but not aggressive enough, not enough nasty. Good top level strikers are very rarely nice people.
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